
The Second Prince of Sheol

While Abaddon braced himself for a raging Hel; his wives were in a different section of Helheim all together.

Nastrond is the Norse underworld's most famous torture destination that is renowned for it's cruelty.

To reach the shore of this hellish sea, one must pass through a deep and dark underground cave that goes on for miles.

The walls of the cavern are made from billions upon billions of twisted snakes that spew their horrible venom onto the ground endlessly; creating a shallow tide of horrible poison that dead souls must wade through.

This is the fate that awaits those who are guilty of murder, adultury, and oath breaking; the most unforgivable crimes in Norse mythology.

And this is also the path that Audrina and Seras had ended up.

The two of them were wading through these venomous waters amongst a carcophony of the wailing dead surrounding them; tracking the presence of their son.