
Firearms in a Fantasy World

Transmigrated as the young Earl of a declining noble family, Paul Grayman sets out to take his territory to the peak. Armed with the knowledge of the modern world, he will create firearms, paper, porcelain, industrial tools and much more. Follow Paul, as he treads against the currents of time, fighting Noble Lords, Secret Magic Organizations, Magical Races and a Corrupt Church, ushering in the age of industrialization in the backwater world... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys... So W3BN0V3L rejected my C0NTRACT request... They didn't specify why... So if you want to support me for my work... Please join me on P@TR30N.C0M/CinderTL And remember it's /CinderTL, I lost the former account because I don't remember the email it was made on... READ UPTO 20-50 Chapters AHEAD ON P4TR30N... The updates here will still be coming regularly... hopefully...

CinderTL · Kỳ huyễn
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278 Chs

The Princess’s Decision


Translator: Cinder Translations




In the northeast territory of the Kingdom of Aldor, adjacent to the tallest mountains in the known world—the Rocky Mountains—lies a vast plateau between these majestic mountains and the heartland of the kingdom, commonly known as the Eastern Highlands.


Legally, this area belongs to the kingdom, but scattered throughout are various tribes of uncivilized barbarians. Some of these tribes nominally submit to the kingdom, while others are unruly, frequently causing trouble on the borders.


Due to the complex terrain, supply difficulties, and the highland climate, the kingdom has always had difficulty dealing with them. Fortunately, these tribes are not united, and their divisions have prevented major problems with the tribes that have sworn allegiance to the kingdom.


However, this year is different from previous ones. Just as spring planting began, tribes large and small, especially those historically at odds with the kingdom, unexpectedly launched coordinated attacks.


The military stationed in the border regions was caught off guard. By the time news reached the Crystal Glare, the situation in the highlands had deteriorated significantly.


After urgent deliberations, the leadership decided that Princess would personally lead the troops to repel them. Although everyone sensed something amiss—never had the barbarians been so coordinated—there was no time for detailed investigations. With spring planting season underway, a chaotic influx of barbarians into the heartland would spell disaster. Swift decisive action was the only correct choice.


The hastily united tribes of barbarians were clearly no match for the well-trained regular army of the kingdom. After over a month of fighting, it seemed the tribes were about to be driven back to the highlands. However, just when everything seemed favorable, the worst happened—Duke Giles, known as the "Greedy Wolf," turned traitor.


In the camp where the kingdom's army was stationed, a military council was being held in a heavily guarded central tent.


"Your Highness, generals, the information I have is as follows. I believe you all have a general understanding of the situation in the capital," a man with a prominent hooked nose and lean cheeks, freshly reporting the latest intelligence from the Crystal Glare, spoke up.


Following his report, there was a long silence in the tent, the only sound being the breaths of those inside.


After a while, a voice broke the silence, "Thankfully, His Majesty the King did not fall into the hands of the rebels. Is he safe now? Where is he?"


It was a young commander, his brown hair standing like steel needles atop his head, despite being unkempt due to the ongoing war, exuding an aura of charisma.


"Please rest assured, Your Highness. His Majesty is safe now, attended by the court physician and the royal chaplain," Viscount Klein, the young commander who had just asked the question, nodded. He did not press further on the second question he had raised. Even the city guards, who had always been loyal, were turning against us. Can we ensure that there are no informants or spies among the spies?"


After the silence was broken, the others began discussing.


"Please assign a troop to me immediately. I will definitely crush these rebels and reclaim the capital."


"Don't act rashly. The battle with the barbarians is not over yet. We must not divide our forces."


"What? Let those bastards run amok? Don't forget, the capital is stocked with a large amount of military supplies. If we're late, the rebels will have emptied it."


"Tsk, a bunch of strategists who don't understand."


"What did you say? Leicester, dare you duel with us?"




Sitting at the head was a woman clad in knightly armor, her bright golden waves of hair so dazzling that even without makeup, her beauty could captivate anyone—Princess Catherine Rodney of the Kingdom of Aldor. At this moment, her arched eyebrows were furrowed tightly as she stared intently at the map before her.


The arguments among the generals seemed not to affect her. After a while, she raised her head and straightened her posture.


"Everyone!" As soon as she spoke, the surroundings immediately quieted down.


"I think it's better to first hear the reactions from other parts of the kingdom. Lord Merlin, please tell us everything you know."


Earl Merlin, with his pointed beard, nodded to the princess and continued speaking.


"At present, aside from those who were previously colluding with him, no other nobles or powers have openly sided with Giles. This is also the most puzzling aspect. With Giles's apparent strength, even in a surprise attack like this, his odds against us are only fifty-fifty. Moreover, Duke Dodge has clearly declared his loyalty to the crown, swearing to resist Giles to the end."


"Excellent." Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. The Dodge family's territory lay along Giles's path towards the capital, serving as a crucial barrier. With this stronghold secured, Giles's main army would find it challenging to support the rebels advancing towards the capital.


"However, the situation is dire. With Giles's rebellion, many hidden forces have become restless. Pirates along the northwest coast and bandits in the southern mountains have suddenly begun ravaging, plunging the entire kingdom into chaos. Currently, many lords are preoccupied and unable to devote themselves to the crown. Furthermore, many others are clearly adopting a wait-and-see approach, neither openly supporting Giles nor explicitly siding with the royal family."


A commander slammed his fist on the table, "These fence-sitting bastards! They must not be spared."


The armored princess turned to her generals, "Do any of you have good suggestions for our next steps?"


Klein pondered for a moment before saying, "Your Highness, I believe our top priority should still be reclaiming the capital. If the capital remains out of our hands, it will severely impact both military morale and civilian morale. Thankfully, Duke Dodge has blocked Giles's main force. This is an opportunity for us."


The others concurred with Klein's suggestion.


Catherine nodded and then slowly stood up. All the generals focused their attention on her, knowing that the commander-in-chief had made up her mind.


Orders were swiftly issued to the generals.


"Leicester, immediately lead 1,000 cavalry day and night to reinforce Duke Dodge's fortress."


"Yes, live or die by the fortress!"


"Homan, take your men to the capital to gather intelligence on the rebel situation. Report any developments immediately."




"Dunn, inform Chief Roroff that he can proceed with his action. Upon success, he will be formally recognized as Earl of the Highlands by the kingdom."


"I'll do it right away."


"The rest of you, proceed according to the previously agreed-upon plans! Ensure that this conflict is resolved within ten days."


"Understood." The others responded in unison.


The meeting was concluded shortly after, and everyone dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks.


Only Earl Merlin remained, kneeling before the princess as soon as the others had left.


"Your Highness, I am incompetent. I failed to timely gather intelligence on the rebellion, resulting in the loss of the capital and endangering Your Majesty. I bear full responsibility for this failure."


"You indeed bear a responsibility that cannot be avoided." The princess's gaze turned stern.


"Father entrusted you with the kingdom's intelligence system, yet you allowed the rebellion to occur under your nose. With the capital lost, aside from other impacts, do you realize the blow to military morale alone?"


Earl Merlin bowed his head lower. Even without looking, he could feel the princess's anger. "Your Highness, please execute me."


"That's enough. Now is not the time to discuss punishment. From now on, focus the intelligence efforts on Giles's insurgents. Leave no trace of their actions unnoticed."


"Yes, I will redeem myself through success, ensuring such a grave oversight never occurs again."


"And those fence-sitters, keep a close watch on them too. I don't want another rebel force cropping up mysteriously behind our backs."


"Absolutely, and regarding the local lords, I have a suggestion."


"Oh? Let's hear it."


"For those with uncertain attitudes, we can use both overt and covert approaches. We'll strengthen monitoring covertly and send royal commissioners openly to their territories. On one hand, we'll publicize Giles's crimes along the way and on the other hand, press them to send troops to defend the crown. This will morally suppress them."


"That's a good plan. Proceed with it. Fortunately, many nobles from the capital have recently sought refuge with the army. Select royal commissioners from among them. You have full authority over this matter."


"Yes, I will arrange it immediately."




(End of Chapter)