This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
A week later. The tournament area has almost been completely built. Kichi walks up to the Hyuga clan leader.
Kichi: Tetsuya!
Tetsuya: I beg your pardon?
Kichi: You're the hyuga clan leader. Are you really willing to go along with this? What if your children die?
Tetsuya: I don't train weak children. If they are weak then they aren't fit for being a shinobi.
Kichi: So you're going to let everyone else's kids die?!
Tetsuya: If they didn't want their kids to die then they should have never let them become shinobi. The tournament starts tomorrow Kichi. Maybe you should be training, but don't forget to come to the ceremony.
Kichi: What ceremony?
Tetsuya: Everyone that wants to be part of the tournament will show up to the ceremony. I will speak amongst the crowd. Everyone will sign up for the tournament, then when night strikes there will be a party.
Kichi: Why a party?
Tetsuya: To give them one last good night before most of them die in the tournament.
Kichi: The blood is on your hands Tetsuya.
Tetsuya: I can live with it.
Kichi walks away.
Tetsuya is on stage. Ray, Nanami, and Kenzo are all in the crowd of people far away from each other.
Tetsuya: This is a tournament for the skilled. The most profound of the shinobi that are on this land today. There are no rules for this tournament. We cannot protect you once you walk through those doors. Once the doors to the tournament close then you can't leave until the doors open up after the tournament or if you make it to the bunker. The goal of winning the tournament is to be able to find the bunker. You can open the latch and walk into the bunker. It's actually a tunnel that leads outside of the tournament. It will be hard to find. There are many animals and enemies that you will have to fight in there that aren't shinobi. I wish you the best of luck and for the final night before the tournament we shall have a party! Show up in your fanciest clothing. Now, you must all sign your names up at the desks to enter the tournament.
Everyone lines up at the four desks. Two people at a time sign their name. Ray walks up to sign his name. He thinks to himself.
Ray: I'm going to find that bunker and win easily. No one can stop me.
The lines start to get to the end. A man runs through Konoha's gates.
Renjiro: I need to make it in time.
Renjiro flies down the streets. He jumps to the rooftops and runs along the roofs to avoid having to stop. Renjirp jumps off the building and lands on the ground. He quickly gets in line.
Tetsuya: You were almost disqualified.
Renjiro: The village is lucky I wasn't.
Renjiro signs his name on the paper.
Tetsuya: There will be a party tonight. Come if you want. Wear fancy clothing.
That night, the part ensues. Everyone shows up in either suits or dresses. Music can be heard throughout the streets. Lights bright up the night. People are eating the giant buffet that was put out or dancing to the music. Ray is grabbing everything he can from the buffet.
Ray: ooo… I want that and that. Maybe even this too. How many plates can I have?
Ray looks around.
Ray: No guards means the sky's the limit. That's what I like to see.
Kenzo: Ray, why are you trying to get three plates?
Ray: Everyone is trying to steal my food. I have to take it first!
Kenzo: it's a buffet. They bring out more food if something runs out.
A waiter puts more food in one of the trays. Ray's face lights up.
Ray: Fantastic. This is the epitome of what humans can create!
Kenzo: Do you even know what epitome means?
Ray: No, but I bet I used it right.
They both sit down at a table.
Kenzo: So, You learn anything about that stupid dark realease after you attacked me with it?
Ray looks up at Kenzo with a whole steak in his mouth. Ray nods his head.
Kenzo: Why do you have to be such a pig?
Ray chews a few times and swallows the steak.
Ray: You're the one who looks like a pig, pig!
Kenzo: Says the person who swallowed a whole steak in one bite.
Ray: I get things done!
Kenzo: The wrong way.
Ray: Agree to agree with me.
Kenzo: Ray, that isn't the saying.
Ray: Really?
Nanami: Yes really.
They both look at Nanami. She has makeup on and a dark red dress on. Kenzo gets flusters and doesn't know what to say. Ray looks at Kenzo.
Ray: You think you have a shot?! Look at your ugly mug! Gotta learn how to pick your battles.
Kenzo stands up.
Kenzo: Uh… Nanami, do you wanna dance?
Kenzo puts out his hand. Nanami takes it and smiles.
Nanami: Sure.
They both run off into the crowd. Ray keeps eating his food.
Ray: She's going to friendzone him and break his heart. She better get it on tape so I can show it to him all the time.
Ray's nose twitches.
Ray: I can smell a disturbance in the force.
Ray looks behind him. He sees nothing.
Ray: Oh, we're good. Must have just smelt food.
Ray turns back around and sees Renjiro sitting in front of him. Renjiro fixes his tie. Ray looks angry.
Ray: Renjiro!
Renjiro: Been a while Ray.
Renjiro quickly grabs a fry off Ray's plate.
Renjiro: Y'know, I thought I was going to have to fight you because you would just get so overwhelmed with hate that you'd attack me. I'm glad you didn't. Don't want a ton of attention.
Ray: Why are you here?! You want me to actually kill you this time?
Renjiro: No, I've joined the tournament. I'm not working with Orochimaru anymore.
Ray: He dropped you because even he knows you're rotten to the core like a bad apple.
Renjiro: No, if I was I would have still been working with him.
Ray: Then why leave your new team?
Renjiro: Cover was blown.
Ray: What cover?!
Renjiro: Yeah, no one knows. I was working for Orochimaru, to get intel for our village.
Ray: Then why did you kill people?
Renjiro: Gotta keep up the cover.
Ray: We both know I don't care about you leaving the village. The only thing I care about is beating you.
Renjiro: How? You can't defeat me. We won't even be in the same tournament bracket. It said on the flyer that each bracket fights against each other. I'm considered an S class shinobi. You're a chunin.
Ray: Then you have to survive the tournament, so I can kill you.
Renjiro stands up and smiles.
Renjiro:You'll have to watch yourself more than I do. Focus on saving your own ass.
Renjiro disappears into the crowd. The same crowd that Kenzo and Nanami are in. Kenzo and Nanami are dancing.
Kenzo: When did you start putting on makeup?
Nanami: My new sensei thought I should wear it. Does it not look good?
Kenzo: It looks amazing.
Nanami: Then let's have fun.
Gorou and the rest of the swordsmen stand on top of a roof.
Gorou: You know what you have to do.
Katashi: Kill all of them, especially Renjiro.
Gorou: Why Orochimaru's ex-disciple?
Tomo: He killed Dekishi.
Gorou: I'm sorry. Dekishi was going to get Kota's sword now that he's dead. Wait, Renjiro has killed Kota and Dekishi. Your right Katashi. He's a problem. Kill him.
Ezume: But if the man named Renjiro truly has killed two people we had in the swordsmen then shouldn't we considers the possibility that he may or may not be able to execute one of us in a one on one battle.
Gorou: Kota was our weakest member and Dekishi hadn't even joined the team yet. He hasn't gone up against anything. If you are really frightened of his power, stick together.
Ito: Ezume and I won't have to deal with him, right?
Gorou: Most likely no, but you can never be too careful about what else is out there.