
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

A soft pant could be heard as rain trickled down the earth. The weather seemed calm except for the cloud that decided to pour out its frustration. The sky was pitch-black leaving everywhere in darkness. Howling and creepy sounds lingered in the air, making the silent night noisy. A young man could be sighted standing on a long lonely bridge which was surrounded by tall trees. This bridge had no end and he looked abandoned. He had a dark coat on with an umbrella while his eyes settle on the watch wrapped around his left wrist. His long black hair was groomed perfectly to suit his handsome, cold face. His mouth puffed up warm air as he tried not to be moved by the weather. This stranger seemed molded from a different cast, as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched anyone who fell under his steady gaze, those eyes were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels enwrought in snow. Sloe shaped, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Handsome was an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. His appearance made him look like a spy or, perhaps, detective. A soft sigh lingered on his lips as he diverted his gaze to his surrounding, curiously searching for something. It was obvious that sadness dwelled in his look and didn't look like a friendly personal. He seemed restless and tired of waiting for whosoever was to appear before him. In front of him was a thick fog which he couldn't pass through because it seemed like a border. The walkie-talkie in his back pocket muffled as he responded to the person trying to reach him.

"Coast cleared…there's no invader" he snapped coldly while turning slightly to leave the place. He gave a sigh of relief, strained, his body feeling all stressed as he groaned. It had been 20 years since someone tried invading through the borders, and he believed such a mistake would never happen again as it was a misery long forgotten. His work over here was done, and he was glad for reasons known to him. His purpose of being spotted here was to watch out for any invader. This young man had gotten just an inch away from where he stood when he heard footsteps approaching him. He paused his movement as his ears tingled at the sound which rang in his head. He stiffens his grip on the umbrella while grunting silently as he widened his eyes with disbelief. His feet pivoted, his body slowly to take a look at whose footsteps were that. He narrowed his brows curiously as fogged had covered his vision. It took a while for him to get a lucid figure of someone stuttering like a half dead soul towards him, though, that person was still at a far sight from him. He guessed that it was a female, judging from her structure. The rain had suddenly ceased falling, as though it were welcoming this stranger. The young man raised his eyes to gaze at the person who was muttering a name. He began to storm near while closing his umbrella gently as his eyes strolled around if there was anyone besides them. His blue eyes were strained harder to capture who exactly that was.

"Hello?" He called as he was just a distance away from her. He couldn't draw closer than that because of the thick fog as nervousness had him. No one had to see him and this stranger who was taking forever to reach him. This stranger had gotten away from the fog and suddenly shuddered when she heard a husky voice from a distance. Her pale face brightens up with hope as she tried hard not fall, despite how dizzy and unstable she was. It was like though she had no control of herself as her whole body ached while she struggles to reach out to the voice. Her right hand rubbed her head roughly as her dimmed eyes were fighting to keep awake. A sad smile hovered on her lips as that voice seemed familiar and acted like a strength to push her forward.

"Morgan!" She cried the more, running towards where the voice was coming from. Meanwhile, the young man tried not panic as this stranger had suddenly begun to race towards him while calling out a man's name more loudly and when he was about to utter another word due to curiosity, he felt this stranger's arms around his neck, her breast pinned to his chest while her head resting on his shoulder, the air from her nostril hit the back of his neck as she gasped heavily, and her body clung lazily on him. She had embraced him out of the blue and caught him unaware. He felt her heart pounce fast and for the first time in a long while, he also felt his heartbeat, which got him stunned and frozen to where he stood. The young man made an attempt to shove her away from him only to realize that she had collapsed on him, which got him terrified.