
Fire & Metal

Story made by Necronicus on FanFiction.net Everyone has had or have, someone special in their life. But not Azula. But that's about to change, when a non-bender comes into her life. Who'll change her, and be her equal. Azula/OC.

Shinobilifenas · Ti vi
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41 Chs

Chapter 40: One for the Road


"Move it Mako! We're gonna be late!" yelled Korra down on the street, near the automobile.

"I'm coming! I'd expected the 'Avatar' to do some carrying..." replied Mako, as he carried down a bag of supplies and camping stuff for their trip.

"You didn't ask..." teased back Korra, leaning on the hood.

"Your impossible...I'know that," replied Mako, leaning against her.

"You like it..." said Korra, giving him a kiss.

"...maybe.." replied Mako, kissing her back.

"Eww...bro, can you atleast wait untill we are outside the city," replied Bolin, arriving with his own girlfriend Asami.

"Knowing those two lovebirds, they'll be making out before we're outside the city block," added Asami.

"I don't get, why we can't fly with those planes somewhere?" asked Bolin.

"This is more natural," replied Korra. "And fun, also your mother supported this trip."

"Knowing my mom, she wanted more time with dad," said Bolin.

"What are you complaining? Our mom was more alike to you, than me. I'd say you both act the same as well," replied Mako.

"Yeah...fine..." sighed Bolin, sitting into the backseat with Asami.

"Your parents okay with this Asami?" asked Korra.

"Oh sure...nothing like a lot of work as a shoemaker to keep your kid close..." laughed Asami. "No it's fine. Dad's doing fine and allowed it, just told me to be careful...and I could say, this gave him some time with mom. You aren't worried about something happening when you're gone, Ms. Avatar?"

"Nah...even if it does. I'm sure Mr. City Boy' grandpa will fix it," chuckled Korra.

"My grandfather is an inventor, not a peacemaker. That was my grandmother' job once, not anymore," replied Mako, putting their stuff in the trunk.

"Oh it was priceless still...remember."


Five days earlier

Korra had just made her way through the rioting group outside, to speak to the Council regarding the on-bender protests throughout Republic City and she was practically steaming at what she had heard in response to her pleas.

"No!" replied Tarrlok sternly.

"What do you mean, no?" asked Korra, being held back by Mako.

"We will not stoop to these levels. These protests are merely a minor problem," spoke Tarrlok.

"Minor?! There are hundreds of people outside your doorsteps and you call this minor?!" spat Korra.

"If these Equalists want to make their point, then there are other, political ways to do so," replied Tarrlok.

"Damn you! They got none!" said Korra. "I'm their only voice...and a bare one."

"Then that's their problem," replied Tarrlok. "Not ours or yours."

Korra was by ready to earthbend that wannabee, no caring, piece-o-sewage waste councillor right out the wall - if the crowd outside suddenly didn't start to cheer, instead of protest.

"What the-" mumbled Tarrlok, before the Council' doors were pushed open by an iron-clad man. "What is the meaning of this?! Guards! Remove him!"

"No wait!" yelled Tenzin, as he realized who it was...too late. The metal-benders attacked, wires flying...only for the man to dodge them with ease, wrap his arms around them and yank the two cops onto the floor with ease.

"Now, now...Councillors...is that any way to treat a Prince?" asked the man, revealing his face. Despite the white hair and old age, he could still be recognized as the Great Inventor, Grande Engineer and the greatest non-bender to ever live - Prince Zhan of the Fire Nation.

"You're an idiot Tarrlok!" whispered Tenzin, faceplanting at the Councilor's blunder.

"Nothing to worry you, Prince Zhan," replied Tarrlok, trying to salvage this mess.

"Nothing to worry? Then why did I get a letter, three days ago, detailing the poor and unfair treatment of non-benders in Republic City?" asked Zhan, walking towards them, his mechanized suit making a clanking and hissing sound each time he took a step. "Signed by no more, than atleast a thousand citizens of Republic City. Care to explain that?"

"I can..." replied Korra, gaining his attention.

"Oh hi Mako! How's the city-life treating you?" asked Zhan, ignoring the current situation.

"It's fine...grandpa," replied Mako.

"Grandpa?! You're related to him?!" asked Korra suprised.

"Yeah...Korra, this my grandfather Zhan. Grandpa this is Avatar Korra...my...close-friend," explained Mako.

"Nice to meet you!" replied Korra shocked, suprised and excited. Then turned towards the Council' members, her good mood gone. "These people wanted to ignore the situation of the non-benders, cause they are a minority and won't let me act either."

"Really?" asked Zhan, rubbing his white beard.

"It's true grandpa," added Mako.

"Anything to say, Councilors?" asked Zhan, turning towards them. Which Korra could see, made them nervous.

"This is, nothing more than a slight...issue to be dealt with, and regarding the young Avatar' inexperience, it's best if she...stayed out of this," spoke Tarrlok calmly, that made Korra' blood boil.

"True. Times have changed and we can't be vigilantes anymore," answered Zhan calmly, seemingly pleasing Tarrlok and suprising Korra and Mako."

"Yet I don't stand!" yelled Zhan angrily, shocking everybody in the room. "Is rulers, who seek to avoid the people! The pleas of their fellow people, and their suffering!"

Korra could practically smell Tarrlok sweating after that sudden outburst.

"You represent the benders and four nations of Republic City. But who represents them? The people who were born and raised here? The non-benders?" asked Zhan, emmanating command and respect. "I would've expected you...Tenzin...to show some back-bone. Avatar Aang wanted this place to be a sanctuary for all people, not a powder keg for another war."

"You're right..." spoke Tenzin.

"What?" asked Tarrlok suprised.

"He's right! The non-benders have virtually no political power! That changes today! I call for a vote!" spoke up Tenzin.

"What are you doing?" asked Tarrlok.

"Stopping these protests, before they spill out to full-scale riots!" replied Tenzin, with force in his voice. "You'd have us tear this city in half for your own personal pride! No more! Korra!"

"Oh! Yes, Tenzin?" asked Korra, suprised at Tenzin' tone.

"Korra, you've been out there and heard them. Tell me - would giving the non-benders a seat, satisfy their demands?" asked Tenzin.

"No. They would still feel pressured, they need a position, where they have some power!" replied Korra.

"Somebody to preside over Republic City and look out for it? A leader for unity," spoke Zhan. "A President!"

"This is out of the question!" replied Tarrlok, adamant on his opinion. "They are just non-benders!"

"Councilman..I am a non-bender and the last person to fear...how about you go outside and tell the protestors about your idea and way of ruling Republic City and see what they answer," said Zhan, silencing the ambitious waterbender. "I thought so."

"All in favor?" asked Tenzin, in favor of a new seat for the non-benders: 4-1. "Vote passed! We apologize for this...disturbance Prince Zhan."

"No worries, I wanted to visit Republic City anyway," said Zhan, as the Council adjorned and went outside to inform the mass.

"So Mako, when will you bring your girlfriend for a visit?"


"Who knew an old man could make a master airbender and waterbender, almost crap their pants?" laughed Korra. "They needed a good slapping like that!"

"He just spoke the truth..." said Mako.

"...yeah? And that amount of tech, gizmos and armoring on him, was just for show?" asked Korra.

"He uses those for walking - he is old," replied Mako. Cursing that the car won't start. "Hold on a sec, just needs a jump start."

Mako soon popped open the hood of the automobile, firebending a gentle stream of white fire into the engine that jump-started it.

"Ah..." moped Korra. "I wish I could bend white fire like you."

"Well...I could teach you," replied Mako, dissipating the white fire and closing the hood.

"Yeah...last I heard it goes through bloodline, like yours," replied Korra.

"Actually..." said Mako, pulling Korra close to her. "...it has to do with spirituality...and closeness...as my grandpa said."

"Mhmm...I might take you up on the offer..." replied Korra, leaning closer to him. "...royal boy.."

"Oh gawd! Seriously I'm driving!" said Asami, getting upfront into the driver' seat, Bolin joining her upfront aswell.

"You'll crash us, before we can even leave the city," added Bolin. "Also this way...you two can also make-out in the back."

"I don't care anyway!" replied Korra, jumping into the back with Mako. "Lets ride!"


Asami soon hit the gas to the max, and they were speeding through the city. Republic City was a technological city, one that was developing faster every day: automobiles, radios, trains, railways, planes and electricity. It had it all, thanks to one man.

A statue of Zhan infront of an university as they passed: every person, can change the world. Korra chuckling at the large inscription on the base...too true.

"I'know...I think well get very close this trip..." said Korra, laying her head on Mako' shoulder.

"Don't tempt me," replied Mako, pulling her closer and giving her quick kiss.

"No promises..." teased Korra, eyeing the view as they passed through each district. Even though she was the Avatar, by far her duties were a breeze nowadays: people could uphold the law on their own, wars were gone and they didn't require any help, besides spiritual aid. And even if trouble came to Republic City, Korra knew that a certain vigilante had taken over her role of being the needed hero. A certain masked vigilante called ...Amon.