
Five Elements

Vishu_Hans · Võ hiệp
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21 Chs

Chapter 16

After showing the temple to everyone by the protector, the protector takes them through a cave under Anand Parbat to a big ground where he arranges for their training and sleeping.

The very next day protector starts their training, first of all protector tells everyone to use their powers.

At first Lily vanishes with her power and then by placing her hand on a rock she easily changes the shape of the rock.

Then Ekansh with his power blows the rocks in the air and shatters them and controls Lily's mind and makes her do whatever he wants.

Now it was Junifer's turn that Junifer creates red lightning with its power, transforms lightning into different animals and breaks a wall, then she opens a portal behind Aghar with the same lightning.

At last I call the protector Aghar and ask him to show his power, after a lot of effort Aghar takes out a little fire from his hands.

Aghar says earlier I was using my power easily but why now Can't do it.

The protectorsay that earlier you were not using your powers, they were coming out of your anger on their own, and this is very dangerous for your close ones.

The locket itself was protecting you because you were in danger, but from now on it won't act on its own.

The protector say believe in yourself and try again, but still Aghar can't do much.

The protector say that it is enough for today, rest of the training will be done tomorrow.

The next day the keeper tells Junifer that what did you come to earth from.

Junifer says that in my space ship, the protector say if I say that you can travel even without the space ship.

Junifer says but in space we cannot survive even for a moment without air or space suit.

The protector says that by using your power, convert your inner power into an energy, by which a shield will be made on your body, by this you can avoid pressure, but you need an energy source to breathe.