

Camilla picked up a branch and threw it at me. I caught it without difficulty and immediately struck the snake.

Its blood dripped from its tail when I was wounded with the sharp end of a branch.

But it kept crawling, which made me even more nervous. Moments later, the snake suddenly fell like a flying stone from nowhere.

It was only then that I noticed Camilla holding some small rocks.

"Sorry!" she said.

My forehead furrowed. "Thank you!"

Only then did I realize what his apology was for.

I felt pain in my thigh.

I think the rock hit there, the snake just hit it so it fell from my foot.

Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, Lily! Let's go, there are others!" Camilla shouted at me again while apologizing.

"It's okay," I said.

As we run, I'm trying to ignore the pain. Add more to the pain of the burdens I incurred when Miss Aya and I fell down the stairs.

I try to speed up the pace even though I'm already stomping.

So did Camilla, with a few more scratches on her arms and legs.

But despite the pain, I picked up another batch of stones and threw them at the wall without looking back.

I just heard the loud howl of the dog that seemed to hurt. To my great chagrin, I picked up a few branches to throw in the direction of those who were chasing us.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! We killed the snake and the dog." Camilla screamed.

"But the wild boar's still alive. Let's go!" I said.

Every time I find it, I throw it at the wild boar, who is chasing us now.

Unfortunately, Camilla and I couldn't hit it.

Tired, we just ran again. In the distance, we saw Francine running towards us. When I looked back at Camilla, she was already looking at me.

I suddenly think, are we right to break up? What if one of us could? How would we know what's happening to each of us?

While Aya, Camilla, Francine, Lily, and the young Macey are struggling, there is a commotion at the resort.

Just the other day, a young man named Moriel was found dead.

Its death was disgusting. His chest heaved and he bathed in his own blood. There is not even a single witness who committed the crime. The CCTV camera did not cover that part either, so it was difficult for the police to pinpoint who was behind what happened.

Until now, there was still no lead.

What's even harder is that there aren't any traces left at the crime scene.

There's no DNA of someone.

No murder weapon was left.


There's nothing.

Except from the victim's body. It was the only one there and no more life. Add to that the sudden disappearance of some resort guests.

Recently, when room service knocked on the rooms of Dayanara Avelino, Chren Adin Vounray, Abigale Reario, and Francine Hariet Sy, who were in the same room, and Camilla Sario and Lily Senn Rodriguez, who were also in the same room, they were not there. At first, the staff did not immediately pay attention to their disappearance because they thought they were just touring the resort.