
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Tranh châm biếm
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213 Chs

An Interview To Remember Part 1

(Before I begin this chapter, I want to ask you a question. How would you like the following essences Linus gets to be themed? Would you like to continue the elf theme in the next world or something completely different? Would you want him to go from a science-based approach to magic?)

Entry 26:

Linus Ozias POV:

I straightened my tie before beckoning the interviewers to their seats opposite me, of course, with my chair on a swivel facing the office's windows if I turned around.

The interviewer then helped set up the camera so that her cameraman would not have to hold it the whole time, which I allowed.

"So, where do we begin?" I ask the woman as she pulls out her notepad.

"Well, introductions for one, and as this is my interview, I can go first if you would like?" The woman offers as she readies herself.

"No need. I will start and begin my full name is, Linus Alexander Ozias. CEO of Ozcorp International and prospective inventor."

The woman then writes that down and asks her first question, "Well, Mr. Ozias. My name is Nicki Nale. But to start this interview, we will start light. So, first question, how did you build this company so fast?"

I put my finger on my chin as I respond, "Well, Ms. Nale, it was rather intensive, to say the least, as it took many hours of renovations and vetting given the world's climate."

The woman writes this down and beckons that I continue, so I did. "But beyond that, it was both luck and timing as while I had the luck that all of my inventions and products were approved so quickly by our government and the consumers."

"Speaking of consumers, what exactly is your target base as you influence multiple worlds: entertainment, home resources, power, and even weapons?" Nicki says while naming my different subsidies.

"Everyone, Ms. Nale, everyone is my target base as my company is creating technologies not for gimmicks but for generations," I say while looking her in the eye, which causes her to blush.

I would believe she was crushing on me, but this is not that kind of setting. She then puts herself together and continues.

"Everything, Mr. Ozias, are you not afraid of being labeled as a monopoly?"

"No, while we have fingers in many proverbial pies, we are not putting down our competition. In fact, we approve of their attempts to copy or improve as it keeps my company and myself on my toes." I say while motioning out the window towards the various other companies.

"Because you see, Ms. Nale, this is part of what gives me purpose and the fire to invent because if I don't, someone else will."

"That's a dangerous line of thinking, Mr. Ozias, as many others have thought that way, and it has gone horribly. I mean, remember Hero? He believed he could change things, and The Siberian tore him and his future apart quite literally, I might add." Vicki says while a frown appears on her face.

I frown at her attempts to trip me up. If I answer this wrong, I may come off as prideful and, worse, disrespectful of the beloved past.

A golden age came and went with a man seeking to change the world.

I return to my chair and take up the classic anime planner pose with my hands locked together, facing the desk.

"You know, Ms. Nale, I was a fan of Hero. Even now, I look up to the man, not the myth he created, but now I am faced with the same challenge he took upon himself."

(For context, Hero was a member of the protectorate and a popular tinker that gave people much hope for the future. But then he was ripped apart by a member of the Slaughterhouse Nine, and Cauldron soon became the extremists they are today.)

Nicki continues, " And what would that challenge be exactly, Mr. Ozias?"

I look at her and then to Chloe, who was looking at the woman interviewing me with an almost dangerous glare, but with the thought of yandere female androids is quite hot, I have a response to think of.

I then respond resolutely, " To save the world, Ms. Nale, not just Brockton Bay, not just Elisburg, but the world."

This response makes them somewhat wide-eyed but not shocked as she then remarks.

"A very naïve dream, don't you think, Mr. Ozias?"

I chuckle and say, "Quite naive, but a goal that needs doing. And are not all goals born from naive dreams."

They remain silent, and I took this as a sign to continue. "Yet here I am in a position to save the world in my way, a way that I could look back on and know that even if I meet the same fate, I will leave a legacy the same as Hero but in my way."

Chloe looks like she wants to say something, but she remains silent as I look at her and slightly shake my head at her.

"You really need to work on your speeches because I almost felt happy, and I never feel happy during interviews," Nicki says while almost smiling.

" I try, Ms. Nale, I try, and hey, I almost got a smile out of you, so I will take that as a win," I say in a playful tone.

She then gives me a sarcastic gasp and says, " Mr. Ozias, are you trying to flirt with me during an interview for shame."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but I got a smile nonetheless. But we should probably continue, as I would not want to take too much of your time," I say, grinning at her.

Her cameraman looks at us with a frown and is a third wheel in human form, but hey, say something, then don't just frown at two people having a conversation.

"Alright, next question, are there any abilities that you have other than your known abilities?" She says while looking back to her notepad.

"Other than my dashing good looks and amazing fashion sense, then no, as my abilities are purely physical, only basic enhancements," I say while not lying, as all my abilities are physical in nature.

She writes down my response and then asks her next question: "Speaking of your good looks, I mean your enhancements, I mean your... You know what? I'm just asking: Does the business CEO have a Mrs. CEO."

I almost laugh as my having a girlfriend in this reality is about as likely as Merlin from Fate not being a troll.

"No, there is no Mrs. Ozias as to be honest, it's a bit weak, but I am simply too busy for romance and the world too dangerous," I say while Chloe almost looks sad.

Ignoring that flag, Nicki almost looks shocked at my answer but continues.

" Next question: What is your goal beyond what you previously stated?"

That is a difficult question, but I have to answer it, and I do so by stating.

"To reach for the stars, to go beyond the end bringers, to go beyond the need for superhumans, to go beyond the fear keeping us grounded, and to simply go beyond what a human can be."

I know it's cliché and way too Emperor Of Mankind, but it's just the logical next step, and with the tech I have, we could do it. We are so close to greatness, or we were this close.

Before Zion, before Abaddon and the other space whales, we could have gone beyond the confines of Earth and witnessed the final frontier.

To have the power of the stars in the palm of humanity's hand.

The silence in the room is deafening as I continue, " In the future, all humans, not Asians, Whites, or African Americans but all humans, as each one of us has the potential to be better to take fate in our hands without some power given by unknown means."

The woman then almost trips over herself and asks, "And what does that mean to you, Mr. Ozias?"

I say a phrase from a game I once played: " It's simple, Ms. Nale, for in my eyes and for our future, I see only one thing."

The two wait in bated breath as I say the phrase that inspired me: "For me, there are no gods, no kings, only man."