
chapter 7:bitter sweet revenge

My mum just looks at me with a horrified look on her face because of what I just said then she follows up with "your just a piece of shit and I will get you" I say back to  her "you should have acted like a mum in the first place and not If I get you first" the fat controller then goes to raise his hand at me my dad jumps in with my uncle and  says "dont you fucking dare touch my daughter" my mum then answers back to them and says "dont speak to my dad like that" my auntie A jumps in and punches my mum in the puss bursting her lip and breaking her nose takes her to the ground and starts kicking fuck out of  her I then say to Thomas "I am so sorry about this" he responds to me lovingly saying "dont be sorry they shouldn't have been cunts" while they are all fighting my dad and the fat controller my auntie and my mum gran jumps in and shouts "everyone stop its not fair to them" telling my mum lot to get the fuck out as my mum side starts to leave I say "I will crush you all" once they have left I start to plot my revenge with thomas help because he realized what they are actually like and because he is always supportive and caring he is always there for me so he helps me with it like we are a team because of how abusive the family is I have social work so then I come up with a good idea ad I need to hand a letter in to the court about contact with that family anyway so I just need to explain in full detail what she done to me and my younger 2 siblings along with what she put us through that means they will be safe and she will be crushed as she will lose all three of us so I begin to write my court statement in full detail what happened to all of us once I had finished writing it I take it to Thomas "here baby can you proof read this and tell me if I need to change  add or fix anything in it" he replies with "of course I can beautiful I told you I am here to help you in anyway possible and I will stand by you no matter  what" I give him a hug and a long passionate kiss on the lips as he grabs my waist pulls me in close and starts to kiss me back then he starts to read the court statement he finishes reading it and said "well done that's good" I say back "thank you we will take it to the solicitors tonrrow so i can hand it in to mine" he responds caring with "I will come with you to support you through it all" I hug into him tightly because what I am away to go through is hard for me and he is is so caring and loving about it and always there for me its gets pretty late so Thomas said "you coming to bed because you could do with sleep as you have had a stressful day today and I care about you" I reply with "yeah baby let's go to bed" we go through to the bedroom cuddling in we both get in to bed and he wraps his arms around me hugging into me tightly and protectively which is the way I love because I feel warm and safe we both drift off to sleep.

Its the next morning and we get up early so that we can go to the solicitors with my letter that I wanted to give them to destroy my mum and prove what she is really like after I do this I won't he so trapped in her god awful fucked up life we both get showered and dressed he says to me "are you sure you are ready to do this"

I respond with "yeah I'm ready its time she gets what she deserves" he smiles and kisses my forehead and giving me a hug at the same time I hug tightly into him we get our jackets on and head out the door he grabs my hand as we walk out and holds it tightly I clutch my hand around him as he makes me the happiest girl on earth we are walking down the street we get outside the solicitors office I say "can we have a fag first"  he takes two fags out the packet and hands me one and takes one himself we both light our fags and begin to smoke them we are nearly finished our fags and say "you ready to go come in here with me" he replies back with "I'm ready if you are ready beautiful I am here for you no one else itsvme and you all the way" we walk in and go to the front desk I say to the receptionist "I am here to see Bruce I have a letter for him about my case is he available to speak to" the receptionist answers with "yes hold on let me go tell him you are here and need to speak with him" me and Thomas sit in the waiting room until Bruce comes out to get us from there then we see Bruce walk down the hall way slowly and he shouts down "Julie and Thomas come to my office" I look hesitant but I know this is something that I need to for my safety and my younger sisters safety I get up slowly and take Thomas hand and walk up the hall way with him to Bruce's office we get in the office and close the door i hand Bruce the letter and say "I thought this could go to the judge watch it is very detailed but it should help it is about my childhood" Bruce responds with "yes thank you I will make sure the judge gets this we will be in touch about your hearing at the  court" me and Thomas leave the office and start to walk home.