

'No I'm not one of them- I am not a fish... Well... not before' Mermaids & Aliens- are narrative & third person view that literature that explains the life of an author between finding out the word 'Mermaid' and 'Aliens'.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


I am so tired that I wasn't able to wake up for so long and was not able to feel the soft and warm cloth on. And the last thing I know, was that I was laying on a sandy spot and fell asleep.

[Austin's pov:]

I woke up after three hours, eyeing the maiden sleeping with my jacket as a blanket. 'Why did she not go back to sleep under the water?' I thought. It's not like they can't sleep not wet, but I assume they love sleeping with a water.

'She's also very strange' I quickly started gathering woods because I can't use the burned sticks.

When I go back, I noticed the familiar silhouette in front of me in a shade disappear. "Where did she go?!" Did she left me already?!

"*Splash!*" The sound of water splashing caught my attention as I quickly turn my head in hoping to see the mermaid.

Shaun pops out from a distance and waves at me with her beautiful arm. 'Thank god!' Sighing in relief, I also wave my hand to her indicating that I saw her. She soon came swimming towards me.

I also noticed last night about her fingers... There were not that sharp... No. I think they were sharp... but she didn't even sharpen her nails when she was scared of me last night. Was she that unbothered? or even sharpening her nail is unknown to her?...



There were four fishes on the sandy ground... "Oh... Thank you..."

Time skip, and I was able to cook the four fishes with her not too far from where I sit. 'This is the first time a mermaid give me a fish... and doesn't even seem to dislike me...' I gave her two of the fishes and she silently accept them.

"Thank you" she said. Her voice is really soft, clear and soothing. They were so beautiful that when I first heard her spoke last night, I was shock. Thankfully she didn't noticed my dazed face.

She also spoke with a clumsy 'Thank you' in my language. This brought a smile to my face.

[Shaun's pov:]


All because I trusted my heart.


"Huh?" Oh! It's Odin!

The time that I decided to confront Austin last night, Odin also bid his goodbye for awhile hoping to find his family. But the pod of orcas were not found immediately and he soon came back.

Odin was sadden, and came back with with the hope that the friend of his can comfort him and she did.

I patted his shiny head and noticed Austin's figure coming close.

Austin on the other hand seems shock to see Odin but eventually calms down. "Your friend?" I nodded in response. "friend" I said smiling. Austin smiles too and we soon talked.

So Austin wanted our help to get out from this place and I agreed. We can't stay here forever, and I know that the man wanted to go back to where ever he came from. I can't also help Odin find his family if we stay here, so we planned to gather up some wood to make a raft and gather some edible fruits for everyone.

I noticed this at first that he seems very wary to me, but I understand him. Since I do have the same problem as him. He started to gather up some woods and thank god, this island does not have any other creatures but only minor insects.

I also began to swim very fast which I can be proud off! MUAHHAHAAHA- *choke!* "Shaun?" I apologized hehe.

Besides swimming, I also started to practice using my sharp nails which lengths 4 and a half inches!


To be honest... it was Austin who told me about my nails and I was very shock that I forgot to masked my shock face! I bet Austin thinks of me as a weird mermaid!!!


"*WHISTLE!*" Oh!!! That must be Austin!

We planned to call each other by the sound of a whistle (I taught him, much to his surprise) because surprisingly, no one knew how to... I hope my weird behavior really wont give a negative effect to our relationship...


"Austin!" And it's the second day after we agreed to leave this place. Now, we are ready to depart!

Currently, Austin is now floating in a raft with woods and fresh fruits and even coconuts! (I was happy to find coconut fruits and drink them!)

Odin and I swim close to him and sometimes, pushing the raft forward when the waves gets bigger. We soon stop in a calm part of the ocean.

I have surprisingly good skin and the cold didn't bother me much (except when it's hot and heat! I can quickly dehydrate when I don't drink water or washes my tail in a cold water quickly) this doesn't goes the same for Austin and we needed to stop for hours for him to eat, and sleep.

Me and Odin also rested in our free time.




"Austin" I called the guy. We are currently in a middle of the sea. I refused to travel on the open ocean where currents are more rough and the temperature is so low that it can be mistaken for an Antarctic Ocean!

He said that it was fine, but I didn't agreed.


My soothing and soft voice seem to only keep him from waking up. Dammit it!

I loudly push myself off from the water surface and sat on the raft. 'How can this guy sleep so comfortably in the middle of nowhere?!' I angrily thought.

I push myself towards him until our faces are very close... 'He wouldn't notice right?...'

God! this man is gorgeous!!!

I bet his parents are beauties as well!!!

'... On the other hand. I am still confuse on how he was able to grow these horns and tail so fast... and I wasn't able to ask him this because of how I barely understand him'

"Are you only going to keep on staring at me the whole time?" he asked opening his crimson eyes...


"Sorry" He sat up from his sleeping position. A stern 'hard' position. He suddenly did something unexpected.

*Flick* "OUCHHH!!!"

Austin silently eye the mermaid in front of him who is currently crying in pain.

Austin the whole time was actually very awake. But with a good acting skills, he was able to tricked the oblivious woman. "Don't go sneaking close to a man when you're very well single. It will lead to misunderstanding as well as death"