
8. Raymac Mythstorm 8/20/19 Test

1. What is your favorite color? Yellow and Blue

2. What kind of animal do you like? Hogs

3. What is your favorite holiday? Easter

4. What is your favorite time of year and why? Lunis Lapis cause its the season of the moon.

5. What element do you relate too?

A. Fire: fierce and fiesty

B. Ice: cold/shy

C. Water: spontaneous and everywhere

D. Thunder: Booming and Dark

(E.) Grass: Growing and Adventurous

(F.) Rock: Plain and Boring but Strong

6. What is your favorite type of weather?

A. An Earthquake

(B.) Rain/Thunderstorms

C. Tsunamis

D. Snow

E. Sunny

(F.) Cloudy

7. What is your best subject? Chemistry

8. What is your hobby? Studying the earth

9. What are you talented in? Drawing

10. What do you want to learn at our school? I don't know.

I got done and looked over my test then went and turned it into Mrs Flaron Firewind.

Raymac Mythstorm: Hi professor Firewind! I'm Raymac but you can just call me Ray. This is my test, here you go!

F. Firewind: Thank you Ray, here is the map of the school. Button if you need help. See you in 2 days, exit to your left. Bye.

I walked out and started exploring.