
Fire & Metal

Story made by Necronicus on FanFiction.net Everyone has had or have, someone special in their life. But not Azula. But that's about to change, when a non-bender comes into her life. Who'll change her, and be her equal. Azula/OC.

Shinobilifenas · Ti vi
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41 Chs

Chapter 14: Working


The seas were calm and the skies were clear, a perfect time for sailing. Although Azula could care less about the machinery or workings of a ship. She had only one assignment: bring in Iroh and his brother Zuko. People, who in her fathers opinion were the cause, of the failed invasion of the North. By far, Azula couldn't care if they did it or not, she was pleased she could bring them in.

But dealing around Zhan, she had learned to have an practical reason, aswell as an emotional reason to things now. As he had said: You can be a ruthless commander, but keep an eye on your troops. The invasion required about one-third of the entire Fire Navy, and from there only less than half, made it back. Those numbers could hinder the Fire Nation alot, and that only added fuel to her anger of them both.

Azula could imagine herself now, hooked on someone, who she didn't an alternative motive or reasons for. Years ago, she could've considered burning him on the spot. Now she couldn't stop thinking about him. He knew her, she couldn't deceive him, but he didn't care what she did, just supported her.

"Oh...I need to sleep more," she said, breaking her meditation, in her private quarters on the ship.

'How can he have an affect on me, like this?' she thought, leaning back in her cross-legged, sitting position. A slight bump in her pocket, caught her attention. 'What?'

She reached into her pocket, pulling out a wrapped-up note, and what appeared to be a small cylindrical tube.

Reading the note, she could see it was in Zhan's handwriting: Incase your feeling disturbed. Trying my luck in poetry.

'Oh great!' she thought, opening the tube, and starting to read it.

May your fire be blue,

may your aim be true,

keep your mind clear,

and your enemies in fear.

May your fire be blue,

and may your aim be true.

"Oh...you goof-ball," she laughed, Zhan could read her like a book.


In an unknown location, in the Earth Kingdom, at the Fire Colonies, the same goof-ball was busy examining and checking the huge machinery of the War-Minister: a giant Drill.

"After this is finished, the Fire Nation will finally be able to conquer Ba Sing Se," spoke the War-Minister.

"It will not work," said Zhan, walking past him.

"I find your lack of faith...problematic," replied War-Minister Qin.

"It isn't lack of anything. The machinery you're undertaking is quite costly and huge," he said.

"I understand you were appointed to oversee this project?" asked Qin.

"Yes, I was. And I speak as I see it. Too costly, easily spotted, large - problematic may arise in the terrain. Its just too...simplistic," he said, summing up the problems.

"The Firelord has authorized this project. But your problems are not to be concerned about. The price is worth it, let them see their defeat in the distance, and no terrain can stop this engineering marvel," said Qin. "Sometimes...the best solutions are the simplest ones."

"If that were it, we would be still living in a cave," he replied. "I give up. Do what you think is best War-Minister Qin, I have given you my opinion."

"And your opinion is...noted," replied Qin, as the boy left.


'What a bunch of idiots!' thought Zhan, as he entered his personal room, in this location. In his opinion the Drill, was a bad idea from day one - too big, too expensive, too many chances for something to go wrong. "What do I care?"

He resigned himself, to his own personal project - the Firebird, or more like the blueprints only. Out of all the things the War-Minister could think of, he had to take up this. As much as Zhan admired the tenacity of the Fire Nation, he understood from a personal experience, that you can't charge in, head-on like an ox-bull. Guess some people had to learn out the hard-way, he just hoped it wouldn't be too costly to the Nation or the people.


Three days in, and Zhan hadn't heard a squeak, from Azula. He had wondered if she had managed to complete her assignment or was Azula still chasing them. Either he just wanted some information, if anything.

"Lord Zhan?" asked a voice, from behind the metal-door.

'Speaking of the wolves,' he thought. Rising up from his desk, and going to open the door. "Yes?"

"I have a message from you. With a Royal Seal on it," said an middle-aged man, having a pack of scrolls on his side.

'Azula,' he realized, seeing the emblem of the Crown Princess. "Of course, thank you."

He returned to his desk, wrapping and putting away the blueprints, before reading Azula's note. He had only managed to read half of it, before he started to chuckle.

"Told you," he said, reading the entire note. Azula had underestimated his brother and Iroh...figures. Zhan wasn't much on rumours but he knew to never underestimate your opponent, no matter how feeble they look. "Oh...Azula."

If anything, Azula needed to tone down her ego a bit. No matter how strong you are, somebody will be smarter than you...and that's when troubles start to happen.

"Whatever," he shook his head, and pocketed the note. Hopefully Azula had found, his little note. He was also hoping, he wouldn't end up with a slap again, since he didn't know if Azula was into poetry.

Yet this turn of events caused him to check-up on his other project. Near his door lay the chest he was familiar with and an armor stand nearby. Going over to chest, opening the chest, and hooking up the armoring inside. Zhan was pleased with the results - new design, new metals, new pros and new cons. He didn't expect to wear it, but he might need to...sometime soon.

"Are you worth?" he asked himself, picking up a nearby spear, then smashing it against the chestplate. As expected...the wooden-handle breaking, and no penetration through the armor, a feat he grinned to. "Oh yes. You were worth the time."