
Finally Back

Sasuke had finally, finally returned to her. This is a story about the blank period and how Sasuke and Sakura reconnect and fall in love.

HappinessIsNear · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs


As he walked the streets, the Uchiha heard comments that set his teeth on edge. He knew people still feared and suspected him. That was fine. Now they were more openly discussing his former team members. How quickly could people forget that they saved the world? Having enough of their whispered comments, he hurried to Sakura's apartment. When he opened the door, a delicious smell met him. Looking around, he saw Sakura standing at the stove cooking something. He closed the door a little too loudly to announce his presence, and she looked up at him quickly.

"Hey! I thought I would make dinner tonight. You can have some if you're hungry."


"Well, it's not quite done yet, so why don't you relax for about ten minutes?"

"I can help."

"Oh, ok then. Here, can you slice up these vegetables?"

Wordlessly, he started with his task only to get frustrated that it took him twice as long with only one hand. He really needed to practice more mundane things more often. If Sakura noticed his struggles, she didn't comment on them. When he handed her the completed dish, she just smiled and thanked him. With dinner ready, the two sat at the table and started to eat quietly.

Sasuke was nervous. He had been so sure of himself when he kissed her, but that hadn't had the result he wanted. Now he had resolved to speak to her about things and settle the relationship, but he didn't know where to start. As he mulled things over, the girl in front of him was having similar thoughts.


She knew he was reserved, that he didn't like to talk about emotions, but she had to have some answers. How else would they be able to move forward? As she was still trying to get her thoughts together, the boy in front of her started first.

"So, about this morning. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

Sakura felt her heart plummet at those words. Did he regret it? Was he taking it back? Gathering some courage, she responded, "I told you it was fine. Why are you apologizing?"

"I… I didn't think it through. There's a lot of aspects to consider."

"Ok… Like what?"

Sasuke looked down at the table and stopped eating. His whole body looked tense, and his hand was balled in a fist. Sakura debated reaching for his hand, but she decided against it. That would just add pressure to him, and she wanted this to be because he wanted to be with her.

"For one, I'm not exactly accepted by the villagers. Our association would make them questions you even more than they already do."

Smiling with relief, Sakura started to think she overreacted before. He was just concerned for her. As she looked at his downcast face, she said, "I know what people say, but I don't care. They'll get over it all eventually, and we just need to prove them wrong. Once they see that you aren't going to destroy the village or do something crazy, they'll move on to the next piece of gossip. That doesn't matter to me. I still want to choose you."

Looking up with a guarded expression, Sasuke continued, "I also have no family. There'd be no one to take you in if something happened to me."

"I've got my own parents for that. They'd never leave me homeless. Besides, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!"

"I won't be able to have a normal relationship. My eyes make me a unique asset that will need to go out on dangerous missions, and I don't know how long those will last. Being associated with me could put you in danger."

"Sasuke, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself in a fight. I also know that you're special. I mean, I know that there are things only you can do. That's alright. I won't say it won't be hard to be apart, but well, I've waited for you for a long time. I guess you could say I'm used to it," Sakura laughed a little.

Sasuke's face looked troubled. He didn't relax at all, he had long since stopped watching her as they spoke. Sighing, Sakura reached over and tapped her finger on the back of his hand. Finally looking in her eyes again, Sasuke waited for her to speak.

"Look, I get it. I wasn't trying to be insensitive. It's just… I know how things work. Sometimes a mission will need to come first. Honestly, I'm more worried about being good enough for you. I work a lot, and I know I can be bossy. I've always trailed after you and Naruto, and while I've gained my own strength, it still feels inadequate. You're an amazing person, and I just… I don't know. You've never been interested in me, so I thought that was a dead end. I just thought…"

Cutting her off, Sasuke started, "You know, when I first left the village, I…" smirking a bit, he raised his hand and poked her forehead with his pointer and middle finger. "Nah, I'll tell you that next time."

Sakura stared at him, confused. The gesture seemed somehow intimate and fond, but when has a poke on the forehead meant something like that? Sasuke retracted his hand and let his smirk falter.

"I still want you to think about. Really think about it. We both need to."

Sakura's heart fell hearing that he wanted to consider everything too. Had he changed his mind since this morning?

"…Fine, but I'm not going to change my mind. I've known the answer for a long time."

Nodding once, Sasuke stood and started to clear the dishes. When the task was done, he went over to the door to put on his shoes.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yes, just for a walk. I'll probably be back late."

With that, he left the apartment, shutting the door quietly. Sakura debated following him, but he hadn't offered. Probably best to leave him be. Sitting on the sofa, she thought over the events of the day.

We spared, which he wanted to do. Yeah, I did have a bit of a panic, but I haven't seen that move directed at me in so long, and last time was way different. Then he tried to stop me from putting myself down and finally kissed me. Then I freaked out, and now he isn't so sure about being in a relationship with me. Is he really going to back out now? He STARTED all this. No way, I'm not letting him off that easy!

Mind made up, Sakura stood and got ready for bed. Sasuke was right; it was late, and he wasn't back. Resigning herself, Sakura wrote a quick note, stashed it on top of the pillow by the sofa, and turned in for the night.


Sasuke wandered aimlessly around the village. He needed space. He needed time. There were about a dozen reasons not to be romantically involved with him, and he could only pick out a few of his good qualities. Usually that wasn't a problem, but after listening to the villagers for a few weeks and harboring doubts himself, he allowed himself a moment of weakness.

After resting under a tree, he woke up hours later to the sound of bird calls. It was early morning, but he hadn't meant to stay out so late. He stood up and stretched his muscles, deciding to head back to Sakura's for a shower before the day started. She'd still be asleep for a while.

As he slid in silently through the window in the living room, he started toward the bathroom when he saw a piece of paper on the pillow he was using. Picking it up, Sakura's handwriting told him "I forgot to mention it, but Kakashi-sensei was looking for you. Goodnight, Sasuke."

Deciding that would be the start of his day, he headed for a shower anyway. Before he left the apartment, he wrote on the back of the same piece of paper, leaving it on the pillow, "Thanks. I'll go see him first thing."

He headed out to the Hokage's office, not caring that it was still a bit early for him to show up. He'd just wait in the office if his former mentor wasn't there yet.


Sakura woke before her alarm and turned it off for the day. Having a day off yesterday had boosted her energy, and she was excited to get back to the children's hospital. Getting up, she walked into the living room to see the blankets and pillow unused from the night before. Frowning, she went to pick up the note when she noticed it wasn't in her handwriting. She scoffed at it. He really had a way with words, didn't he? At least he answered and came back, I guess.

Throwing the note back at the sofa, she started her day and made her way to the hospital. After a few hours of her normal activities, and light knock on her door made her look up, seeing the Hokage enter her office.

"Kakashi-sensei? I didn't know you'd be here today. Do you need something?"

"Yes and no. I felt I should come explain the situation to you. See, Sasuke came to see me first thing this morning. Well actually it even before that, but that doesn't matter. I was looking for him yesterday because I wanted to send him on a mission."

"Really? Are you sure about that? He's only been back in the village for a few weeks."

"I know, but he is uniquely suited for the task. Naturally, he jumped on the idea right away. Since I couldn't find him yesterday, I made him head out immediately with his team. He's already gone out."

"Oh… ok well when will he back?"

"Depends. Could be a couple of days, or it could be up to a week. I'm sorry, Sakura, but I had no choice."

Smiling up at him, she laughed a little and answered, "Sorry? For sending the best suited ninja on a mission? C'mon, you can't really think I'd fault you for that."

Kakashi returned her smile and patted her head affectionately, like a father. "Well then, my job here is done. Make sure to give Sasuke a check up when he gets back. He'll likely try to avoid it."

Sakura waved as her sensei left the room. He's gone. Again. No, he's just out on a short mission. He'll be back soon. I don't have anything to worry about. Just get back to work!

Sakura worked the next two days tirelessly so she wouldn't be able to think about her roommate being gone. The worst was the nights, however, since she couldn't stop nightmares of the past from creeping into her mind. During the evenings, she thought over what Sasuke had said to her, but her mind was made up. If he'd allow it, she'd gladly be with him. Although she tried, she couldn't fully convince herself that Sasuke would be back.


He took the shortest route he could towards her apartment. He'd left his team a bit in the dust when he decided to move at full speed to get back home. He was worried. He'd left again, without a word. Sure, he'd had a good reason this time, but would she be angry? It was close to two in the morning now, so he'd have to wait for her to wake anyway to find the answer to that.

He slipped into the apartment to find his bedding as it always was, set out and ready for him. He smiled, knowing she was at least hopeful he'd come back. Stripping off his travel worn clothes, he put on some pajama bottoms and nestled into the couch. It was small for him, but it was better than the ground on a mission. After ten minutes of trying to turn off his mind from the various thoughts racing through it, he heard a small gasp of fear. Reaching out, he felt that Sakura's chakra levels were elevated and continuing to climb. He shot off the sofa and ran into her room to find her sleeping restlessly.

Carefully, he approached the bed and put his hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. She just proceeded to mumble something unintelligible and roll away from his hand. Deciding to increase his intentions, he gripped her shoulder a little harder and yelled at her, "Sakura! Wake up! It's a dream. Sakura!"

When he shook her a little harder, her eyes flew open to meet him in the dark. She was clearly afraid, but he didn't know of what. The Uchiha backed off to give her some space to orient herself, and she looked closely at him.


"Yeah, I'm here. You're fine, it was a nightmare."

Letting those words sink in, Sakura's eyes began to shimmer with unshed tears. Sasuke's eyes widened, and he wasn't really sure what to do. He hadn't been around crying women very much, and he definitely didn't enjoy the feeling.

Sakura stood from the bed slowly and took a few cautious steps toward him. Still not knowing what to do, Sasuke stood helplessly and watched her. When she was a couple steps away, she suddenly ran at him and crashed into his chest, hugging him. He naturally hugged her back, and he could both feel and see her crying.

"What happened?"

Sakura shook her head a little but didn't look up at him. When he didn't say anything, she answered, "Just a nightmare. A bad one. It doesn't matter anymore. You came back. I know it's late, and you're probably tired but, just hear me out a second, ok? You asked me to think, and I have. I don't care about any of that. I want to be with you. I've always wanted to be with you. If you don't want this, then I can respect that, but if there is even a chance, I need to know. So, do you want to start a relationship with me?"

Sasuke absorbed her hurried and tear-filled speech before he simply replied, "Ok."

Sakura pulled back from him to see his face. Eyebrow raised, she asked incredulously, "Ok? That's all you've got?"


Sakura rolled her eyes but hugged him again. Her tears had stopped as the memory had faded, but she didn't want to be alone yet. Not looking up at him, she asked quietly, "Sasuke, can you stay in here tonight? Just to sleep. I don't… I don't want to be alone right now."

Sasuke almost replied with "Ok" again, but he thought better of it after her last reaction. He still didn't have much to say on the matter, but he decided to go with a firmer answer and said, "Yes."

Sighing happily, Sakura looked up at him again before whispering a "Thank you" and extricating herself from the embrace. She went back to the side of the bed she usually slept on and got under the covers.

Sasuke slowly followed and laid on top of the covers, still not comfortable with crossing that boundary. As he lay there, he eventually heard Sakura drift off to sleep. She had curled up on her side, facing away from him. Whether this was due to shyness or an attempt to make him more comfortable, he didn't know. After a while, he heard quiet sobs coming from her.

Reaching over, he put a hand lightly on her shoulder and asked, "Sakura? Are you ok?"

She didn't answer, and when he observed her further, he decided she was still asleep. Not knowing what else to do, Sasuke curled up behind her and hugged her with his lone arm from behind. Her restlessness slowly dissipated until she slept soundly again. Not wanting to release her, Sasuke allowed himself to drift off to sleep with the pink haired girl in his embrace.