
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Time was far spent here as kept watch while being troubled by her last speech. It was quite dangerous leaving her alone with a ghost has various mood swings. He was hating himself for worrying over this woman as a part of him desired so much to break through the door and get Miranda out. His attention was distracted by the jabbering sound of an helicopter.

"Oh no" he said and glanced at his watch. It was time for her to return and the authorities around here must have figured out that a living soul had crossed the border. It wouldn't take them time to realize that as they had spies everywhere. Presently, they must have sent agents to come take her. If they get a hold of her, it was over and she would cease to exist both as a dead or living. Quickly, he knocked on the door hoping that Miranda answers but rather someone's voice called;

"Tyler... it's nice to see you again"

That voice belonged to Ryan, his competitor and must have spotted him with the alien. Two other agents were with him and they had finished searching the area before coming in contact with Tyler who was knocking on the door.

"Wow, you love me so much to follow me down here" Tyler mocked stepping away from the door and Ryan snickered while commanding the two agents behind him to surround the door. He gulped hoping that Miranda doesn't appear now, everything was becoming screwed up and they both were in danger.

"Let's be tame here friend, give the living in and you would escape the trial" Ryan snarled bringing out his handcuff. He had so much desired for his rival to vanish away and tried finding any offense that would end him forever. Tyler scoffed and ogled at the handcuff with this desperate man.

"Do I look like one who mingle with the living?"

"That's true...she would probably be dead because it's you she first met" Tyler joked as he signal that the men should break into the room.

"I wonder why the great Tyler is here in this shabby garage...did you break another virgin ghost heart?" He pressed on and Tyler gave him a sided smile. The young didn't want to reply Ryan but it turns out that his silence would raise suspicion.

"Maybe, this time around, it's a love fight and you can act as the mediator" Tyler replied trying not to yell at him as he was boiling inside.

Ryan smirked at him as his men broke through the door and stormed inside. He barely believes a word Tyler says neither did he mind his opinion. Tyler remained calm as he had no idea what next would come. A lot of thoughts ran in his mind as he stood where he was observing from behind them. This room was more like an empty hall filled with ice that it's temperature was at 0 degree. Their eyes rampaged the whole place and neither Tyler could tell why he wasn't seeing Miranda. Could she have frozen to death? The young man folded his lips in frustration while Ryan tried getting on his nerve. He was still lost in thoughts when he sensed someone energy coming close to him. Tyler didn't have to turn because he knew who it was. That person was the only one who could make his heartbeat and fill alive again. Tyler was backing the busy Ryan while his eyes gazed upon Miranda who had come out from the room beside him. Meanwhile, Tyler had noticed that Ryan and his men were returning from this room and he didn't want Miranda to be sighted. Though he was startled that she came out through the back door to meet him. She hadn't discovered the situation yet and had a dull, inexpressive look.

"Tyler, sorry for the delay..." Miranda hadn't finished her speech when he suddenly pushed her to himself and embraced her while burying her face on his chest. He laid his jaw on her head and cuddled her like one who cares. His hands stroke her back gently while keeping a tensed face. Miranda who couldn't understand what the led to the sudden cuddle could feel her toes curled. Deeply, she wanted an embrace after speaking and delivering the letter to the teenage girl. However, she didn't want it from Tyler but Morgan when they meet. She could neither find herself terminating his hug and just stayed glued to him as she was listening to his heartbeat. Indeed, this world was strange. From the little she knew about the dead and ghost, they had no heartbeat anymore but he was different. His coat that she still had on her prevented his cold body from affecting her warm one. Tears found it's way to cloud her eyes as she prevented them from drooling down. There was something so warm, something that felt right, smelt right. She let her body sag, her muscles become loose. He gave her the respect of an equal but cradled her like a cherished child. In that embrace she felt her worries loose their keen sting and her optimism raise its head from the dirt. Perhaps the hope had been there all along, but without some love it was trapped, like crystals in a stone. His voice whispered to her that everything was fine and she should trust him. Obviously, she knew it was a false act yet she felt she needed some comfort and assurance that she would meet Morgan next. Miranda wrapped her hands around his back while pinning her whole body to him.

While Ryan strides out, he spotted Tyler hugging his so called girlfriend passionately which got him disgusted. He teased them both before taking his final leave as he didn't want to know who that girl was neither was her face visible because Tyler had squeezed her for a tight hug. Though, he left a message cautioning his prey that he had his eyes on him. Tyler could sense disappointed in Ryan and he liked that. As soon as he left, Tyler intended to break out from the hug but she suddenly requested that he stays still while she gets buried in his emotional embrace. She had just lost someone dear to her last night and here she was with hopes to see him again. Acting all brave didn't hide the pains she felt as Tyler's fake embrace only spark something in her and his whispers that says;

"Everything would be fine...trust me"

That was what she needed to hear and feel.