

After the cooking class we went upstairs precious came up to meet me and said " zita why are you like this or stealing my boyfriend behind my back, taking my leftovers.

I said " precious really ?your leftovers are disgusting so y would i want to pick them up?"

I don't care leave Joshua alone.

she stormed off angry and I just laughed 🤣

Esther and Mark came to meet me and told me we need too talk , I was wondering what would that be😕

because since this week Esther has not been smiling with me she has just been ignoring me,my calls , my text, everything and I don't know what to do.

we went to the cafeteria because it was ready lunch time me, Esther and Mark went to our favourite spot in the cafeteria, we had our lunch after we're done we sat down and Esther started the conversation.

she asked me" what is going on between you and Joshua?"

I said nothing ,and she said" don't play jokes with me , I know something is up ", I said "Esthe I'm just playing around with Joshua ,I just want to make precious jealous nothing more than that"

Esther said "zitah, I don't think this is a good idea playing around with him, who knows reason why they broke up, you know precious she's not the type that date a boy only 4 days and then break up.obviously something is up ,I do not want you dating Joshua"

I asked"why"

she said"I don't trust him"

I know you're starting to have feelings for him, I just want to let you know right now when your feelings are still at the first stage ,

just don't fall deeply in love with him because ,I do not trust him and at the end of the day , you will get hurt and I do not want to see my friend gets hurt.

I told her"Esther you worry too much I won't get hurt"

this is not the matter right now I'm telling you right now do not fall in love with him.

why are you shouting at me?

because I don't want you playing around with him,

I'm doing this for your own good.

I don't think you're doing it for my own good, I believe you are restricting me from having my freedom.

zitah is this what you really think of me, I've been your friend for a very long time and you think I will do this to you.

she sounded very hurt"zitah tell me what would I gain by doing this?"

"I don't know"I said angrily.

she slammed her hand on the table and said" then why am I still friends with you ,if that's what you think of me she left 🏃.

I was mad at her😤

I turned too mark, he shook his head feeling so disappointed at me and left.

now I was really really really mad" what is their problem"

Esther and Mark ignored me throughout the whole day.

I was feeling so disappointed at them but my pride won't let me go and apologize so, I just ignore them also and pretended as if I didn't see them.

I stayed with Joshua throughout the whole day.

and I found something very new about him, he was carrying sweet and gentle