

Maybe it's just what I'm really reading, so this is how my imagination comes out.

Maybe I should cut down on reading books that are too far from reality.

I'm turning into a nutcase.

I shuddered as I entered my office. There was still a bit of nervousness in the chest. But I still mixed the coffee.

It's a pity if I don't drink, so even though I was a little scared and nervous, I forced myself to eat.

Maybe it's just hunger. The heat is not even helping. I'm sweaty.

Then I just remembered what I was wearing.

Fortunately, I met Lily. I don't look very good in what I'm wearing. Especially on the chest, because you can see my cleavage even from a distance.

I quickly finished the food and returned the food to the pantry.

Time passed quickly as I analyzed the reports handed to me by my team.

It was getting late when my secretary knocked on my door.

"Yes, Lily? Come in."

She hesitantly smiled at me.

I think I know what she's going to report.

Let me guess, were the figurines broken again? And what happened to the paintings? Were they dropped?" I take the lead on what she tries to say.

She hesitated to smile. "As usual, Miss Aya."

"But not many were damaged." So far, two of your angel figurines were broken. They were from France. And there was a painting whose frame was broken." She added with a laugh.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Great," I commented. "Why haven't they consumed it yet?"

Lily laughed at my remark.

"Usual response too. I will deduct five percent of their salary."

While laughing, she approached my desk to put down a folder. I already knew what was inside of it. Most likely, it's a list of broken and damaged items.

I took it, and I wasn't wrong. When I opened the folder, it immediately dawned on me what they had damaged just that day. How many in the next few days? The broken figurines came from faraway countries. Those were shipped all the way from France.

My poor little angels.

I let out a deep sigh.

"Anyway, There are still angels left, aren't there? Maybe we'll just put something else on display next time, and they should take care of it because they might let me go bankrupt."

Lily tried to suppress a laugh.

Instead of getting angry, I just laughed at the misfortune of my workers.

Instead of fuming out with anger and being a monstrous boss like those seen in the movies, I just put away my things and thought of inviting Lily to eat out.

"Let's have dinner?" I asked.

She looked up at me. She hesitated to smile. "Oh, I don't have any money yet, Miss Aya." Maybe next time when it's payday. It's hard and I might run out of money. "

"My treat."

"Really? Oh, thank you, Miss Aya. I won't deny that." She replied, smiling.

It's still early. Please join me at the bookstore first. I'll buy some pens and sticky notes. Is it okay? "

She nodded immediately.

"Great. Because I don't have anyone at home if I'm going to have dinner there. Mommy and Daddy aren't there. My brother's not home yet for sure." I sigh and I just don't feel too lonely at home when they're all gone and I only have housemates with me.

Lily nodded.

"Let's go?"

She stood up and carried the other things away from me. "Let's go, Miss Aya."