
Finally I Met You

The girl who wants her father's love. But her father fails to show it. She wants to be a music artist but her father wants her to be a lawyer or anything that he feels proud to say. He only cares what others think about it. He won't understand her feelings. She doesn't even have friends because she can't hang out with them. Her father always asks her to study and won't allow her to go out with her friends. So everyone in her class ignores her. Until someone came into her life to love her and understand her. ------------------------------- A new student came to our class. Oh no, he has to sit near. But I want to sit alone. "Hi. I'm Harry." He said. He handsome. "I'm Nia." I said. ------------------------------- "I promise I won't ignore or leave you alone because of anyone or in any situation. I promise." Harry said. "Does he......"

iana_oz_a · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Be with you, Forever

"I will be beside you. Forever. I promise that." Now my heart starts beating so fast

Why was he behaving like this? I awkwardly laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Do you think it's a joke?" Oh God, he's damn serious.

"No." I paused. and look at him. "I don't know how to react. I'm sorry." I said to him, he cupped my face

"Hey hey hey. Don't be sorry. It's fine. Believe me. That's enough." I was shocked but nodded in response.

Then the bell rang. Thank God. Then I get up. But he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me.

Now I'm scared because he is behaving like my dad. I stood there without saying anything.

"Are you okay?" He asked me again.

"Yeah! The bell rang so we must go to class." I told him hesitantly.

He stood and came near me. He brings his hands near my cheeks. I thought he was going to slap me. So I close my eyes and cover my face. But he didn't slap me. There was some dust in my so he just came to clean it.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked shockingly.

"Umm… you're not the guy I met on the first day. You're different. That scares me." I said in one breath.

"I didn't do anything to scare them." He was confused.

"But… you behave like my father that scares me. Please leave me." I almost begged him with a low voice.

"Oh, Nia. Don't worry. I didn't mean to scare you. I don't know why I get angry easily when it comes to your matter." His eyes turn soft.

"Okay, now you want to go to the class right? Come let's go." We are about to leave. Then Harry held my hands and said.

"Nia, I'm sorry for behaving like this. And I won't behave like this to you. Okay."

I didn't say anything, just nodded. That's it. He leaves my hands and we leave the nurse's room.

*In the classroom*

As we entered the class, we saw Sarah and their friends laughing at something. Then I saw Harry. He was so angry at seeing them. Then he saw me. I shake my head no. Then he controls himself then we go and sit in our place.

After a few minutes, they started laughing again. Everyone in the class starts looking into their phone and looks at me. I am confused. What's happening? Why are all of them looking at me? Harry also looks confused. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw there was a message in our class group. It's a video. I opened it. The video was taken when they pushed me down. Then I looked at her and she looked at me and laughed again. Harry saw it and snatched the phone from me and saw the video. Now he was even angrier. He was about to stand up but I held his hand and said "no".

He sat down. I didn't leave his hands for a while. He just stared at our hands holding each other.

"Come let's go." He said.

"Where?" I asked him.

"We have to go to the music club." He told me.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about it. Come let's go." We go to a music club.

He was still mad about it. I tried to talk with him so that he could forget about the problem. Then one of the students came and said that today the music teacher was absent.

So everyone left the music class. I and Harry were sitting there.

*Harry Pov*

I was so angry. Why are they treating her like this? But

I don't understand one thing. Why am I angry? Why does it hurt me when she gets hurt? Why does my heart beat so fast when she is with me? But I can't stay away from her. That hurts me too. Does she have the same feelings as me? I am so confused. Dad, I should go and ask him about this. He will know the answer. But he will tease me.

Suddenly Nia stands up and goes near the guitar. She takes the guitar and starts to play it. 'At My Worst - by Pink Sweat$'.

Oh my God. That's my favorite song. I'm falling for her voice. I got addicted to it. She has such a pretty voice and she is so cute. I take my phone and start recording it. "Can I call you baby?" I start blushing without any reason. Then I saw her knees. How can she be so cool after this problem? I can't even get out of this.

"Don't… Don't you worry… I will be there whenever you want me…" I looked at her. She sings while looking at me. I got butterflies in my stomach. Does she also get these feelings?

She finished singing and I stopped recording and went near her.

"I also want to play." I took a stool and sat near her.

She gave me the guitar, but I don't know how to play it. Then I play simply. She laughed at me. I glared at her. Then she slowly comes near me and touches my fingers and places each string in the guitar. We are close now and she was giving instructions to me but I didn't hear anything. She was so close to me. I feel that my heart is gonna jump from my body.

"Now sing." She said, I only heard this.

"What?" I asked her.

"Sing!" She said again.

"I don't know how to sing," I told her.

"What?" She asked me surprisingly.

I just shake my head no.

"Then why did you join the music club?" She was curious.

"I don't know. I have no idea why I joined." I said casually.

She was surprised. I winked at her.

"Let's go somewhere else," I told her.

"Where?" "Somewhere. I don't know. Let's go to the library. I didn't go there till now." I said excitedly.

She laughed at me and said okay.

*In library*

We start roaming around the library. Then we stopped near the novel rack. We started searching for a book that attracts us. Then I saw a book and took it out and looked at her.

I was lost in her world. She walks slowly by searching for a book. She took a book and opened it and started reading it. She forgot everything around her. She was lost in the book. I was lost in her. I'm looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. She is so perfect. I was distracted by her. Her eyes, her lips aww I want to taste it. Shit! What am I thinking about? I walked away from her and sat on a bench. She also came and sat near me. I didn't dare to look at her again. I shouldn't be thinking like this.

*In the evening*

*In Harry's Home*

Ahh… why am I thinking about her? Why am I behaving like this? God. Then I remember. My dad. I should go ask him about it. He will know why I am doing this.

I started searching for him in the whole house. He was not there.

"Mom. Where is dad?" I asked my mom.

"He is in the garden." She said while washing the dishes.

"Thanks." I rushed to my dad.

"Dad!" I called him.

"What?" He asked while watering the plants.

"I want to ask you something," I told him.

"About what?" He asked without even bothering.

"Something personal." My dad started laughing. I stood there dumbfounded.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked irritatedly.

"Come let's go for a walk."

We both started walking towards the park near our home.

"Say!" He said. I looked at him confused.

"You told me that you want to ask something personal." He asked.

"Oh, that," I said.

"Yes. That!" He copied.

"Umm… yesterday you said something. Don't you remember?" I start speaking with hesitation.

"I don't remember anything." He said teasingly.

"Come on, dad. It's about Nia." I said.

"Oh, the girl with the guitar. What about her?" He asked.

"Dad. Lately, I am acting weird. That I don't what kind of feeling is this. I never felt it before. It's new for me. Whenever she is near me or smiles at me or when she holds my hands I feel that my stomach is twisted and my heart starts to beat fastly. Whenever she gets hurt it hurts me. I am getting angry at the person who hurt her. Sometimes I want to stay away from her because of these feelings. But I can't stay away from her. I don't know why. Dad. That's why I am asking you." I told him everything that was hunting me.

He looked at me and signed.

"You've grown up so fast, my son." He said patting my head.

"What?" I asked him why I was confused.

"Just think about it yourself. When you are alone. Then you will understand why you are feeling like this. If I said something, sometimes it may be wrong so think about it yourself and make a decision." He said.

"But…" I tried to speak. But he cut me off.

"No, but. Let's go home." Then we walk towards our house.

We enter the house. My mom was watching TV in the living room.

"Where did you both go?" She asked us.

"Just for a walk," I said and went to my room.

I lay on my bed. And start thinking about what dad said. Then I remember I can't see her for 2 days because it was the weekend. Oh no. Then I took my phone to text but stopped to have her video. I sent it to her. Then I started playing the video. A smile appeared on my face. Why are they haunting me like this? I asked myself.

*End of pov*

Harry's dad goes and sits near his mom. She saw that he was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked him.

"Our son is in love." He said.

"What? Really! Who is she?" She asked curiously and excitedly.

"The girl who was playing the guitar." He said.

"Oh really. She was pretty. I liked her when I saw her."

"Our son has grown up, dear." He said and looked at her.

Creation is hard, cheer me up !

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