

The two nodded.

"Here. Drink some water first and then you'll wake up." Camilla handed over a glass of water.

I accepted it and drank it immediately.

I took a deep breath after consuming a glass of water handed to me.

For a while, no one spoke to the three of us. We just let the silence reign around us.

I soon calmed down.

Lily handed me a paper bag containing some midnight snacks. Chips, cookies, bread, and chocolates I grabbed a chocolate bar and started eating it. Time passes by slowly while the three of us are talking about random things. We laughed as we talked.

We also agreed here to sleep together.

We'd fit in my queen-sized bed, even if we brought another one.

After eating, we first peeled the skins and ate them, as well as bottles of juice.

Camilla and Lily stood between me.

I smiled and closed my eyes to sleep.


A cold wind passed swiftly. It's as if something is moving at the speed of light. The three young ladies were sleeping soundly in a beautiful and comfortable bed.

In the dark part of the room, you can see what seems to be a shadow that has been waiting for the girls to sleep.

I smiled watching it.

Sometimes it laughs.

It was holding a bloody ax that had been toyed with before. Later, he stepped closer to the bed where the three girls he had been watching were sleeping.

"Sleep tight, ladies," it whispered.

He approached the young lady, who was fast asleep between the other two. It hugs a soft pillow. He gently stroked the girl's hair. Afterwards, a kiss gently touched her forehead.

It smiled and disappeared like a bubble in the air.

On the other hand, there is a man silently observing the moon and stars in the sky.

It was sitting on a hammock.

Trying to remember the events of that day He smiled back at the scene where he had recently met a beautiful young woman.

"Aya." The mention of the name of the maiden had earlier flashed back to his mind.

"The name suits you, beautiful."

But his forehead furrowed when a crack was heard from behind him.

His old smile faded from his lips.

"Who is that?"

There was no denying the trembling he felt in his chest.

Even if it tries to hide its true feelings at those times, it will not deceive itself.

Who's that? Is there anyone there? "

He got no answer.

The man got up from the cradle nervously.

The man had not yet taken a step when a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

Due to the shock, it accidentally backed away several times, which is why he fell to the floor.

It is no longer able to speak.

He wanted to shout and ask for help, but there seemed to be no voice coming out of his mouth.

It was even more nerve-wracking when he realized the shadow was holding an ax.

Without hesitation, the unidentified man, who looked like a shadow, touched his chest, which is why the man was quickly killed. The shadow pulled out the ax and, laughing, walked away as if nothing had happened.