
Finally I Met You

The girl who wants her father's love. But her father fails to show it. She wants to be a music artist but her father wants her to be a lawyer or anything that he feels proud to say. He only cares what others think about it. He won't understand her feelings. She doesn't even have friends because she can't hang out with them. Her father always asks her to study and won't allow her to go out with her friends. So everyone in her class ignores her. Until someone came into her life to love her and understand her. ------------------------------- A new student came to our class. Oh no, he has to sit near. But I want to sit alone. "Hi. I'm Harry." He said. He handsome. "I'm Nia." I said. ------------------------------- "I promise I won't ignore or leave you alone because of anyone or in any situation. I promise." Harry said. "Does he......"

iana_oz_a · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Why I am Getting Butterfly?

*Next day in the classroom*

*Nia Pov*

I came to class alone. Because Harry has to go to the staffroom for something. He said about it but I don't understand, I act as if I understand.

As I entered the classroom, I saw someone sitting in my seat. It's Tina. Why is she in my seat? I go near the seat.

"Why- are you sitting here?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh, you… From today onwards I am going to sit with Harry." She said arrogantly.

"What? Why? And where will I sit then?" I asked her.

"You can sit on my seat." She showed her seat.

Then I realized the whole class was looking at us. I signed and sat on her seat silently.

*Few minutes later*

Harry left the staff room and headed over to the classroom. Here in the classroom, Nia was sitting in Tina's seat. And Tina was sitting on Nia. Nia is not feeling good sitting on the other seat. Because she wants to sit with Harry.

'I want to sit with Harry. But Tina just came and sat in my place. What would happen if Harry saw her sitting in my place? How will he react? Will he like it to sit with? Maybe!'

These kinds of thoughts run through Nia's head.

*Harry's Pov*

I have to go to the staff room so I ask Nia to go to the classroom alone. After finishing everything I left the staffroom and walked towards our class.

When I entered the class I saw Nia was sitting somewhere else. And I saw our seats. Tina was sitting in her seat. Why is she sitting there? Then I walk towards Nia.

"Nia, why are you sitting here?"

"Hmmm… she told me that she wants to sit with you." She said softly. Her eyes, her lips aww… "Harry comes to reality" I scream inside my head.


"So we switched seats." She said,

"Then what about me?" I asked her worriedly "you didn't think about me."

She sits there and doesn't know what to say.

I walked away from there.

"Harry…." She called but walked like I didn't hear.

I go and stand near my seat.

"Go to your seat now," I told Tina.

"Oh, Harry. Good morning. How are you? Come, we can sit together." She said as patting my seat.

"I told you to go back to your seat now."

"But I want to sit with you, Harry." She said cutely. But I don't think it's cute. I hate it.

"I don't want to sit with you," I said arrogantly at the table.

She looked confused at me. I turn back to see Nia. She was looking here all this time. I frowned at her and looked at Tina again.

"Do you forget the way back to your seat?" I asked again without losing my patience.

She was about to say something. But the teacher came inside before the bell rang. He asked everyone to sit. I'm still standing. Then she pulled my hand and made me sit near her. I yank my hand.

"Chill Harry. From today onwards we can sit together." I looked confused at her.

"Dream about it," I said to her, She laughed. It's irritating to sit near her. I don't like to sit with her. Why did the teacher come now?

*Nia's pov*

Oh no Harry is so angry at me. What will I do now? He is asking Tina to go back to her seat but she is not go. Why is he behaving like this? The teacher enters the class and asks everyone to sit. I saw Harry he was still standing there. Then Tina pulls his hand and makes him sit near her. What did she do now? Why does she always come to us? Ahem, what I am thinking about? I sighed and looked at him again. He was looking at me angrily. Oh no.

After a few minutes, I forgot about what happened. I am listening to the class even if it is boring. Then I think about what Harry was doing. I turn to see him. I saw him staring at me from the very beginning. My eyes went wide. Then he started frowning at me again. Then I saw that Tina saw us looking at each other. I saw Harry again. He was still frowning at me. He is so funny that I can't control my laugh. I laughed without making any noise.

A small smile appeared on his face. Then he acted like he didn't smile. After that, I show him to smile with my hand near my lips. He smiled completely. We smile at each other. While we were smiling at each other the bell rang. (After the break we have to go to a music club.)

Then his face changed within seconds. I am confused. I

walked towards him.

"Harry" I called him. Tina was looking at us.

"Leave." He said without even looking at me.

My heart aches. Then Tina started laughing. I am about to leave. He grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He questioned me.

"You ask me to leave," I said looking at our hands.

"I didn't tell you that. I told her to leave. And you come and sit here. With me." He said and still, he was holding my hand.

He turns to see Tina. "Leave! Now!" He ordered her.

"Why should I?" She said,

"Fine, then I will leave." He grabbed his bag with his other hand and walked towards the seat where I am currently sitting.

"If you don't mind, can you sit in my place? Please! I want to sit with her. That's why." He asked the girl who was sitting near me.

"Okay. But you guys have to give me a treat." She said, we laughed together. And I looked at Harry and then our hands. Then he awkwardly leaves my hand. Then we leave class.

*In music club*

Everyone sitting in their seats. Then the music teacher entered. Everyone stood and greeted him.

"Good morning. Sit down". "Does anyone here know how to play any musical instruments?" He asked. Few raised their hands and Nia also raised her hand. Harry looked at her.

"Do you know how to play instruments? Which one?" He was curious.

"Guitar," Nia said.

Then the teacher asked Nia to come forward and asked her which instrument she wanted and asked her to play in front of everyone. She was nervous. She picks up the guitar and sits on a stool. And start playing the guitar. Harry starts recording it on his mobile.

She slowly started singing the song 'Double Take' by Dhruv. Everyone was shocked because no one knew that she would sing a song too.

Harry was stunned by her performance. He just looks at her without even blinking. Looked at her more obviously staring at her while recording. "In the midst of the crowds, In the shapes in the clouds, I don't see anybody but you" she sings while looking at Harry and he got goosebumps.

She finished playing and everyone started clapping and Harry was proudly clapping his hands. Then she went to her seat.

"You're awesome," Harry whispered to her.

Nia looked into his eyes and smiled. He got butterflies in his stomach. He doesn't know why he is acting like this recently. He just smiled at her.

Then other students play the instruments. After a few minutes, Everyone finished playing.

"Everyone is playing so well. So we have to perform for our culture." The teacher said and then the bell rang. Then the teacher leaves the class. We also leave the class and go to the cafeteria because it's lunch break.

They take the food and sit together and start eating.

"You play and sing at the same time. It's so perfect for you. I like it very much. How long have you been learning guitar?" He asked her.

"Oh. Thank you. I learnt it when I was 7. For 2 to 3 years I have been learning and playing. Then I stopped playing it. After a long time, I played today." Nia explained.

"Really. Even though you played perfectly. Will you teach me how to play guitar?" He asked her.

"Yes. Of Course, I will teach you. From now onwards you have to call me a teacher. Ok?" Nia said sassily.

"Ok teacher." He said. Both of them start laughing.

Tina was watching everything. She was so angry.

"Hey. Give me your number." Harry asked Nia.

"Number?" She has no clue.

"Your mobile number." He said.

"Oh, mobile number. Okay, give you the phone." And then they share their number.

*Harry's home*

*Harry's Pov*

I came out of the bathroom and lay on the bed. I was staring at the ceiling then I remembered. I took the phone which is connected to the charger. And open the gallery and play the video. It's Nia's video. I record it while she was playing. I smiled at the phone. Then I send the video to Nia.

*In chat*

"Hey Nia"

Video send.

Video opened

"Hey, when did you record it?"

"While you are playing it!"

"Oh, I didn't know it😏."


"What are you doing?"




*In Nia's House*

*Nia Pov*

"Lia, look at this." I excitedly jump on Lia's bed.

"What?" She asked irritatedly.

"Look!" I played the video.

"Oh, that's you."

Our mom entered the room.

"What are you girls watching?"

"Mom. Look, Nia is playing the guitar."

"Oh… You look cute. Wow, you still play the guitar very well." My mom said,

"Thank you, mom." I hugged her.

The video finished. Lia backed and looked at my chat with Harry.

"Who are you texting?" She asked me teasingly.

"Oh, that's Harry. My friend. He took the video." I told her.

"Oh, this Harry then." She said excitedly.

"Do you know him?" My mom asked Lia.

"She told me about him. He is her first friend. Who won't ignore or leave her for anyone." She said to mom

"Oh really." Mom's mom asked me surprisingly.

"Yes, mom." She looked so happy.

"I'm happy for you dear." She hugged me.

*In chat*

. "Hi Harry"

"How are you?"

"Are you mad or

acting like you're mad?

"Oh sorry.

I didn't introduce myself.

I'm Nia's sister Lia."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hii."

"Harry I will text you back later.



*Harry Pov*

I smiled and again watched her video. Suddenly the door opens. I am shocked.

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Discord Id: iana_oz#0167

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