
Finding love on dating Apps Zenistu love

When Zenistu and Asahi match on Tender, when Zenistu finds out Asahi is a demon, he is taken aback but doesn't judge him, and they enjoy life. The only reason it's a demon slayer is due to Zenistu being in this a modern-day slice of life with some drama mixed in. Also, Asahi can live off human food and blood. Some demons have learned to live among humans and eat there food

RoseMaddox1990 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Best Date Ever

The waitress came back with their food. She set down the food. Zenistu smiles, seeing it. "This looks so good," he said and took a few pictures. Asahi smiles, seeing it. "you like food," he asks. Zenistu looks up. "Oh well, I umm yeah, if it looks perfect, I take a picture of it and post it on my Instagram," he said. Asahi pulls his phone out and hands it to Zenistu. Zenistu took it and followed him, and handed it back to Asahi. Zenistu followed Asahi. "Your music gets a lot of attention, huh," Zenistu said. Asahi nods. "I mostly do Club events and big parties. I also write my songs, but no one has heard them, so," he said, eating. Zenistu looks up and sips his drink. "Why not," he asks. Asahi swallows and drinks his beer. "To be honest, I keep forgetting, and my producer is a twat every time I do remember; he tells me he has too much on his plate and never listens to them," he said. Zenistu nods. "I bet going to a different producer looks bad on your part, correct," he said. Asahi taps his nose. "Yep, due to us working together so long, I could tank my DJ career," he said. Zenistu nods. "I wish I could help," he said. He was generally worried. Asahi smiles. "No need to worry; I am happy," he said. "I make good money, and I can be myself, and that's all that matters to me," he said. Asahi reached into his back pocket to pay, but Zenistu got it. "Please, it's okay," he said. Asahi smiles, and they get up and walk out—a group of girls who know him. "Omg, it's DJ Ethical D," they said. Asahi smiles. "Listen, I would normally, but I am on a date," he said. Zenistu smiles and waves next to him. The girls nod and leave him be. He sighed in relief. "Thank god," he whispers. "Are you saying I am on a date with a famous person?" Zenistu said? Asahi smiles. "Kinda yeah," he said. "It's rare when fans come up to me due to me being mostly just having on a fish next tank top and black leather pants. Some people don't get close enough to see my face, but sometimes they do, which is okay," he said. Zenistu nods. "I am glad you are happy," he said. "You have to be happy with yourself before making others happy," Asahi said. Zenistu smiles. "It took me a long time to figure that out," he said. Asahi nudges Zenistu and smiles. Zenistu smiles up at him. Inosuke was talking and walking with Tanjiro and pointed at Zenistu. Tanjiro looked and took a picture. He smiles ahead, seeing Kanao walking up and hugging Tanjiro. He hugs back. "Look, Zenistu is on a date," he said and pointed. Asahi was laughing with Zenistu. Kanao looks. "Oh wow," she said. "That is DJ Ethical D," she said, pulling up one of his shows. "See, I have always wanted to go, but tickets sell out so fast," she said softly. Zenistu was walking over to them. "Only because you guys won't stop starting Asahi meet Tanjiro and his girlfriend Kanao, and that is Inosuke," he said. Asahi smiles. "Lovely to meet you guys," he said. Kanao smiles. "You two, your shows are amazing, and your music is too," she said. Asahi smiles. "Thank you so much," he said. Zenistu smiles. "Okay, we are going to get back our date. You a bunch of weirdos," he said, pulling him away. Asahi waves bye and laughs. "We could have stayed and hung out with them," he said. Zenistu looks. "Maybe later I am enjoying our time," he said. Asahi smiles. "Me too," he said. They spent the whole day together. By the end, Zenistu had Asahi's number and address. Zenitsu went back home. He looked at the pictures and everything that they did that day. Asahi was getting ready for work.