
14. Exploring Campus: Student 7 & 8

~Lillac Lifeshield~

I left the gymnasium and started exploring the school. I went and visited the gardeners to see what plants they grew. An arrow popped up from the map and showed me the way. I walked passed the shopping district and went into a tunnel to a secret garden house that was 100 acres long and wide.

Lilli: oh wow! this is HUGE! EEEEEEEEEP!

Gardener: Hello there young miss. Can I help you with something? I'm Garth. I'm the garden teacher.

Lilli: I'm Lillac but a lot of people call me Lilli. What seeds do you have? When can I start learning to garden?

Garth: I have many different unique seeds for you to plant but you cant plant until you are taught the tricks. Once you start the school year you can come find me and I'll teach you everything you need to know. I have some plants planted that you can browse at to see a few different kinds that you can choose from to start with tho. Have a browse around and let me know if you have anymore questions! See you later! He went back to watering his plants.

I walk around the area and looking at all the different plants that they have. I watch some in amazement of what they're doing. I come along a sunflower and it glows as bright as the sun. I came across a Tiger Lilly and it growled at me. THIS IS SO COOL! I go sit in the middle of the field surrounded by the rest of the flowers as I'm observing them and relax in the garden. I fell asleep...

~Darthic Crypticshadow~

I leave the gymnasium and I start exploring. I look for some caves to go in to explore. I went to the haunted cave and explored along the lanes. As soon as I entered I seen skeleton and ghouls roaming the streets.

I walked up to one of the ghouls to talk and he pulled me into a battle.

Ghoul uses self to attack. -10 damage.

Hey that hurt! I tried running away and I couldn't leave the battle.

Ghoul uses scarub to attack. -100 damage.

Hey leave me alone!

Someone joins the battle.

Player 2 attacks with storm shark. -300 damage. Ghoul dies.

Thanks for helping me. I just wanted to talk to it but it pulled me into a battle. I'm Darthic Crypticshadow, but you can call me Dar. Who are you?

Player 2: I'm Syntic Crystorm. I'm level 56 already. I'm guessing you're just starting school here?

Dar: Yeah, just took the entrance exam today. Do you like it here?

Syntic: Yeah, its pretty fun here. But you'll be here for a pretty long time. It takes a while to graduate here. You have to reach level 100 to finally graduate. I've been here 20 years and I'm just now getting to level 56. But you learn a lot and you make lifelong friends.

Dar: Cool. So can you tell me why I got pulled into battle?

S. Crystorm: Every creature except for some will attack you if you go near them. Unless they're on grass or in a house. And DO NOT go into towers until you have decent spells. Or you'll be screwed.

Dar: Cool. Can I join you on exploring this a bit more?

S. Crystorm: Sure. I like having a partner with me.