
Finding Myself........Sequence to Success

By the recommendation of my Husband I started my Youtube channel, featuring Natural Hair Care for women with 4c hair and Bueaty Tips. Helping women to love themselves, naturally being themselves.

Even though this came though my self realization, I have noticed that there are millions of women worldwide who are suffering from self depridation, afraid to show themselves for who they really are, not wanting to push through the cacoon and become their beautiful selves.

With this I have decided to share my story, to help these women who are beaten down by society, stereotype and sometimes themselves. To build up the confidence to break through whatever rough patches they are facing.

This how I found myself....By breaking through the stereotype of what society thought of me and the stigma that I held my self under. I became trainable and started learning new things about building myself without borrowing from someone's personality.

This made me realize that I started loving myself more and I was able to give advice to other women on how to love themselves.

Of all my mother's childern "I love me the most"

"Self love is the greatest love, only by loving yourself can you truly love the ones around you".

Now let's take a step back from our busy schedules: what is going on in our lives currently? how is it improving us? who are the people around us? how are they adding value to our lives? what are we doing to change ourselves for the better?

When I think of all these questions I start to see things for what they really are.

In the words of the great Jim Rohn " For things to change we have to change".

How will we change?

let's examine each of the aformentioned questions.

What are we currently busy with?

Ans: We are reading books that are beneficial to our growth and maintainance of that growth, the average CEO reads three books per week. Let's become our own CEO.

If we want to be successful, do what successful people do. And this is just the beginning. Formulate the habbits of success, push through the negativity, the pain and the hardships.

Stay up late working on your vision, get up early fighting for you vision.

What is going on in our lives?

Ans: We are fixating and aligning ourselves with our vision, creating a team of people who are of like mind, with similar vision and mindset, hungry for greatness to strive higher than where they are in their lives at the moment.

We embrace the hunger for greatness with ourselves and push past the pain.

Mervia_Ropercreators' thoughts