


"Pick up everything you see that we can use as a weapon! A tree branch, a stone, whatever it is, as long as we can fight at least something." Lily shouted at me.

I nodded and just looked for anything scattered on the floor.

I looked at my back.

Only to find out that there were about ten animals chasing the two of us.

Some small snakes, four boars, and a big black dog, along with another

I was devastated in my mind when I almost tripped on a branch of a tree crawling on the ground.

"Oh my!" I heard Lily whisper.

I didn't bother looking at her to ask what happened. Instead, I threw the one stone I was holding.

A small snake was struck and immediately jumped to the ground.

Its comrades had just momentarily stopped crawling and surrounded their now bleeding companion. Moments later, it chased after us again, seemingly getting more and more furious.

His eyes, which had been blinking red lately, became brighter, a sign that I was really angry with him when I killed their companion.

We're outnumbered.

To sum up, there are a lot of people chasing us compared to others.

I grunted.

This is unfair.

Camilla, faster! They might catch up with you. Please, I don't want to witness another one of us dying right in front of my eyes!" Lily scolded me.

"No one's going to die again, Lily! Don't say that!" I shouted at her.

I caught her shedding tears.

"Just make sure you guys will be fine," he stammered, almost whispering at the extreme weakness of the sentence.

"We will be." I answered.


I brushed away all the thoughts running through my worried mind.

I slowly dried my tears with the back of my palm. I also tried to calm down to think of a way we could fight the animals that were chasing us.

I turned to Camilla. She picks up rocks, branches, and whatever else can be used as a shield.

That is also what I did.

Every stone that passes by, I immediately stop for a moment to pick up and throw hard. The branches I pick up I immediately cut to make them sharp.

I was so grateful when I hit a wild boar with a branch. The tip sank into the boar's eye and killed it immediately.

When some of its snake companions stopped, I took advantage of it to throw another branch.

The big dog was the one who was hit. But unlike the wild boar, it seems to hurt only temporarily.

The dog grunted.

"Oh, no!" Camilla shouted.

I just threw a three-sized rock I was holding in the direction of the snakes before running again.

When I turned around, I realized the number of snakes had decreased.

It's just Lisa now. Camilla seems to have hit one as well. This bigger one is all that's left.

Never mind the wild boar, a snake and the big dog are just chasing us now, which makes me a little relieved.

But Camilla and I weren't even far away when I didn't notice a small red snake at my feet.

"Ahh!" It's too late because it's already crawling on my feet.

"Camilla!" I shouted.

Fortunately, I was wearing cargo pants that were tucked into my boots.

It didn't bite me right away.

"What the hell?" Camilla also cried in shock when she saw the snake now crawling on my feet, up to my thighs.

In a panic, I stomp.
