
Fire and Roses at Firewell High

Moving to New York was supposed to be a fresh start. Until I attracted the attention of the school psychos. Dexter. Axel.Jasper. Callix. Romeo. They become my latest obsession. But I'm being hunted. Hunted cruelly by someone who wants revenge. Why ?. I have no idea. The worst thing about it all is I have to rely on five strangers to save me. Nothing could go wrong right ?

tma281372 · Thanh xuân
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15 Chs




Breathing became not an option as I studied Shark, his white teeth gleaming with a nasty smile.

 Axel watched me with a bright intensity that made me want to fall to the ground, and he wanted me to react.

 I just knew it.

 Jasper watched me with utter disgust, and I swallowed hard.

For some reason, he hated me.

I had no fucking clue why. 

 As I was held back by baby blue eyes, I whimpered, trying to catch any sweet oxygen that I hoped would hit my lungs.

Dexter struck his hand forward around my throat, squeezing a little and applying pressure that made me choke.

Terror crept through my veins at his complete disregard for my life. 

 "You just keep pissing me off, princess", grinned Shark violently.

His dark blue depths shined with this emotion; I couldn't quite place the intensity of it, making me cower into the boys behind me like they'd protect me.

 Really, Midnight, you think these killers are going to save you?. Idiot. 

"What you just witnessed, you weren't supposed to, and if you tell anyone fuck, I'll kill you myself", he hissed, now gripping my chin in this bruising grip. 

My chest heaved as I gasped for air, my lungs finally filled with sweet oxygen.

 "I'm so sorry," I managed to say amidst my sheer panic and profuse coughing.

 I had been looking for my lesson when I got lost and now found myself in a precarious situation with all five boys.

Shark watched me with interest, his eyes scanning me up and down, then turned to look at Axel, almost curious about his reaction.

I felt a knot form in my stomach as I wondered what Shark had in store for me. 

"I won't hurt you, princess, if you do me a favour," he said seriously, his gaze piercing through me.

 "What do you need?" I asked, my fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of my jumper.

"I want you to kiss me," he said with a dangerous smile, his blue eyes darkening with lust.

 Axel's expression turned to one of fury, and I felt confused by his sudden anger.

"And then I can go?" I asked, looking at this as my only escape from the situation.

 He nodded. 

But seriously, out of everything, he wants me to kiss him? He hated me, and the thought of having to kiss him made my skin crawl.

 Both boys behind me relaxed their hold on me. Shark grinned. 

I had no plans on kissing him.

I wouldn't, so I channelled my inner Aunt Aliza and kneed him in the balls.

He shrieked in pain, and I raced off rapidly from a small gap I'd found behind the boys.

 I didn't understand why that small space between Axel and green eyes had been left unopened anyway. 

Racing down the path and into a big building, I breathed

 heavily, flicking my eyes around in panic.

 They'd be after me any moment; I knew it.

 I ran inside an empty room and clutched my chest, steadying my pounding heart rate.

I was going to be okay. I was. I repeated a mantra in my head. I'll be alright. 

I felt hot tears cascading down my cheeks as I slumped against the wall, my heart pounding with fear.

 The room was filled with various instruments, and I realised I had stumbled upon the music studio.

 My body was shaking uncontrollably, and I attempted to take deep breaths to calm myself down, but it was to no avail. 

Suddenly, the door flew open, and my body froze; I could not move.

The fear had wholly paralysed me, and I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

One of the boys who had held me earlier entered the room with a girl.

Her high-pitched giggling sent a wave of disgust through my body.

 It was only a few minutes ago that he'd grabbed me.

 When his piercing green eyes me mine, he tilted his head slightly and hissed, "Get out."

 Without hesitation, I jumped up and headed towards the door.

But before I could make it out, he grabbed my arm and pushed the girl out of the room.

She screamed angrily outside the door, but I was too overwhelmed to focus on her words.

 My head began to spin, and I struggled to maintain my balance.

The boy then took a firm hold of my arm and led me to a secluded corner at the back of the room.

 He must have noticed the distress on my face and the tears in my eyes because he opened his blue backpack, pulled out a can of Coca-Cola, and handed it to me.

 The cold felt soothing in my trembling hands.

Glancing at the can, I turned back to him, taking in his big green eyes.

 "You think I'm going to poison you, beautiful?" he exclaimed, feigning offence with a dramatic clutch at his chest.

 Despite myself, a small smile crept onto my face.

"Look, what you did to Dexter was impressive, but maybe it wasn't entirely necessary at that moment.

 Now, he's got it out for you," he said, his voice laced with concern.

He wasn't used to having serious conversations, and he almost seemed to wince at his own words.

 "What can I do" I murmured, watching as he adjusted his blonde ponytail.

 "You can apologise to him. He likes that", said green eyes with a look I couldn't quite place.

 "I'll try that, thank you", I said, looking around absently.

 "I'm Romeo, by the way. You've met Axel and Jasper and, of course, Dex.

 The other one you haven't met is Callix," he stated.

Like me, knowing all his friends' names was important. I nodded.

"Look, all Dex wants is to make sure you'll keep your mouth shut about what you saw, " he managed, distracted by his phone. 

 "Anyway, I have class. I'll see you around, beautiful", he muttered, and with that, he swaggered out of the music studio.

I sighed heavily, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

 The intensity of his gaze was all too real.

He was beautiful, and so were all his cruel friends. 

 Jumping up, I exited the studio and realised the break was over, and it was time for maths.

People bustled past one another, hoping to arrive on time. 

 I stopped short as I arrived at my class.

Romeo, Axel and Callix sat, their beady eyes stalking me within seconds of my entrance. Axel crooked his finger at me, beckoning me forward wordlessly.


Romeo smirked while watching me, and Callix intently watched the scenario play out.

 He never spoke; he was always watching, and it was unnerving. 

As I took slow steps forward, I ascended the stairs and gradually approached the table where they sat waiting for me.

 However, I was halted by the sudden appearance of a girl who stood before me with an intimidating glare.

Her hair was short and blonde, falling neatly over her shoulders, and she watched me with a piercing gaze.

 Her eyes were a striking shade of green, reminiscent of grass in the springtime, but they held a certain coldness to them that made me feel uneasy.

 The girl didn't utter a word, but her sneer spoke volumes.

 Behind her stood two other girls, who seemed to watch the scene unfold with great interest.

 Her green eyes reminded me of a slithering snake, its movements calculated and precise.

I recognised her as the same girl Romeo had kicked out of the music room earlier.

 I swear I couldn't catch a break today.







I watched as Selena and some of her girls surrounded Midnight.

She should thank her lucky stars Kiera and Luna weren't here as well.

 She'd got it easy—well, somewhat easy.

 I watched Selena hiss something to Midnight, and her eyes flickered to me.

Oh, baby.

Them beautiful stormy eyes.

Snap the fuck out of it, Ro. 

She was a reminder of her.

Of Lila.

Pain sliced through my stomach as those feelings came tumbling back.

 Not again.

 "Tell them to leave her alone. This was all down to you ditching Sel earlier," growled Axel, breaking me from my thoughts.

 He was attached to this girl because she was just like Dehlila.

 I had guessed it had something to do with her.

 Axe had always been the closest to her.

 He also blamed himself for what happened to her.

 But that was Axe's story to tell.


"I'd love to, but you know how pissy Selena gets".

 I slowly managed, rolling my eyes and try to ignore the fact this whole situation was pissing me off. 

Suddenly, the girls scattered away, and that's when I realised who'd scared them off.

 Callix stood powerfully watching Midnight with an intense look, and I smiled at her as she flicked her eyes to me for reassurance.

Out of the five of us.

 Cal could be trusted the most. 

Cal touched her hand softly and led her to the seat beside Axel.

That for Cal was fucking major.

 He hated social interaction, but right then, he'd saved Midnight from the witches of East Wick.

 He'd laughed at Dexter after she did what she did to him around back.

 Best believe Dex took it out on Jack and he probably wasn't breathing any more.

 I hadn't finished my classes, and I had Spanish after lunch.

Callix hadn't finished either because he had music.

 I'd got Jasper to hack the school system and get Midnight's timetable.

She was free for the rest of the day.

 "Thank you, Callix, for earlier", she mumbled, unable to glance at him; she kept her gaze firmly focused on the board. 

 "Anytime, little shadow," he said, watching her although she refused to look at him.

She bolted off when the bell rang, and Axel called down to her. 

 "Till tomorrow, Ellison," he stated.

 Midnight didn't glance back, not once; she just carried on with her quick, rapid pace, and I smirked.

 Selena, Laina, and Clea all came to the back of the class. 

 Them all eyeing up me and my brothers.

 Selena smirked at me.

"Want to hang tonight?" she asked, stroking my arm softly.

 I looked at it and rolled my eyes at her desperate attempts.

 She didn't understand what a hook-up meant, I swear. 

"I'm sorry, Sel. I can't tonight. I have a lot of work to do," I said, packing my books into my bag as I avoided Axe's probing stare.

 It was the first time I'd turned down sex since Lila, but I couldn't get Midnight out of my head.

 Selena just didn't compare.

Selena sneered at me, her fake lips pouting.

 "Why not, Ro? Is it because of that Ellison girl?" she hissed, flicking her bleached, short hair back with a scowl.

I rolled my eyes at her.

 "No, Sel. It's not because of her. I have a lot of work to finish," I lied, tapping my desk nervously.

"Let me guess, Midnight is on your mind," whispered Axe.

 Of course, he knew me too well.

"No, Axe. She's not," I lied again, trying to sound convincing.

Selena swung her bag and strutted down the stairs and out of class.

 Her minions following her.

 "If you say so, brother, it's just you are turning down sex, and I'm secretly horrified", claimed Axel, nudging Cal and wandering off.

I'm horrified, too.

 She was in my head, but I wouldn't reveal that to my brothers.

They would see her as a weakness we couldn't afford right now.


 Following them, we reached outside the school building, and I grabbed a cigarette from my black jeans pocket and lit it up.

 I puffed on it, inhaling deeply as I stared ahead. 

 Dex, Axe and Jas all looked at me, and I smiled.

 "You rejected Selena. She's telling the fucking student body everything", stated Dexter, chain-smoking like he always did when he was stressed.

 "Wasn't feeling it", I said

 quietly, clearing my throat as the smoke scorched me. 

 "Romeo Summers says no. Would you like that recorded, boss" managed Jasper with a deep grey stare in my direction, almost curious. 

 "Is it because you don't say yes or no, virgin boy" I grinned, beaming at Jas.

I watched his jaw tick him, staring at me all deadly.

Pushing him wasn't a good idea. 

You didn't fuck with Jasper; I knew that.

 So did the boys.

 But I got away with murder.

 From them all?

"I have a lesson", I managed with a weak smile at Dex. 

 "I'm paying the princess a visit tonight—well, we all are. I found her address, so meet me at my place. I need to make sure she's not going to say anything about what she saw," said Dexter, flicking his blunt out and glancing at me. 

"Sounds good, but she won't, trust me Dex," I smirked as I walked back into the school building.

 I'd see Midnight Ellison tonight, and I couldn't wait.




I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing my blonde hair and admiring my matching red and white PJ set.

 The shorts hugged my curvy figure perfectly, and my crop top was cute and stylish.

As I looked at my reflection, a sudden surge of confidence flooded my being, and I couldn't help but smile. 

Feeling good about myself, I bounced down the stairs, eager to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.

 My aunt Aliza, who worked at the hospital, had a late shift tonight and still hadn't returned home. 

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring and walked over, curious to see who it was.

When I opened the door, my eyes widened in surprise.

 Standing before me were the five Firewell boys, each wearing something different.

As I slammed the door, I couldn't help but wince as Axe's arm pushed against it with brute force.

I was worried he might have broken it.

 Trying to maintain my composure, I asked confidently, "Can I help you?" This was my place, and my aunt would be back soon.

I knew these boys were in for a world of trouble then.

 My aunt was a nightmare when she was angry. 

Dexter eyed me without restraint, his deep blue gaze piercing me sharply.

 "Look at you being all cocky, Ellison," he hissed.

 I could feel my frustration building up inside of me.

 "Fuck you, just leave," I managed to say, trying to keep my annoyance in check. 

"Aww, Midnight knows big girl words," Romeo chimed in with a grin while flicking his hair.

Their charm and good looks couldn't hide the fact that they were troublemakers.

 Ones I shouldn't be associating myself with.


 As I gazed into Romeo's emerald green eyes, they sparkled as if they held a secret.

 He was a handsome man, the kind that you could easily imagine being a model.

 I leaned in and hissed, "I do. Yes, what do you want, Dexter?" We had spent only one day together, but he had managed to irritate me beyond belief.

"An apology and to make sure you're going to keep your mouth shut," he replied, smirking at me with one corner of his mouth pulled up in a snarky grin. 

I sighed, knowing that I had no choice but to apologise.

 "Okay, fine. I'm sorry for earlier, Dexter," I said, trying to keep my tone even.

He nodded, satisfied with my apology, and suddenly asked, "Can we come in?" I watched as interest flared in his deep blue eyes.

 Standing at the door, I couldn't help but notice the tattoo on Axel's neck.

 It was a small rose, intricately designed and perfectly placed.

 But my curiosity was piqued when I saw that each of the other boys behind him had the same design inked on their necks.

 I couldn't help but wonder what it meant.

My attempt to close the door was thwarted again by Axel.

 He was easily the tallest among them, standing at six foot eight inches, and his massive arms seemed like they could crush anything in their path.

 The other boys were no less intimidating, built like they could crush me instantly.

 As they leant over me, I felt small and

 vulnerable, barely reaching five feet and five inches.

 I was an ant compared to them.

Just then, a familiar voice called out, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

It was my Aunt Aliza, and I was grateful for her interruption.

 As she walked through the group of boys, her eyes scanned each of them curiously.

She was clearly intrigued by their presence and asked me to introduce them.

 She looked at me with a knowing look in her grey eyes.

 Dexter smiled cruelly.

 "This is Dexter and his friends Axel, Romeo, Jasper, and Callix," I said, rolling my eyes. 

After the last name, I caught Callix's baby blue eyes, remembering how he'd saved me from Selena and her girls earlier.

I gave him a quick smile, which he returned. 

 "Oh, very nice. Well, I ordered some pizza, and there's far too much for me and Night. Why don't you join us?" she exclaimed way too enthusiastically to be my aunt.

I glanced up at her, open-mouthed and confused. 

"We'd love to," grinned Dexter so charmingly that it's hard to believe I watched him nearly kill a guy today.

Romeo smiled, "And what beautiful name do we call you by?" He said it so flirtatiously that I scoffed out loud.

Axel's eyes zoomed in on mine as he smirked at me. 

His eyes glowed like amber fire, illuminating the darkness around him.

 "Aliza, please now come in," my aunt said, gesturing towards the boys.

I shot her a disapproving look and whispered, "What are you doing?" "They seem nice enough. I'm glad you've made friends,"she replied softly. 

"You have a lovely home, Miss Ellison," Jasper complimented, rolling up his sleeves.

 His stormy grey eyes darted towards me, radiating pure hatred.

 I didn't even understand why. 

"Oh, he's very polite, Jasper, isn't it?" my aunt asked, glancing at me. 

"Quite right," Jasper managed to say, his eyes still fixed on me with an intense look of loathing.

Aliza did a little happy dance and went into the downstairs office.

 "What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped at them as they all made themselves comfortable in my brand-new living room. 

"Meeting my future wife's aunt, can't hurt, right?" smirked Axel, studying me with an intensity that made me think he wasn't joking. I laughed. 

"I'd rather-" I started saying when my aunt wandered in with the freshly delivered pizzas. 

"Please continue," said Jasper, glancing at me as he flicked his wrist.

 Like he gave me permission to speak. What a dick. 

"It doesn't matter", I spat, snatching up a piece of cheese pizza.

 "All the toppings, and you go for cheese", laughed Romeo, scoffing down a spicy pizza animalistically. 

"Let me guess your favourite ice cream is vanilla", managed Dexter, not even seeming like he was playing but more like he was serious.

 I felt my face going red with annoyance. 

"Yes, I like vanilla. Can we just stop talking about vanilla" I rambled on. 

 I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me, causing my entire body to burn with shame.

 Romeo, who had been sitting across from me, let out a smirk and took a sip of his Pepsi can. "A night with me would change that," he said suggestively. 

Ignoring his comment, I took a deep breath and announced that I was going to bed.

"Your secret is safe with me I won't tell anyone what I saw. Good night. I'll see you all tomorrow," I said, feeling defeated.

Slowly making my way up the stairs, I was exhausted and didn't bother to look back at Romeo and the others.

 Finally arriving at my room, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed that someone had left a note on it, written in bright red lipstick.

 As I read the words - "You look stunning, baby" - I couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and unease.

A cold chill rippled down my body. The boys hadn't left my side, so it wasn't them. 

Who was it? Suddenly, a hand touched my arm, and I screamed.