
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

Doctor Eric had his eyes on the young man who had been trapped inside this capsule for 20 years. He often wondered how his mentor knew about the miseries of passing through a border between the living and afterlife. The young doctor still had his speculations if he should cut this first experiment out of life. Furthermore, how did he survive in a foreign world all these years? He had thought that was the end of the young man but someone proved he was still alive and striving to live. It must have been difficult for this first experiment to adapt and face difficulty.

Eric hadn't muster up courage to do as professor Henry commanded and he knew if the old man turns up, he would cut him off. For now, he was all alone in the laboratory and time wasn't on their side. From observation, the second experiment was left with 24 hours to return. He raked his left brow and strides towards Miranda's capsule, she was breathing just fine and had no complications yet. Though, he never could tell what her fate could be yet and hoped professor Henry keeps to his words of bringing her back safely.

"You shouldn't waste your time searching for him...just accept his death and come back" he advised as though she could hear him from outside. He suddenly recalled the first time Tyler showed up willing to get locked the capsule. The young man was bruised which was obvious he got into a fight and desperately wanted to die judging from his attitude. The young man could barely breath because he was bleeding from his lower abdomen from the injuries substained from the fight. He had an innocent look and miseries in his eyes, his personal reason of volunteering was unknown to them. Although, he was offered a huge sum of amount by the professor if he volunteers but Eric could tell money wasn't the reason why this young lad agreed to get locked up. Doctor Eric had to get him treated before embarking on the mission. The young man was silent and didn't ask a question nor was he curious but his sadness could be felt by just staring. Tyler didn't even tell how he got wounded nor if he had family but only raged at them when they forced him to speak up or asked too many questions. Eric was already fond of him at first sight as the young man looked adorable, brave and wild. He guessed Tyler just decided to go on a suicide mission or doesn't want to exist any longer in the world of the living due to circumstances surrounding his life. Tyler was instructed to give feedbacks of what he finds in that world to prove science was beyond human imaginations and was assured he would be saved if he returns within 72 hours. However, something went wrong that he couldn't return and that was because of a mistake professor Henry caused. The lab was shutdown after that incident and no knew the true story of the missing man. To worsen the situation, their experiment turns out to be the only heir of a billionaire who was to succeed his father. His family didn't give up searching for him as his disappearance remained a misery. Tyler was 26 years old when his body was frozen up and by now, he should be 46 years old but still possessed his young look because he was frozen and wouldn't be affected by aging. Even if he returns, he wouldn't find the world as it use to be twenty years back as to him, it would feel like he was locked up three days ago and would believe he's still the same age afterall, he didn't age. Doctor Eric shook his head not to fill himself with guilt of the past. Besides, they did everything possible to bring back Tyler but it wasn't working and professor Henry shut him down until now that his heartbeat could still be heard. The devastated doctor knew the reason why Tyler mustn't return again as Miranda's life seems at stake.

"I'm sorry but your wish wouldn't be granted...it was all a lie from the start" he muttered as tears had gathered in his eyes and he walked away from the laboratory.


They both held hands closely while striding out of this dark factory. She flickered her fingers from his immediately they got out and felt embarrassed to look at him in the face. She knew he had embraced her just to hide her face from Ryan but she went extreme. As for Tyler, his worries were just based on this woman leaving this place before more unexpected event turns up. He didn't mind the scene that had transpired between them and would certainly forget them once she leaves.

"Time up... it's time to leave" he suddenly reminded with no emotions and she widened her eyes. The reason why she came over was to see Morgan and now Tyler was ringing in her ears to leave the place.

"I have 24 hours left... please there's someone else..."

"A deal is a deal!" He snapped getting infuriated. Miranda was bemused by how harsh he was becoming. Why did she fill her head up that he trying to be friendly to her when he was just cold-hearted all along. She fluttered her lashes to fight back the tears that were forcing their way out. Miranda wasn't going to leave until she finds her husband.

"No, I won't go back without seeing him" she declared sternly folding her fist and swallowing hard. Tyler scoffed and turned his back against her cussing.

"Then I have no choice than to send you to the higher-ups..."

"We both would get into trouble if they find out I was with you all this time" she threatened biting her lower lip as it took her courage to say that to him because she was yet to understand what kind of man Tyler was. He slightly turned to face her, raked his head and wondered how such woman got into his life within 24 hours. Once he was discovered that an alien got in while on duty, it was the end and his last wish wouldn't come true. Here she was claiming to fulfil it but he doubts if she could and now, she was getting him in more trouble.

"I promise...I would return when I meet...my husband" she confessed sobering up and sniffing. It wasn't her wish to complicate someone's life and they just happen to meet by mistake. It was hard for her too to be in a strange world and he shouldn't act like only his life matters.

"I didn't ask" he murmured to himself while peeking at her. She was fixing her eyes on the ground and whimpering while muttering some sad words about her relationship intensionally just change Tyler's mind.

"What's his name" he mused with an annoyed look at her. It felt like she was taking control of his decisions already and she let out a sided smile as though knew he was willing to help. Afterall, Tyler wants her out of his life quickly and would do anything for that. This lady sure knew how to win someone's sympathy.

"It's Morgan" she said folding her lips and looking up to Tyler who she knew was probably cussing at her in silence.

"He doesn't exist here"