
fixed with him till death

"My darling Lucia, I know I'm an idiot, inclined to jump to all the wrong conclusions, but that doesn't mean I'm fool enough to think I can manage without you. I mean it when I say that I love you, Lucia, and there's no use my fighting it, cause it's a war I can't win and I don't like to lose. Sorry for hurting you, for ever having doubted you, or my feelings for you. I probably don't deserve your love or your forgiveness... " Manuel declared internal love to the beautiful lovely Lucia, but yet made love to his best friend Sarah the next that followed. Little did Manuel know that Lucia was going to wander up dead in the next few days. Why and who murdered the beautiful innocent Lucia. Pick up this one and follow along has Manuel and Lucia's love, mysterious and tragic story unfolds.

Susan_Phiri · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

22.~ Manuel imprisoned

As they drove down to headquarters, Manuel was in a state of indescribable metal anguish. He felt torn apart, as instinctive disbelief warred with the bleak, unanswerable facts.

He'd stake his life on Sarah's innocence but the evidence was overwhelming and he couldn't disgard it.

The monstrous callousness was almost beyond belief. But that, he could no longer doubt, was what Sarah had been - a calculating little monster, with a lovely face and black poison in her veins.

The plot, from first to last, had been diabolically evil. It would give him nightmares for years to come.

Since no family or friends showed up for Sarah's funeral, she was just cremated and her ashes scattered.

They found a bottle of poison in Sarah's room which proved her guilty of Lucia's death and Manuel was released from jail.

Well that's all to it.

Manuel keep thinking about Lucia. 'I'm sure she loved me.' he thought to him self. 'well it's too late now.' he thought. He kept seeing her in his dreams. She's laughing at him and telling him how much she's fixed with him till death. It was really getting on his nerves.

But now it was too late to do anything Lucia is already dead, he allowed other people to influence him, and listened to there lies instead of making his own decisions, and finding out the truth or even asking Lucia about it and because of just believing everything that Sarah was saying he ended up losing his only true love, Lucia.

And that remained haunting him for the rest of his life...

*********THE END*********