This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
A man walks through the forest. The sunlight barely shines through the leaves on the trees. The sunlight hits the man's dark cloak. The man draws his sword slowly.
Renjiro: I'm from the leaf village. The trees aren't your cover. They're mine.
A needle soars through the air and past the trees. Renjiro catches the needle between his fingers.
Renjiro: You have been after me for a while Niko. We worked together long enough for you to know that you can't kill me.
More needles fly at Renjiro. Renjiro's eyes turn red. Renjiro catches all the needles sent at him. He can see Niko running around in the cover of the trees.
Renjiro: Done.
Renjiro runs at the trees and slashes his blade. Four trees are knocked down. Niko runs up from behind Renjiro. Niko stabs at Renjiro with a needle. Renjiro grabs her arm. He throws his sword in the air and punches her in the chest.
Niko: Orochimaru will always hunt you down. You don't betray the most powerful person in all the hidden villages and get away with it.
Renjiro's blade falls down from the sky. Renjiro catches the blade.
Renjiro: I've already gotten away. If he didn't want me to live he should have just killed me.
Niko: He would have, but you're his prized possession.
Renjiro: Not anymore. I never was. All I needed was information.
Niko: Where are you now? You have little information about Orochimaru, you're an enemy of your own village, and you've even tried to kill your friends. You have nothing.
Renjiro: What do you have? All you do is give everything. Everything you have you give. At least I have my dignity.
Niko: Didn't you give up your life to get information about Orochimaru? I might give everything, but it's always for a purpose. You gave away everything for nothing.
Renjiro's blade slides across Niko's neck. Niko's head falls off her body and hits the ground. Her body falls shortly after. Renjiro runs deeper into the forest, hidden by the leaves.
Ray is looking at a wooden board with all the bounties.
Ray: Renjiro, the wolf sight. Why does he get a special name? I deserve a special name, like, Ray, the wildebeest.
Kenzo: You look like a wildebeest.
Ray: I look like me. You look like a pig. That can be your name. Kenzo, the pigsty.
Kenzo: Let's just go already before Kichi decides to punish us for being late.
Ray: I won't be late because I'm fast. Do you want to know what I'm fast like?
Kenzo sighs.
Kenzo: What are you fast like Ray?
Ray: A wildebeest!
Kenzo and Ray walk onto the training grounds. Nanami is sitting on a bench waiting.
Ray: That late bastard! I'm never late, and look at Kichi. He's so late!
Nanami: You're late too Ray.
Ray: Kichi won't know that though. So I can use it against him.
Kichi: Won't know what?
Kichi is standing behind Ray.
Ray: You won't know that you're awesome. So cool, you are.
Kenzo: Your sentence was a little backwards.
Kichi grabs both Kenzo and Ray by the back of their collar. He throws them farther into the training grounds.
Kichi: You're all weak.
Kichi starts walking around Kenzo and Ray.
Kichi: I've tried to make you stronger. I allowed you to train with another team, but it's not enough. You're still far behind the others. Ray, Nanami, you used to be a head of the others. You were some of the first to become chunin. Now, some chunin are thinking about becoming jonin.
Ray: I should be a jonin!
Kichi: No. You're far behind the skill level of a jonin. With the way you're progressing the rest of the chunin will become jonin before you three are even able to take the test.
Nanami: How will we catch up? What are you going to teach us?
Kichi: I am not.
Kenzo, Ray, and Nanami speak at the same time.
Everyone: What?!
Kichi: I will no longer be your Sensei. I do not have the skills to catch you up to the other ninja. You all will have to find new masters.
Kichi starts walking away.
Nanami: Wait! You're our Sensei. You're like our father. How can you just leave?
Kichi: You need help that I can't give you. It's for the greater good.
Kenzo: What will you do?
Kichi: That is none of your concern.
Ray: You think you can just leave?! I'll show you. I'll become much stronger than you! I'll become a jonin before you know it and then I'll take you down!
Kichi chuckles.
Kichi: Then allow me to show you the skill gap between us.
Kichi runs through the streets. He jumps from the sides of the walls to the rooftops. He moves faster than they can see.
Ray: I never want to see the two of you again! I need to train in complete solitude! The only people that can be around me are me! Why, because I am the only person cool enough to be around me. Therefore, you are all peasants.
Ray walks away.
Kenzo: What the hell was that speech about? Why didn't he just say I need to train?
Nanami: I can't believe Kichi would just leave us.
Kenzo: What are you gonna do?
Nanami: I have no idea. We always just follow his orders. Now what?
Kenzo: We have to do it on our own.
Ray is walking up to the Uchiha manor. When he opens the door he sees everyone busy at work. Ray walks up the stairs and into a room. There is a man sitting there.
Man: Ray! You are the leader of this clan, and you have been slacking on your work!
Ray: What work?
Man: You need to go over all of the interests of the clan so you can tell the hokage what we want at the meet of the clans.
Ray: Why do I want to do that?
Man: You have to do that!
Ray: What if I refuse?
Man: Then you'll be demoted to a regular Uchiha. You'll be nothing.
The man leaves the room.
Ray: Screw that guy! I'm out of here!
Ray puts his hand on the door handle. He hears a voice.
Man: You'll be nothing.
Ray takes his hand off of the door handle and sits down looking at the paperwork.