
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

The sun had risen steadily as it shone its ray through windows which slightly paved the way for it to penetrate. Its bright light rested on her forehead as her mouth let out a gasp which was accompanied by a groan. She fluttered her lashes slowly, trying to get her eyes open. Her body felt weaken and glued to where she laid. Gradually, her blurry vision was becoming vivid, and it got to her notice that she was in a room. Her hands raked her rumbled hair as she felt like she was in a trace. The few memories she could recall were being locked up in a capsule and found herself staggering towards a foggy area. Her brown eyes scrutinized the room, which didn't look like a ward or hers. The confused lady felt her temperature which was warm and then rolled her gaze to the window which gave way for the sun to greet her.

"What happened?" She questioned as though someone would give her the answers she needed. Miranda winced with pain while trying to massage her body. She still couldn't understand what was going on, but all she hoped was that she transited to the other world. However, if that was so, why was the sun glowing with all smiles? She could also feel the bed which she laid. The other side was meant to look creepy and scary but it was quite different, or could she be in a delusion? Furthermore, she doubted if the experiment worked and the old man just brought her to his house because she fell unconscious. Suddenly, she remembered the book and the letter in it, howbeit, it wasn't with her anymore. While in her contemplating state, she suddenly heard the door squeak open and it got her attention. Swiftly, she sat upright on the bed, guessing it must be doctor Eric, and she was ready to scold him for wasting her time. However, turns out to be someone different, but her speculation was that he must be a worker for the old man

"You're awake" His voice muttered sternly, and she blinked at who said that. Miranda gave an attempt to rise as she was still feeling tipsy. Though, she had to maintain her balance, but her eyes weren't focused.

"Where's your boss?" She requested, endeavoring not to freak out. There was no respond to her question, as this young man only paced towards the window to lock it up.

"I don't know how you got through that borders, but you need to leave now" that was his reply to her which made Miranda nervous at his action. She was smart in understanding what he said, which could only mean she passed through. A sigh escaped her while rubbing her chest. At least there was hope.

"Is this…the other side?" She questioned, scrolling around the room which looked exactly as the living. He gave her a harsh look and beckoned on Miranda to follow him, but she refutes, demanding to know who he was and why she was in this room. She needed no explanation again to know if this was the other side, based on his attitude towards her. Howbeit, Miranda wasn't going to leave just because he said so, besides, she went through a lot to come here.

"I gave you a chance to return…but it seems you crave for death" he cautioned and Miranda got terrified while gasping for air. He didn't look like the devil but perhaps a demon, but that was just in books. She guessed he was dead, but he looked like a living being. From the little she knew about ghost, they were scary to gaze upon. Her eyes studied his outfit, and she guessed he was a convoy, so there was no need to be scared because he wouldn't take her soul, if he could, he would have done so before now. Miranda tossed aside her blonde hair which she packed into a bun, acted like this man was invisible and began to search for her book. She had buried her heart to perform that single act, as she couldn't tell what this man was capable of. Perhaps, that's why the old man chose her. There were questions she needed to ask the serious-looking man, but it was best she kept it to herself given the circumstances. He clenched his fist, trying to keep his temper down because he would rather not do anything that would ruin his dismissal. If only she hadn't shown up. That was his last duty before the higher-ups grants his last wish, and he was glad nothing would intervene before this mysterious lady surfaced. Having declared there wasn't any invader with pride, he was certain if they found out about her, he was doomed and so his intentions was to return her quietly but now, she was creating a nuisance. Miranda gave up on her search and threw her stare at the young, troubled man. He would probably know where the book was, since he brought her here in the first place.

"I'm Miranda…and I got to deliver something really quickly… I have no idea how we met, but I hope we don't cross each other's path again…so please… I need the book which I brought here" she pronounced stretching her hands at him. There wasn't a need for formality or trying to understand the miseries of how she scaled through to this place, besides, time wasn't on her side and every amusement of this strange place can halt. Introductions could halt at that moment. She doubts if this was a prank and all hopes were high that she could meet Morgan, her husband. He lowered his eyes to her stretched hand, grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to himself that her breath exchanged with his while his eyes lurked with hers as though enchanting her. Her chapped lips were folded, and her beautiful face made a puzzled expression. His heartbeat could still be felt as it ached rapidly, yet he tried to bury the pain while doing the necessary.

"You would listen to what I say" he whispered and Miranda blinked her eyes while hauling his grip off her. From the looks of it, he was trying to hypnotize her, but that didn't work, which got him groaning in frustration. Miranda rubbed the back of her neck as her heart pounced uncontrollably, even after maintaining a distance from him. For a bit, she had thought he wanted to drain her soul. Miranda took her hand to the chest and then fixed her eyes on him. The best way to resolve this was to explain to the young man rather than wasting time. She wasn't in a fantasy world where she would spend countless time with a stranger, but rather go straight to the point. Such people could be bought over by becoming emotional. It was time for all the books she had read to come to play.

"I have someone I desperately need to see… I would be gone within 48 hours…so please give me that chance" she petitioned sadly hoping this man from nowhere understands. Once again he got silence as he rolled his eyes away from her and stared up. He rubbed his ears as he couldn't believe he was actually having a conversation with the perpetrator, and she was even trying to win him over to accept her proposal. Wasn't she scared if he could make her not to exist anymore? Nothing of what she says would change his mind and luck was on her side that he couldn't do anything to her yet or else, he would be discovered.

"Someone would be here to escort you back" he broke the minute silent, almost leaving her here, but she quickly grabbed him by the arm.

"Please… I can't leave without saying goodbye to him…" She paused where he rudely pulled her hand off him and grabbed the door knob attempting to get it opened when she snapped with high expectations;

"What if I grant your wish?.. you do have a wish right?"

It seemed those words got into him as he darkens his gaze at the door while holding firmly to the knob in annoyance, and it got broken. His blue eyes suddenly morphed into mauve. Miranda was startled by the fact that he broke the door knob, and her feet stepped back. Though, he was backing her and she hadn't noticed his eyes color. That fear which she kept hidden unexpectedly covered her up as she had a feeling that something was wrong. She wondered if she had said something improper to get this strange man furious, judging from how the door knob fell out. Her eyes also noted that dark smokes were mysteriously dancing in the air, and they were coming from him. Possibly, she must have invited death