
Fire shall consume my enemies; [Avatar, the last airbender fanfic]

The power of the God Amaterasu burns our main character to ashes in his World. Which result in his soul to be transported in a new body. With Amaterasu God black flames. He will conquer this new world so called Avatar the Last Airbender. Will he be able to live till the end or die by his own flames?

tatsumi_o · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Capturing the Avatar

When we finally reached the ice lands, a signal from another ship was shot in the sky, showing us the direction, leading us directly to a village.

The ship cut through the ice of the island as the ship beak lowered, making it as a stareway towards the snowy lands.

Zuko is the first to walk towards the village as I just waited on top of the ship.

As Zuko got on the snowy lands, a pony hair kid rushed him with a bumerang, but to his surprise, he got knocked out in the snow.

While Zuko started to interrogate some of the villagers, a girl with brown hair and a kid with bold head arrived at the scene.

The Avatar, seeing his new friends and the village he swear to protect being threatened, immediately showed himself and got captured by Zuko without struggle.

And just like that Aang was captured and place in a cell while we started heading back to the fire nation.

Out of boredom I started to head towards Aang cell, of course while travelling to that destination every guard bowed his head without questioning me anything.


"So your the Avatar? Aren't you quite pathetic for the role of the Avatar?"


'Looks like this time he didn't try to escape as he was transported towards his cell so that means the future is changed'. I thought while making a disgusted face.

"Hey kiddo." I said while weaving my hand at him. "The third guard that get past your cell has the keys for the cells, so good luck."

Hearing my words he made a confused face. "You are helping me to escape?"

"Nah I just want a bit of chaos. It's is it that wrong?" I replied with a smile but I didn't let him respond as I already left.

"It's doesn't matter, even without that information I could escape from here so who cares." Said the Avatar to himself.


Arriving back up from the cells I stayed on the deck of this boat while admiring the snow that falls on top of us.

Even tho it's was cold outside I didn't have problems with my temperature because of what Iroh teach me.

Using our fire bending you can keep your body warm just by breathing, an helpful ability but not a skill that can be upgraded as it from the fire bending category.

While admiring the snow, I started to hear commotion coming from bellow.

It didn't take long till I could see the Avatar using his air bending to ride a ball of air evading Zuka fire attacks.

Finally getting out of the cells zone on the deck while being surrounded by Fire Nation Guards the Avatar started to panick a little.

"YOU ALL GET OUT OF MY WAY HE'S MINE." Shouted Zuko at them but they didn't look to be bothered.

As all looked at me for a command. 'Hehe, how could I not let Zuko play with the Avatar.'

Making them a sign to retreat and let Zuko capture the avatar. Seeing my response all of them made room for the Avatar and Zuko fight.

But just as the firsts jabs were thrown I could clearly see Appa the Avatar animal closing distance towards our ship.

Iroh seeing it too wanted to intervene but it was too late as Katara was already on the boat.

"It's okay Lord Iroh I will handle her." I said with a big grin.

"How many time I told you to not call me Lord Iroh Prince Rakee and don't forgot, Princess Azula is still your fiancé." Hearing him said those words made me feel so cringe but I didn't bother to even look at him.

Throwing my leg forward I made an arc of fire that shot directly at Katara as she used the water on the sea to block it.

'Water bending is indeed good counter even with my special fire bending.'

But as she blocked my attack the water vaporised in an instant.

It didn't matter as she gathered more and throw it at me trying to push me out of the boat.

But it didn't connect as I dodged to the left which made her change the aim towards Zuko throwing him in the water.

'Oops, I didn't want to do that but at the same time I didn't want to burn that much chi.'

I didn't have much time to think as I did a backflip to avoid Aang air bending but on the ground I was meet with water as Katara froze it in seconds.

Trapping both of my legs in ice while Aang prepared to throw me in water while Katara gathered more water to prevent me from escaping the ice.

I didn't let them finish as I sacrificed my legs and shoot a fireball on each of them while with my mouth started to throwing fire to melt the ice on my legs.

But they still were able to shoot their attack as I prepared to block with my hands in X shaped.

I couldn't done anything as both of the attack hit me hard making me nearly drop on the water.

As I was still blocking I knew the next attack will come faster and that I wasn't able to attack back but even with those thoughts in my mind a big grin apear on my face.

Seeing my only hope shooting a jab in the back of the Avatar throwing him of the ship in the cold water.

"AANG!" Shouted Katara as I didn't let her go down for the Avatar and continue to attack her with my fire bending.

Even Sokka wanted te enter the fight but the fire nation soldiers didn't let him and Appa get closer as they shot fire towards them.

'Hahaha now it's too easy.' With my fire jabs I closed the distance between us and just send a punch towards her stomach, ending her attacks.

Grabbing her I hold her hands to not be able to use water bending while the other guards saw me and rush towards my direction to chain her.

But it was to late as the waters began to shake as the helpless Katara muttered a word with her crying eyes.
