
Five Elements

Vishu_Hans · Võ hiệp
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

Terrorists close all the students and divide them into 2 parts, half in one big room and half in one big room.

Everyone is scared, many girls are crying, then there comes the leader of the terrorist, his name was Rehman, but all his men used to call him Master Rehman or Master.

He comes and fires three bullets in the air and speaks to silence everyone. Both Anu and Aghar are sitting nearby.

When they are stuck in one place for a long time, Anu says, I will have to get out of the back window somehow. Aghar says I also want to leave but not without all of you.

Anu says don't worry about us, you go out from where else to give a dim beige for us, you hang on the tree outside the window, I will give her mercy.

In the evening, they are given food and they are asked to sleep.

At night, Anu sees that there is only one guard left out of the three.

Anu says where she is right where she is pretending to be unconscious, then Aghar says she needs her medicine, she is in her bag, give it to her. When he jumps, the terrorist's day goes towards the window with the sound of a jump, but before seeing Aghar, Anu attacks him on the head with an iron bar.

terroist does not like anything at all, he gets very angry and slaps Anu's force and is taking Anu by the hair and is taking her somewhere else Aghar is watching everything, he sees Anu's condition.

Tax makes his voice. The terrorist leaves Anu and goes towards the window.

Then Aghar hides behind the shadows of the tree, the terroristl cannot see him but he gets suspicious and he bombs the window.

He tells everyone to be careful and warns that If anyone makes an effort to escape, his rags will be blown away by the explosion. Then where does he go with Anu, no one knows anything.