
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

ironictw1st · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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37 Chs

Chapter 6: Time Skip 1 and Training

Just a heads up. I had to change one of the abilities that gave 10% to 1%. Sorry about that!


It's been 10 years since I've been in this world. I've gotten closer to the members of the Black Fang. I've also met some of the scum that started to corrupt the group. I've run into Jerme whose first question was to be able to skin me. Brendan also accepted the mass murdering noble Pascal into the group as well. It was during this time the Four Fangs of the Black Fang formed.

Lloyd became known as the White Wolf due to his speed and skill with his sword. While Linus became known as the Mad Dog due to his rash and reckless fighting style. He charges in without caring about the wounds he receives. Jerme became one of them as well, known as the Death Kite. He's widely known as a torturer and he's normally the go to for any job the others don't want to complete. Along with Jerme is Pascal. Pascal, The Crazed Beast, due to his slaughter of citizens inside his castle, became a feared man wherever he went.

I make sure he doesn't attack any civilians whenever I'm close by, but Brendan has let him run wild. I think Nergal may already have an influence on the Black Fang. It's still minimal due to Sonia not joining yet.

"Oi! Percival! The old man wants to see you!" Linus says walking up behind me. Instead of being the chubby kid he used to be, he now is 6 feet tall with a deep v neck shirt on. His 6 pack visibly showing along with a long coat on that's unbuttoned. He sword hung on his back ready for battle at any moment.

"Yeah. I'm going." I sigh to myself as I head towards Brendan. I pass by Jerme who started licking his knife while looking at me. Pascal standing to the opposite side of Jerme and sneering at him. "Disgusting thief…" I hear Pascal mumble to himself. "What was that!? I'll skin you too you dirty noble!" Jerme responds drawing his daggers.

"That's enough out of you two." Brendan says as he exits out of the tent, he's standing in. "If you two want to kill each other do it during a mission." Brendan looks haggard. His hair turned white. He left his beard unkempt. The stress of running the group is getting to him. Accepting a mass murderer like Pascal and people like Jerme are definitely destroying his beliefs.

"Linus said you called me?" I say looking up at Brendan. A gentle smile appears on his face while looking at me. "There he is. Your training will start in two years, but until then you'll be swinging your weapon 100 times every day until then. Work on your push-ups until you can do 20. After you finish that you'll start running around the camp until you run out of energy. Don't slack off or else when Lloyd comes back, he'll make sure you won't."

"You wouldn't tell Lloyd. He'd kick your ass first and then mine for not doing it!" Brendan laughs loudly at that. "Watch me kid. Now go start training."

"Tsk." I head off towards the training courtyard we had set up previously. While there I can see a few members practicing with each other. Linus can be seen battling against 5 of the members and demolishing them. "I have no clue what he ate to get that strong. I'm pretty sure me and him were eating the same food, but it doesn't feel like it. Only one way to get as strong as him." I start training my swings.


After finishing training for the day, Linus carried me to my room and left me on my bed. When he left I used the ability Create Instant Dungeon. I made the dungeon empty except for Zelgius and Gawain. Both noticing me walk over. Gawain is the first to open his mouth to say "Lad it's time for you to pick out a sword style. The style Zelgius and I use are unfit for you. Your mind gravitates towards quickly striking your enemy and dodging their attacks. While we focus on breaking on enemies with pure strength. You could learn this style too, but it's not optimal for you." Gawain says holding his giant blade over his shoulder.

"I got it. I'll get a sword style to train in. Is there one in specific that you have in mind?" I say stopping the swings I was practicing.

Zelgius walks up and looks at me. "You would fit the Tellius myrmidon sword style, but neither I nor Gawain know it."

"Hmm…" 'System show me sword skills that I can buy.'

[Here are the sword skills available:

Tellius Sword Style - 150,000

Niten Ichi-ryu – 1,5000,000

Three-Sword Style – 2,000,000

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu – 3,000,000

Kamiya Kasshin Ryu – 3,000,000

Infinite One-Sword Style – 3,500,000

Breath of Thunder Style – 3,500,000

Breath of Water – 4,000,000

Dance of the Fire God – 4,000,000

Breath of the Beast – 4,000,000

Breath of the Sun – 6,000,000

Shigure Soen Ryu – 7,000,000]

"Show me my system points."

[System Points: 125,000,000]

I forgot I unlocked the Heavenly Library part of the System. It was worth it too. With it I can combine different styles and teach it to others. Those growth items I bought as well will be useful.

"System purchase all of them and combine them together."

[Certainly Host. System Points remaining 83,350,000.]

[Host has obtained the Lion King's Blade Technique.]

"Good. While we're at it purchase bow, axe and lance techniques as well. Get a Vanguard Brand too."

[Host has obtained the following:

Deadeye Bow Technique

King's Demolisher Axe Technique

Sky Piercer Lance Technique

Vanguard Brand]

[Host has 10 System Points remaining.]

"I'll be back to 100 million soon enough with that broken skill. Open the inventory."

[Inventory: Afa Drop x2, Maturity Drop x3, Star Jacinth Ring x1, Discipline Skill x1, Limit Breaker Skill x1, Speedtaker Skill x1, Replicate Skill x1.]

"It was totally worth spending all those points for these things. Spending most of my points on the ring might have not been the best move but" I equip the ring on my finger, and I activate the skills. "System how do I use the drops?"

[Host can intake them like how they eat or drink.]

I do as the System says.

"How come I don't feel anything?"

[Host has improved their growth rate. You obviously wouldn't feel the difference until you gain experience.]


I'll upload two more chapters today! Hopefully they don't seem too boring. Let me know what you guys think!

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