
Fixing a Story Through Reincarnations

Everyone has always been wondering about what if one or another generic protagonist entered a world where either he or she were granted a power of something specific to grant all of their wishes on whatever they could imagine. But this novel will answer a question, what if the writer of the world that he created through his light novel is where he reincarnated after he dies. With this, the adventure of the writer, or rather Ardentia started.

Rayalticus · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Finding Purpose In the Midst of Chaos

I snapped my eyes open, disoriented from whatever had just transpired after his cryptic remark. Panicking, I glanced to my side to find my sister still peacefully asleep beside me. I heaved a sigh and surveyed our surroundings, revealing a dimly lit, water-dripping, cold, and dark environment – unmistakably a cellar.

Attempting to move, the clashing of metal echoed through the air, immediately drawing my attention. After a moment, I realized my wrists and feet were shackled to my sister's. What in the world is going on? I pondered while inspecting the chains. They were stubbornly tight, resisting any attempts at escape.

Deciding against disturbing my sister's slumber by dragging her across the hard floor, I remained seated beside her, contemplating how we had ended up in this peculiar predicament.

My mind felt foggy, as if something crucial had slipped my memory. "What did I miss?" I mused aloud.

Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing a man carrying a candle in one hand and a quill with a scroll in the other. His orange blazing hair was tidily arranged to one side. His dark red and brown eyes lights up with ambition.

Seating himself in front of us with a wicked grin, he leaned back comfortably, crossing his legs.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, looking at us with a feigned concern. "Good morning, children, or for the moment, just you, I have an offer for you to consider."

Without a respond, I just sat there, still trying to understand my condition and wondering about who the hell is even this guy.

"Good morning?" he repeated, this time with a hint more concern, waving his hand just approximately 10 centimeters from my face to get my attention. "Can you see me right now"

Reflexively, I shifted my gaze to his hand. Not with a smile, or anything, just neutral gaze. "Who are you, mister?" I asked, as I tilted my head to the side.

"Ah, I forgot to reintroduce myself, my name is Cedric, Cedric van Infernia"

At the sound of that name, a rush of memories flooded my mind, and my face contorted from neutrality to pure rage. The events leading to our abduction resurfaced, piece by painful piece.

"Release us!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the room.

"Release us before I burned this room to the ground!" 

"Try it" He grinned, staring down at us with a condescending look. "I dare you to try, little prince"

With hatred now consumes me. In my heart, I chanted the spell that allows me to use the spell 'Fire Wall' only to discover that not a single spark of flames even appeared from my hands. Bewildered, I turned to him, fear and confusion etched across my face as he chuckled softly.

"Oh please, am I such an idiot that I didn't know in advance that nobles, even children like you probably has some kind of magic?" He jeered, as he was holding on to my chin, getting his face closer and closer to mine. 

"Oh, please. Do you think I'm such an idiot not to know that nobles, even children like you, probably have some kind of magic?" he jeered with laughters now consuming him as he grips upon my chin and bringing his face closer to mine.

Realizing that the flames were about to engulf my face if I didn't act soon, I urgently scrambled for any information that could be relevant to the situation. Did I have any prior connection with this man? Was he someone I had written about during my days as a writer? Something? Anything at all?

In the midst of this tense moment, a spark reignited inside my brain. Could he be...? Knowing that rechecking back the information that I currently have in my brain could waste both my time and energy, considering that I clearly lacked in this very moment, I chose to just spew everything out and hope that it was accurate.

"You were once the minister of security, responsible for keeping thieves and raiders in check. However, since the new king assumed control, you were unfairly demoted to the rank of baron, and your resentment towards him has grown even though your deed has been recognized by all the lords and barons throughout the country side."

He then halted, his face turned stern as he extinguished his fire magic. "You know, I appreciate the compliment you just gave me but what convince me to not kill both you and your sister, right now?"

"You yourself acknowledged that we have the potential to change the kingdom," I shot back.

"What if I merely said that to gain both of your trust? It's plausible, isn't it?"

Speechless, I sat there, grappling for a response, a retort that couldn't be return.

"There are countless of reasons to explain for why do I kidnapped the both of you. So for the last time I asked you" He put his hand beneath my chin, as I could feel the heat from the fire that he was attempting to conjure once again. "What stopping me from killing both of you if I wanted to"

As I prepared to answer, my sister, Aurel, spoke up.

"I don't think it's wise for you to kidnap and then kill your friend's children, both morally and strategically. Given that the Emberstrand passes down the knowledge and skills of how to rule and govern—still intact from the time when Ealdred the Strategist passed down his skills to his child. You, as our father's friend, likely seek that knowledge. Now, by holding us hostage here, you're trying to extort our knowledge for your own benefit. Is that your strategy, Mr. Cedric? So, if as long as we keep silent about it, we won't be killed, right?"

Taken aback by her statement, he returned to his chair, amazed by her insight before bursting into laughter.

"Impressive, impressive. Your analysis rivals that of your father. Even the youngest Emberstrands possess the renowned analytical skills that set your family apart from other nobles in this kingdom."

My breathing eased as I looked back at my sister, offering a subtle nod in gratitude. Seeing my nod, she smiled and turned to Cedric.

"All I said was only a prediction. To confirm its accuracy or not, Mr. Cedric, I'll let you discover it for yourself." She added.

Cedric's face shifted once more, this time to stern with a hint of a tiny smile, barely noticeable unless one squinted hard enough. "Yes, that's true I sought your knowledge, but I intention was to do it in a more friendlier manner. In short, everything you say is spot on, except for how I plan to execute the little of plan of mine"

"So, where should we start?" I asked, attempting to draw more information from him.

"Let's agree on one thing then children" he answered, raising his index finger to the air. "Do all three of us admit that the new king's administration is causing this kingdom to spiral further into destruction?"

I glanced at my sister, and after a silent exchange, we both nodded.

"Perfect. Then let's make a pact, joining the Infernia and the Emberstrand. For now, we share a common goal: to reform or even overthrow and replace the current king with a new, more competent ruler." He snapped his fingers, immediately freeing us from our chains and shackles before extending his hands to both of us.

"Will you lend both of your knowledge and skills so I can use them for my own selfish work?" 

Reminded that our mission here is for us to fixed the problem that the MC has given us in every single nation that has passed to us, we ecstatically grabbed his hand tight before shaking it, our eyes shining with a renewed hope that we weren't finish yet, we still has something left to complete our mission with..

With a reassuring smile, he led us out of the cellar presenting a quill and a scroll to make our pact official. We then signed our names onto it while he outlined our plans for the months ahead.

"The king will have his birthday in eight to nine months. During that time, I'll present both of you as 'slaves' to the king so you can work on changing the kingdom from the inside. But for now, you'll help me dispatch groups and guilds that keeps raiding, stealing and causing riots throughout all the kingdom's territory"

Surprised by his decision, I then asked first.

"Why are you putting so much trust in us?"

"You know we didn't even do anything memorable, even back when our father still alive" My sister added, her head tilted cutely to the side.

With a sly smile, he then confidently replied, hands on his hips. "I only asked for both of you to help and assist me with my selfish plans. Thus, I don't need to respond to your questions"

After a short and collective 'huh' we then just staring at him, not satisfied by his half hearted answer.

He chuckled at our reaction. "Just call me Cedric; your blood is higher than mine anyway." With that, he turned away before muttering something we couldn't hear but assumed went along these lines:

"My friend, I'm not regretting knowing them through you. I owe you everything I own if I ever came across you, alive."


"Cedric!" My sister shout.

"What is it, Aurellis?" 

"If you wanted to ask for a pact, why did you even go to such lengths to kidnap us or even threaten to kill both of us?" She purposely asked in an innocent and naive tone.

Caught off-guard, for a straight day, he then explained to us why he did what he did, even though our question was meant to test his reaction. As expected, his reaction came out on top in all our predictions.