

In the distance, we saw Francine, who, like us, was also running to escape the few wild animals that were chasing her.

I saw the look Camilla was throwing at me.

He hugged me.

We seemed to understand each other even without a word coming out of our mouths.

Francine is currently being chased by a large white snake. There was another boar running around following the snake. I can see Francine's scars from here.

I turned my gaze to his palm, which had been bleeding for some time.

He was injured earlier because he was holding a bag without noticing that there were thorns around it. It was covered with a cloth that I think he tore from his clothes.

I was about to call his attention when a small boar suddenly jumped from our left side.

"Seriously? Aren't you running out of ugly boars?" Camilla exaggerated.

My hands trembled as I picked up a long tree branch to one side.

"Shit!" Camilla cursed.

Even though I wasn't able to beat the wild boar with the branch I was holding, it immediately bowed to Camilla and me.

I was just exhausted in my mind.

I avoided the wild boars attack.

But I got scars on my elbows and knees because I fell to the ground.

I grunted when I felt the pain caused by the impact.

"Lily!" Camilla shouted at me.

"I'm fine!" I shouted back.

I got up immediately before the boar started again.

I picked up the branch of the tree again and quickly cut it so that the end would be sharp. Camilla, on the other hand, picked up the rocks even though she was already moving.

Now I just noticed that we're both injured.

We're both wounded.

Yet, we're still trying hard to fight these possessed animals despite our struggle.

I moaned when I felt pain in my senses and ears.

I kicked that part only to find out that my left ear was bleeding.

I could also feel the throbbing pain in my nape and a slight sting in my shoulder.

I almost sat on the ground because of the pain. It was like my body was being hit by a hard wood, especially my nape.

"Lily! What happened?" Camilla asked loudly when she noticed my fall.

He is currently stoning the boar.

I'm fine.

"Just dizzy," I said, using a faint voice.

I just endured the pain.

As if I have another choice than to endure?

A few cheap things I said in my mind while kneeling on the ground.

I didn't realize that Camilla had hit the wild boar and was now lying on the ground.

The wild boar let out a loud growl.

At the same time, my eyes were gradually blurring my eyes weighed down.

The last thing I heard was Camilla calling me.

"Lily! Oh my gosh!"


"Hey, Lily!" I shouted at her.

After I hit the wild boar in its eye, I immediately turned to Lily. He had just lost his balance when I looked back.

"Lily! Oh my gosh! Lily, wake up!" I called him one after another.

Stunned, I approached him and shook his shoulder slightly, wondering if he would wake up.

I did that several times until he woke up. He opened his eyes immediately, but the weakness was obvious then.

"We need to hurry." Maybe there are other respectful wild animals as well." I said.

"Hmm." He only spoke.