


I could feel how fast my heart was beating. I could hear its every beat with such speed and force that it seemed to come out of my chest and explode at any moment.

I ignored it with a sigh and focused my attention on what was going on.

It was so brave of me to have thrown that stone a while ago. I was actually almost out of breath when I saw how the snake almost bit the two.

I can't bear to witness another one of us being wounded, or worse, dead right in front of my own two eyes.

"Are you alright?"

I turned to Camilla.

I nodded. "I am."

"You look pale," he commented.

"It's okay, maybe I'm just nervous." I said.

He just sighed, and I didn't sculpt anymore.

It's good because I don't know how to speak anymore. I was driven by intense nervousness and fear.

I remembered Abi's condition again.

A bead of tears streamed from my eye, down my cheek.

I just let it go.

The thought of my friend's state lingered in my mind. Damn.

His blood flowed unceasingly because of the iron and wood that pierced through his body.

I felt pity. She doesn't deserve it. If I only knew that this was how we would end up, I wouldn't have let him go out with his older brother, Chren.

If I had just accompanied the two of them, we might not have separated. Wouldn't she be dead by now?

Her eyes

Damn it!

Even his eyes were discarded.

I did nothing to help him at all. I was not by his side when he mercilessly took his life.

Damn that demon.

I could still picture the look of her face, down to her neck where a slit is obviously displayed.

Her body

Only a demon could kill such a brutal person. He has no mercy. And it is also impossible that he was raised by just an ordinary person.

The way her body was pierced through the ceiling, I'm pretty sure that she was lifted by a demonic force.

The excitement is indeed evident. I still remember the glint in her eyes before we went here. It's funny how we ended up being here. Our initial plan was to have this vacation and forget about the bastards who broke our hearts.

A few weeks before we decided to come here, both of our hearts were crushed. We just got divorced from our respective boyfriends.

But look at us now. She's dead. While I'm here, running for my life.

A tear again fled from my eye. My vision's starting to get blurry. That's why I wiped my tears to prevent myself from stumbling down.

I turned around. Recently, I felt the presence of that shadow again, but it disappeared immediately.

Where could that murderer be?

Behind us, there were still large snakes that were at any moment ready to bite us.

There is no certainty if they will catch up with us. If so, we have only one destiny: death.

Even if we find out, we will definitely only last a few hours.