
Find A Way To My Heart

Noah's POV I stared at her across the room ...she was wearing a silver dress with a slit up to her thigh... She is my angel sent from Heaven .....She's MINE I wanted to take her in front of everyone ... Marking her every where...showing everyone that she is MINE.... Mine to Cherish and Mine to Hold.. Let's see how Sara's life gets tangled in ways she could ever imagine

CamilasmiTH6115 · Hiện thực
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8 Chs

First Day At Work

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope..

Sara's POV

Arriving home..I set an alarm for 7am and fell asleep as soon as my legs hit the bed.. Thoughts about Mr.Carter invaded my mind

the way his eyes gazed at mine had me on edge.


The loud buzzing of my alarm woke me up

Ughhh..I hate walking up early in the morning.But since I had to take the bus,I need to leave early so I can reach his house in time .

After rummaging through my clothes I picked up a plain blouse and pant.I really need to buy some new clothes with my first pay.

I hurried off to his mansion..

The Mansion was huge..perks of being a billionaire I guess. How am I supposed to clean this whole mansion.. all by myself

What have I gotten myself into??god!!


I stood perplexed at the view in front of me

"May i know your name miss?"the guard asked me snapping me out of my thoughts

"UUh..I'm Sara Bellamy,the new maid "I replied awestruck by the sight of the mansion in front of me..

"Oh.. The new maid you may go in Mr.Carter is waiting for you in the living room"he said eyeing me up and down..

What's with these people looking at me like I'm a sore candy.Opening the door. This shouldn't be possible.I've never seen such a luxurious house

It was a house that just didn't know where to stop

The only mess was the wet footprints that had tracked in on the shoes that i forgot to remove.Oops !!!

Tastefully decorated with antiques with attention to every detail..

"If you're done gawking at my place would you like to start working miss Bellamy,probably by cleaning the mess you created first "his voice brought me back form my trance.. his gaze never leaving me

Dressed in a black suit he stood all in his glory, a playful smile tugging at his lips..looking straight into my eyes ...heat crept to my cheeks

How did I get so lucky??.. God like man in front of me in the most beautiful mansion I've ever laid eyes on

"Y..yes sir"I said looking down trying to hide my blush..

Uhh it is me or the temperature why do i feel so hot all of sudden!!

"Before you start working let me remind you a few rules..Miss.Bellamy

1.Call me Noah when its just the two of us at all cost or you'll be punished

2.You are not to enter my office at any cost

3.Don't ever disobey my orders

4.Your not supposed to talk or Flirt with any of my men.

For every rules he took a step towards me.....

One more step ... And our bodies would collide

"And finally don't bite that lip of yours

Only I am allowed to do that "...he whispered in my ear.

As much as I wanted to kiss him..I couldn't not after all the pain I've been through..

Taking a step back "OK Noah..I'll be sure to follow the rules"..I said leaving him to his own thoughts

Noah's POV

WTF No girl has ever resisted me ..who does she think she is..

I just wanted to fuck her hard once to get her out of my system..Ughhhh..

Slamming the door shut I went to my office

Bang bang....there was a knock at the door

"Get the fuck in"

"What has the Boss man so frustrated??"came a voice

"Stop it William I'm in no mood for jokes.."I groaned

"Oooh is that a girl..."he chuckled

"I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet between your head friend or not ,Tell me you have some good news"I

" Yep i have ,We've got some trails on him..but we couldn't locate him"

"Shit better be useful"I grunted

"Seems like a girl had helped him escape we couldn't see her face as CCTV only shows her back"he said

"Find that bitch within 24hours..I want him and that girl dead by tomorrow"I fumed with rage

"Yes boss..By the way the masquerade ball is next week"he said

"No changes as usual the black mask..make sure the arrangements are made and on your was back ask

Hannah to come here"

Giving me a worried look as he rushed out

He knows better.. not to mess with me when I loose my shit


Barging into my office she cooed with her irritating voice

"Hey baby seems you missed me.."she


Honestly if not for her good skills,I would have killed her long time ago

"Know your place slut ..now on your knees"I seethed removing my pants

After having my release I kicked her out

I've always been like this..love doesn't exist in my world.The one thing I've learnt is not to take sides with anyone,what all of them want is just the money and power. Leaning back onto the chair...I decided to take a nap

As my eyes were about to shut...

"May i come in sir?"came an angelic voice

I knew it was her,I could sense her from any distance.

"Yes.. you may"I replied roughly

"I've cleaned the house and made you dinner shall I leave?"she asked ...

"Uh.. Yes and Sara how are you supposed to call me ?"I asked getting up from my chair

"S..orry Noah "she stuttered looking anywhere but my eyes

"Loot at me in the eyes when you talk,I'll leave you this time Princess but you won't be lucky next time.I'll make sure to bend you over and have you punished "

Hearing that she looked at me with an awestruck expression

"Now you may leave "I said returning to my chair

She practically dashed out of my office

Is it that bad to be with me??

Looking at the picture on my desk

"I wish you were here..."