
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Light Chamber

Lucian had already woke up from his sleep hours ago with his recent actions on the surface of his mind like a breakthrough in his understanding.

'Time and space are so intertwined, just manipulating space has small effects on manipulating time, and on larger scales it has larger effects on space.' He thought to himself as he lay there his aura becoming more and more controlled around himself as every second seemed to last a minute.

The space around him distorted as his control over space and time progressed at a monstrous speed.

The house spirit looked on in horror seeing his aura grow as every hour his progress was like spending days in meditation.

'If I hadn't witnessed his match with the other young master I wouldn't know what element or natural laws he was cultivating..' the house spirit thought to itself as it observed the complexity and unfamiliarity of Lucian's aura.

After hours of monstrous growth the light of the sun began to peak through over the horizon greatly surprising Lucian as he was within the castle and even more inside his own house within the castle.

Still the light of the sun pierced through the window shining on his face, 'My progress was great, I should practice this skill and the one I used in the unconscious realm during the tournament to help me reach my next breakthrough.'

He stood slowly and stretched, as he looked around and saw he was on a pristine white couch next to a fireplace. He could see there was a kitchen across the foyer from the living room where an amazing smell was emitting from igniting his hunger as his stomach began to rumble.

He could feel his body was sore all over, 'I really overexerted myself, I probably can't do that in combat yet…' he thought to himself as he walked across the foyer entering the kitchen seeing the food floating across the room as if it was cooking itself.

As soon as he entered the kitchen he saw the house spirit also materialize itself, it was a woman in a butlers dress like the house spirit from the other house identical as well only with differing hair and nail color as her hair was jet black and her nails were also painted black while the house spirit in Althea's house had Snow White hair and white nail paint.

Both house spirits had the appearance of divine beauties with extremely receded auras making their presence seem like a phantom or a mortal.

"Uhhh" Lucian began seeing the house spirit appear out of thin air.

The house spirit slightly bowed, while interrupting Lucian's confusion, "I am Lux my sister Tena is the house spirit for the house across the way… I don't know how useful the facilities of either house will be for you us and these houses can help you nurture a light and dark innate body." Lux said as she continued to cook.

Lucian could hardly pay attention to what she was saying he was so enticed by the delicious smell of food, his ears only had perked up when he heard her say innate body.

"What was that about innate bodies?" Lucian asked as his attention redirected to lux in front of him.

The door at the end of the kitchen flung open as a blinding light flashed outside with a massive light energy. "We have the ability to supplement you with much light and darkness energy to help you nurture light and dark innate bodies, I just don't know how effective it will be for you since neither of them are the primary element you use." She said blandly while she began to prepare plates full of different food.

She hadn't noticed but Lucian had already stood up and began walking down the stairs, as the light began to get more powerful as he could feel the light intensely shining through every inch of his body.

It felt like he was being pierced by needles in every inch of his body as the light seemingly stopped him from moving forward it had become so intense.

"Young master, the chambers also are dangerous, I advise you either take it slow or wait for the house to nurture you a little more before trying the chamber because you don't use either light or darkness primarily." Lux spoke from the top of the stairs at the entrance to the chamber.

By this time the light piercieng Lucian's sore body felt like arrows as he could feel the energy simultaneously breaking apart his skin and organs while also healing them slowly integrating light elemental energy.

Lucian groaned loudly as he slowly turned to exit the chamber every step feeling like he was on the verge of collapsing.

He slowly made it the 4 steps up to the door outside the chamber where he collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. "I will take it more slowly next time." He said between taking deep breaths.

Lux shook her head as she lifted Lucian's body to sit at the table while she also used her energy to feed him as she saw he could hardly move.

As Lucian ate he could feel the energy within the food was no less pure than the light energy that had pierced his body as if the food he was eating was cultivated in an area rich with pure light energy.