

On one cold stormy night, a wolf pup was abandoned at the Pine River Pack boarder. The Alpha couldn't in good heart leave a pup that young to fend for itself. Ash grew up coming into her wolf at 16 like everyone else had, only to be left behind in finding a mate. At 21, and no mate. Everyone her age including her brother had found their mate at least a year or two after they turned 16. The Alpha throws a Masquerade ball in her honour, will she find her wolf? Will her unique looks through off her potential mate?

courtnie_manning · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight

Ash couldn't believe that this huge room was hers, didn't want to believe it either. Why would they do this for her? She wasn't a part of this pack. Hell, she didn't even know this park existed. She turned to look at the two females again.

"This is all too much." She whispered. Her family must be freaking out, trying to find her. She didn't think she would ever be found. She also missed her wolf, it was far too quiet in her head.

"It isn't too much, my dear," Lily stated. "Now, supper will be ready soon, how about you get a shower to freshen up. Misty will come to get you in about an hour, there are some fresh clothes in the closet." She said pointing at a door that Ash never noticed the first time she looked at the room. Ash just stared, she was having a mental overload. Everything happened too fast and she didn't have time to process anything. Lily and Misty left, leaving her completely alone.

Slowly Ash walked over to the closet, opening it to reveal a huge walk-in closet that was fully stocked. She looked at it all questioningly. She took some time going through all the clothes, She noticed everything stocked was in her size. How would they even know that? What was going on here? It took Ash 10 minutes to go through all the clothes finding something she was comfortable wearing. She picked a pair of forest green leggings and a long black tunic. Bringing the clothes into the bathroom. Ash grabbed a quick shower, washing her long white hair in what smelled like cotton candy shampoo. Once she was done she wrapped herself in a fuzzy black towel and started to put her long hair into two braided ponytails. She was opting out of make-up and got dressed. She found a pair of black converse in the closet, which was glad about. She had just pulled them on when Misty walked back into her room.

"You ready?" Misty asked smiling.

"As ready as I will ever be," Ash said looking at the female. She was dressed so brightly, in white leggings and a hot pink tunic, and a pair of silver ballet flats. The complete opposite of Ash. The girl grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the room saw. Ash tried to keep track of where they were going in case she could make a run for it, at some point anyway.

"Everyone is so excited to meet you?" Misty beamed, which made Ash halt in her steps.

"What do you mean?" She asked, she was not in the mood to be stared at by a pack she didn't know.

"The family." Misty stated, "You will meet the pack tomorrow or later. We decided to have a private supper tonight to get to know you and for you to get to know us." She said simply like it was the most common thing. God, where was she? Who were these people? She slowly started following Misty once again. Surely they would have harmed her already if they were going to. Misty stopped at the top of a grand staircase. Huge wooden double doors, she opened both as she walked through, looking back at Ash to get her to follow. Her heart was up in her throat. She had a feeling walking through this door would change her life. She closed her eyes for a moment. She felt a hand in hers, opening one eye to see that it was Misty. At other times she felt like she could have been good friends with this girl.

Ash walked into the dining hall, Misty by her side. She looked to the head of the room and saw Lily smiling at her, and next to Lily was a man, a huge man he had to be at least 6 foot 7. But what grabbed her attention the most was his eyes and hair color. Seafoam green eyes and white hair. Just like hers. She couldn't help but stare. The similarities were too much. Then on either side of them was a small girl, maybe 3 years old with white hair, and purple eyes, like Misty, and on the other side of the man, there was a boy, about 15 years old with raven black hair and dual eyes, Seafoam and purple just like Lily.

"Is that your family?" Ash asked, trying to take it all in. Misty led her up to the table and get her to sit on the empty seat next to Lily, knowing that she would be a little more comfortable next to her as opposed to the male.

"They are, "Misty said going to sit next to the male.

Ash still couldn't figure out why she was here, why these people has similar looks to her. Her mind was racing. The male looked at her, smiling. He looked so friendly. Like someone who would give the best hugs.

"I am Jeremy, I am the Pack Alpha." He stated.

"Ash" She muttered.

"I am sure you are wondering why you are here, and why such force." He said, she just nodded wanting him to keep going. She needed to be answered.

"I am, I had just met my mate, or at least that is who I thought it was. I never even got to know his name." She said. She thought she was ok not having one, but knowing now that there is one out there for her, she is kind of upset. He looked down.

"I am sorry about that." He said softly, but with a hint of a smile on his lips, like he knew something about her mate and was not going to say. "This was the only way we could get you back, When you were just a pup you were kidnapped, late at night. We searched for years to find you, with no luck." He said. Ash just stared at him, was he implying that she was theirs?

"Honey, it has been so long. We never thought we would find you. Then when the ball got announced, we had to go. It was the only pack that we didn't get to search." Lily said.

"They found me on their border line." Ash stated, "They didn't take me, they did nothing wrong." Standing up for her family.

"We don't doubt that, it was hard times. I am glad they took such good care of you." Jeremy said looking at her. "Ever realize that you don't look like anyone else?" He asked her, as people started to come out of a side door bringing food to the table, Ash just nodded as a plate was placed in front of her. Chicken and vegetables. It smelled so good.

"We are your family," Jeremy said looking at her. "I am your father, Lily is your biological mother. Misty is your twin sister." He said. Ash just stopped. Her mind slipped away, and all thoughts go. Her real family. The ones that she thought never wanted her. Ash pushed away from the table and ran, ran out of the huge dining area and into the hall, running and running, not remembering how to get back to her room. She found a window seat and collapsed onto it and cried.