
chapter 11: the wedding planning

we stay up most of the night planning our wedding we eventually go to bed at 4am forgetting that Linda had school the next day.

Linda gets up at around 6am with a nightmare , running through to our room shouting "Thomas help me",

Thomas gets up goes to Linda and carries her down the stairs because she wanted a hug he he sat her on one of the light brown dinning chairs and starts to make her breakfast for school as he does that he turns to her and says " tell me all about your nightmare ".

Linda starts to cry because it scared her that much she ate her breakfast and went upstairs to get ready for school , Thomas came back upstairs to wake me up because it was her first day at her new school but I wasn't in the bedroom so Thomas shouted on me around the house " Julie where are you"

I shout back "in the bathroom we need to talk baby after we take Linda to school"

I come out the bathroom and me and Thomas get dressed Linda gets her school bag ready I help her while Thomas puts her booster seat in the car and gets the car ready,

I bring Linda out and put her in the car with her seat belt on her I then jump in the car and Thomas reverses the car out of the drive way

we get the school and take Linda to her line and we are going wedding dress shopping today I turn to him when we get back in the car and say "baby I am pregnant"

he stops the car and looks at me saying "baby are you serious are you really pregnant" .

I look back at him and smile "yes baby I am"

he smiles and says let's go to the doctors

we drive to the doctors we finally arrive after a 20 minute drive Thomas rushes in and says "I need a doctor my fiance is pregnant",

we get an appointment on the day and told to sit in the waiting room and the doctor will be with us in 10 minutes we wait for the doctor we finally get called on we walk in to the doctors room and she takes a pregnancy test then she says " yeah it is definitely positive"

Thomas gets really excited she gives me a prescription for folic acid and says I'll get the midwife to contact you we then leave the doctors, by the time we finish at the doctors it was time to pick Linda back up from school so there was no time for wedding dress shopping so Thomas starts driving to the school.

"he turns to me and says how are we going to tell Linda" as that is something we didn't think about I then say back confidently "I think she will be happy about it" we get in to the school car park the bell rings and Linda comes running out to the car holding a picture she made Thomas he gets out the car to put her in her booster seat she hands him the picture and quietly says "I made this for you" he responds "thank you" then gets back in the car on the way home we decide to break the news to her about the new baby I say softly to her "Linda we have some news we are having a baby" she gets really excited and says "I can't wait to be an auntie" because she took the new really well and was good at school we decide to take her to McDonalds and take her wedding dress shopping with us, while Thomas and Linda sit in the seats in the shop I look at some wedding dresses to try on I pick one out that I fell in love with its very long with little roses on it I take it to the changing room to try it on Thomas and Linda shout "are you ready we want to see it" I walk out the changing room to show them Thomas looks at me with loving eyes and says "wow" then Linda shouts "that's pretty" and quickly jumps up as she sees a veil and wants to go get it for me to put on, Thomas stands up and walks over Linda hands him the veil and he looks into my blue eyes as he puts the veil on me i blush a little and smile he smiles back at meI decide I want this one so I go back in to the changing room to take it off so we can buy it as I look in to the mirror of the changing I look at my stomach and put my hand on because I have already fell in love with having a baby but then I look at myself and get a bit upset as I know by the day of the wedding I might not fit in to the dress so I try to distract myself as I really love this dress I take it off eventually and get it ready to be bought I get back to Thomas and Linda he looks at me because he can always instantly tell when something is wrong with me we take it to the till and pay for it we get back to the house and Linda plays with her toys for a bit then gets a bath and goes to bed for school tomorrow she decides that she wants to watch paw patrol in bed so Thomas puts in on for her and tucks her in he comes back downstairs I am sat in the kitchen at the dining table he sits across from me and says "I seen the look on your face when you came back out of the dressing holding the dress do you want to talk about it" I look at him and start to get emotional as I have always been insecure he sees that I start to get emotional and comes over and hugs me and softly says "everything will be okay I promise" I hug in to him tightly.