
Five Villain Daddies Are Fighting To Spoil Me

Ye Sang’s five daddies were all villains wicked beyond redemption who were doing bad things in the world. Eventually, they were all killed by the male lead! And so, she had to hug onto their thighs tightly to prevent them from courting disasters and instead rise to the peak of their lives. …… Number one, the biggest influence in the business industry: “The weather’s getting cold, it is time for the Duan family to be bankrupt.” Number two, the smartest villain: “Imma teach that Duan guy a lesson today.” Number three, a genius in the medical field: “I’ve reincarnated and I will make him pay.” Number four, the god of Esports, and number five, the god of acting: “Today, only one shall fall and one shall stand.” Their little ball silently hugged one of their thighs. Daddy, Sangsang hungry~ All the villains who were on their way to take revenge immediately thought, ... screw that, I’m busy spending time with my daughter! And then, the entire City A found out that these five vicious and merciless villains weren’t scared of anything but their daughter crying. Everyone who saw this thought, ...wait, why does this scene look so strange? Why are all these great villains busy raising their daughter? …… All these villains who could cover the sky with their hands never thought that the cute daughter they raised could be stolen by the Duan family’s little wolf!!! Duan Jinyan hugged the girl tightly in his arms, “Why are you running? Sangsang, call me brother and my everything will belong to you.”

Meeting Jinzhao For The First Time · Thành thị
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620 Chs

Ye Niannian

Dịch giả: Exodus Tales Biên tập viên: Exodus Tales

At this time, there was no one around them, so Duan Jinyan didn't bother to play pretend in front of her. The young boy's long lashes fluttered and his breathtaking appearance was enchanting. 

He leaned down and smiled at the culprit, "Go comfort him." 

"If others see him crying, I think you'll know what the consequences are without even needing to think." 

He sounded like he was negotiating with her, but he was in fact threatening her coldly. 

The little thing's reflex was slow as she said drew out her "okaaay", knowing that the cheap male lead sounded unhappy and wanted to throw her aside. 

Little Ye Sang pursed her lips in grievance and had no choice but to approach Ye Niannian. 

She squatted down and crispy said, "Don't cry." 

She took out a lollipop from her little strawberry bag, passing it to him while mumbling, "Do you want it? If not, then I'm eating it." 

She originally had two; she was keeping one for her brodda. 

If she gives one out, she would only have one left. 

Ye Niannian's crying stopped and stared at the lollipop in her hand quietly with teary eyes. He sobbed in confusion, "Wh-what's this?" 

Ye Sang said, "Candy." 

Her cheap Daddy was too stingy. 

He only gives her three candies every week. 

Now that she had to give one away, Ye Sang felt like her heart was bleeding. 

Ye Niannian lived for so long but had never seen candy before. The Ye family was a family with a literary reputation and they were extremely tight with his manners. Despite the fact that his personality didn't exactly turn out to be like a fine gentleman in a chaotic world like his parents expected, they were still strict on discipline. 

For the entire five years he's lived, he never even touched sweets once. 

It was obvious how difficult this young master's life was. 

The little thing's glance towards him immediately became pitiful. She lowered her furry little head and asked slowly, "Haven't you had candy before?" 

Ye Niannian, who was perfectly comforted, shook his head. A sweet milky flavor entered his mouth and he felt like he was going to faint from happiness. 


So this is what candy tasted like. 

The small boy wiped the tears away and asked her, touched, "My name is Ye Niannian, what's your name?" 

He had decided. 

This person will be his little girl. 

No one can bully her!! 

The small boy tightened his fist and looked extremely ambitious and aspired. 


When Duan Jinyan's eyes lightly floated onto him, Ye Niannian's "undaunted" body froze. 

Then, the little thing replied, "Ye Sang" in her soft sticky voice, Ye Niannian immediately straightened his back again. 

Mhm, that's right!! Not even Duan Jinyan! 

Although he wasn't as smart as Duan Jinyan, he could play some tricks on him. 

Everyone knew that Shen Chuchen was a heartless man and that he never treated Duan Jinyan like a human. His subordinates could curse and beat Duan Jinyan, and if he wasn't careful, he might even get whipped. 

He was poorer than a lower-class servant of a feudalistic society. 

Although Ye Niannian pitied Duan Jinyan, it wasn't impossible for him to save Duan Jinyan because of this tiny sense of pity. 

It's a blessing already if Ye Niannian didn't try to add oil to the fire. 

Saving him?

What a joke!

"Oh oh oh, your name is Ye Sang!" Ye Niannian suddenly realized something after he calmed down, "You share the same last name as me, then as your Brother Ye, I will take care of you in the future, how about that?" 

The puppy stared. "....." That's kinda unnecessary. 

The little thing tilted her face up, "What's a big brodda?" 

Ye Niannian frowned as he heard her inaccurate pronunciation. As he was born into a literary focused family, he couldn't help but correct her seriously, "It's not a big brodda, it's big brother." 

Ye Sang repeated softly, "It's not a big brodda, it's brodda." 

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