

I stared at the saliva dripping from his disgusting hole — the one that served as his mouth, and his sharp fangs.

Francine was no longer restrained. She threw in the direction of the shadow the holding iron.

Like his previous attacks it also penetrated again.

The damn shadow let out a loud groan.

Right after Francine threw the metal bar, the shadow grabbed her hair. Francine struggled. Forcefully kicking his feet and waving his hands, regardless of the large hands that tweaked his hair.

"Go to hell, you asshole!" she shouted for the nth time.

We were all confused. Not knowing how to help Francine.

I heard Chren cursed under his breath.

"Anyone? How can we stop that one from hurting our friend?" he asked.

"I don't have any idea." Lily said.

"Neither I." Camilla seconded.

I did not speak. I tightened my grip on Macey's hand. I forcefully called Francine's attention to calm down and think of a way how we could get out of here.

My comrades were still hesitant whether to come to help the friend holding the shadowy shadow or just stay on the stand. Or will run out to escape and save themselves.

When I could no longer bear the tone of Francine's voice as she lost her temper, I took courage.

I could barely breathe as I approached their whereabouts. I didn't let go of Macey's hand, I carried him in my stride.

"Aya!" Chren, Lily and Camilla shouted at the same time.

The child I was holding didn't say a word when he pulled me in my footsteps. I saw how she tightened her grip on the metal bar that she's holding.

I just stared at Chren, Camilla and Lily who were both confused when I suddenly approached Francine and the shadow.

We were only a few feet away from Francine's place when Macey suddenly threw his hand away.

I was stunned in my position.

I thought the shadow would no longer notice what the child had done I was wrong.

Gradually the frightened shadow turned in our direction, it was raging with anger as Francine fell to the floor.

It let out a loud growl and slowly stepped closer to where we were standing.

That's when I realized.

I grabbed Macey's hand again that I had let go of earlier.

Chren also ran and pulled Francine to her feet.

Camilla and Lily are already throwing their iron and wood handles in the shadows. All of that just penetrates its body.

When I finally gathered all my remaining strength, I pulled Macey's hand with me as I run out of the door. Behind me were Chren who's assisting Francine, the girl's still in rage. She even seemed to want to return to the shadow.

Lily and Camilla are still purely the rock of whatever is picked up on the floor, pieces of wood, steel and even rocks.

"Camilla! Lily! Let's go!" I shouted at them.

While running I occasionally look at the two.