

Their blood mixed with the ground.

Just like Francine, the snake fell to the ground right next to her.

I mustered up the courage to step out on my feeble feet. My knees were shaking because of what I witnessed.

"F-Francine." I stammered her name.

I slowly walked closer to Francine's place. I was very careful not to force my foot too much. I almost gave up.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I sobbed, approaching Francine's lifeless body.

When I reached his place, I immediately knelt down and started to cry.

Lily tapped my shoulder.

Like me, tears were already flowing from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks.

I even tried to mention Francine's name a few times.

I hope he is still alive and will answer me again.

Lily chose to stay behind me.

We were in such a situation when we heard a shrill shout.

The voice of its owner is small.

"Macey!" Lily and I spoke at the same time.

I struggled to stand up and was forced to step in the direction where the scream was coming from.

While running towards where we could hear Macey's voice, a wild boar's reappeared behind us.

I picked up a few rocks and branches again. We threw it until it was completely hit.

When it fell to the ground, I immediately approached to thrust the branch I had cut into its body. Its blood splattered on my face.

I don't know what's gotten into me. But one thing's for sure, I've never been this harsh to animals before.

I tried to keep my balance. I held Macey's hand tightly as I ran.

From time to time, I turn my back to make sure no wild animal can approach the two of us.

I'm very tired.

As I tried to pull Macey so we could move faster, some scenes before we even got here came back to my memory.

A few days before, I almost fell down the stairs in my art gallery. The crashes I heard on the third floor of the building were the few noises that made my hair stand on end.

I can still feel the eerie feeling.

I got the strange feeling as if someone was following me wherever I went.

The feeling as if I was being watched from afar

The scene in the parking lot is where I would have almost screamed if I hadn't recognized my older brother right away. I felt very nervous. I knew I was not mistaken; someone was watching me and watching my every move closely.

A few times, I felt like I had someone with me in my office even though I was the only one there.

It felt weird.

I shudder every time I remember that.

The man I saw and caught up with in the elevator.

That weird guy.

To this day, I am still curious about who he is.

Is he our employee? Or a spy from another company.

His weirdness intrigued me big time.

If he wasn't a weirdo, the weather was so hot that he was actually wearing a mask.

Even in the scene where I was nervous about running away from anyone, I don't even know why I was so scared of those times.

There were really no people in the hallway. But I feel like I was being chased by someone. I just can't clearly remember the exact feeling.

And that road accident?