
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

The beautiful scenery and colourful atmosphere felt like a fairytale land as everyone's dreams were fulfilled here before moving on to the afterlife. Despite being a fabrication of the real world, one could tell the slight different. Her eyes were amazed by what she sight and smiles filled her up again. However, it faded when the man beside her glances. They were going through the busiest path of this world which had a lot of people around and going about their daily activities. She had no idea where this man was taking her to but was assured that he wouldn't do anything to harm her. Miranda stiffen her hand on his and began to swing it while putting up a smile against his wish as she had noticed unnecessary eyes ogling at them especially her outfit. He would have react at how she swung his hands with hers but kept calm because she was nervous at peering eyes. They came to a stop at a boutique and Miranda shifted her gaze at Tyler who freed her fingers from his hold. He had brought her over to get a new outfit before they find Morgan besides, she doesn't look presentable in what she had on now. He made way for her inside and it seems the owner of this place was acquinted with Tyler as they exchanged pleasantly but in a formal way. She was an old woman and goes by the name miss vera. Miranda wasn't expecting him to be considerate about getting her something to put on, possibly, he was repaying her.

"Wow, she's a goddess this time around" she commented waving at Miranda who was gazing around. Those were the first words she said to the amused Miranda who was busy wondering how this world made everything look surreal. Her statement gave Miranda the assumption that she wasn't the first lady he had brought around here. Miranda didn't mind that as she had told herself he was definitely a playboy both when he was alive and dead. Miss Vera was already getting fond of Miranda as this young lady looked all natural in her behavior.

"I hope you two end up..." She hadn't finish her statement when he coughed and glared at her to keep silent while bringing out the latest outfit that she got for Miranda. The old woman gave a mischievous smile at Tyler assuring that he came to the right place. Meanwhile, the lady was (). Though she knew that would never happen and she would be leaving soon after saying her final words to Morgan. She peeped at Tyler who had covered his face with a magazine. The first day she met him, he looked fashionable and would fit for a model. She was yet to know what exactly he ventures into. Her thoughts were interrupted when the old woman called on her to come into the changing room to test the perfect cloth, though it had to be to Tyler's liking. She kept appearing and disappearing with different outfit in front of Tyler until he finally approves of an outfit that suits her. Miranda only needed one since her here was up. Earlier, while she was changing, she noticed that she could feel this old woman's breath and Miranda was purposely drawing close to this woman if to feel her heartbeat also but wasn't. It grew her suspicion more about Tyler as she was yet know who he truly was. He paid off for the outfit and got her something eatable. Miranda noted that he was acting all kind out of the blue and when she asked, he said;

"So that when you return, you have something good to say about me on my grave and not swear"

He was bad at jokes but it always made Miranda smile briefly and she appreciated that while they continued walking. This young man made her feel like she didn't lose anyone recently and had a way of casting her thoughts away from Morgan but deep in her heart, he would always be there. Tyler realized he couldn't find her Morgan and needed more findings with the help of Alex who knew more mysteries than him. It was 18 hours now and still no trace of Morgan even in the register. Tyler didn't want to tell Miranda about that because she already had her hopes high to meet him before leaving and so he had to seek after Alex. They arrived at where Alex resides before they could get in, a serene voice called from behind them.


Miranda turned slightly to see who called out to Tyler and discovered a woman cartwalking happily towards him while freeing her arms for an embrace.