

On one cold stormy night, a wolf pup was abandoned at the Pine River Pack boarder. The Alpha couldn't in good heart leave a pup that young to fend for itself. Ash grew up coming into her wolf at 16 like everyone else had, only to be left behind in finding a mate. At 21, and no mate. Everyone her age including her brother had found their mate at least a year or two after they turned 16. The Alpha throws a Masquerade ball in her honour, will she find her wolf? Will her unique looks through off her potential mate?

courtnie_manning · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Three

Ash woke up the next morning disoriented, still in her clothes from the day before. What a mentally draining day, she thought to herself. With a sigh she got up looking at the clock, it was 1 pm. Who let her sleep this long. Running her hands through her rats nest of hair she went to freshen up in her bathroom and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and black tank top. Pulling her hair back into a high pony, and leaving her face clear of makeup she left her room in search of some food.

As she walked into the kitchen there was pack members everywhere running around, getting ready for tomorrow she guessed. There must have been lost to do and go over. Grabbing a banana and sitting at the island in the middle she just watched as everyone went about their business.

"Oh you must be so excited," a high pitched voice called from across the kitchen. Ash looked up and her brothers mate Abbigail was running over to her. The girl had so much energy Ash didn't know where it came from. Abbigail slung her arm around Ash's shoulder and smiled at her brightly.

"Not really" Ash muttered softly. "This is all too much, I don't need this huge party."

"Nonsense." Abbigail said happily, "You deserve to be happy like the rest of us girl. Your mate will be lucky to find you" She beamed. It was hard not to smile around her. the girl lit up a room without even trying to.

"Thanks, its just hard to think after this long there is actually someone out there for me. Maybe I am just too different." Ash said getting up. "I am going for a walk." She stated, leaving her brothers mate in the kitchen.

Ash liked Abbigail, but she could be a bit much. They all used to hang out as pups, but now Ash just stuck to herself almost like a lone wolf. She was more into reading and writing then going out or partying. You need to get out more her wolf Gryffin piped in.

"I know." Ash sighed. Maybe she did need a change. She loved her simple life, but there was more out there. More to explore. More to life that she hasn't experienced. She never even tried dating before she turned 16. Never had her first kiss nothing. With that thought Ash blushed, what if her mate didn't like someone so inexperienced. Ash found her way to the river that ran through the pack lands and sat by a huge stone, bringing her knees to her chest. She started to cry. She never realized how she was just letting her life run away from her until now. In that moment she decided she was going to start trying, starting with that ball. She sat there crying for a long time, not knowing how long she was actually there for until she heard someone calling out her name. Looking up she noticed how dark it had gotten in the forest. In a panic she made her way back to the pack house. Feeling like there was someone watching her the whole time she moved.

"Where have you been?" Her father questioned, looking panicked.

"I was down at the river." She said looking up at him, almost sure her eyes were still read and puffy from crying for so long. With one look at his daughter, the alpha pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"You ok, little bean." He said softly, any anger that may have been there completely gone.

"I will be, I am done hiding. I am done." She said smiling up at him. "I need to make these changes. Not just for everyone around me, but I owe it to myself."

"That's my girl" He said proudly. "Look what I had made for you for tomorrow." He said hauling a small box out of his pocket. Ash took the box and slowly opened it, revealing a delicate white gold chain, and a blue sapphire pendant hanging from it that was the size of a pea but in the shape of a star.

"Its beautiful." Ash said just staring at it. It was only a simple necklace but she loved it. It would fit in with her outfit wonderfully. "Thank you." She said to him

"Only the best for you." He said. "Now go get some rest, you have an early morning tomorrow getting ready for the evening. Packs will start arriving around 3 tomorrow afternoon." Ash nodded, taking the stairs up to her room. She laid the chain on her dresser and got ready for bed. She had a good feeling about tomorrow. Maybe she would actually find her mate.

Morning came all too soon for her liking, there was a soft knock on her door. Definitely not her brother then.

"Ash" Her mothers soft voice said as she walked into her room and opened the curtains. "Its time to get up and get ready."

With a groan Ash sat up, looking at her clock. 6:30 am. She knew she had to be up early to get ready but she didn't think she would have to be up this early. She crawled out of bed, giving her mother a hug and went into the bathroom to get her shower. It took her almost an hour, mainly she just stood under the water thinking about life, and how things were going to change. The whole bathroom smelled like her Strawberry shampoo when she got out. Drying off she put on some shorts and a tank, and walked down to the kitchen, where she was hit with the scent of bacon and pancakes. Her favorite breakfast food. I was going to be a good day as she piled the food high on her plate and sat to eat.