
Final Choices

Jeanette Washington was a young and upcoming writer, with a couple books under her belt and racing up the charts, which was told it was time to take a much needed holiday. When the time came, she whisked herself off to Rome, looking forward to some sightseeing, relaxing….and though she shouldn’t….some much needed writing. Although, an accident by the name of Ramon Capillini changers all of her plans. But if it’s for the better…or worse….she has yet to decide.

Theresa_Lambe · Thành thị
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29 Chs

Chapter Fifteen– Selfish reasons

"Mmm," Jeanette slowly fluttered her eyes open as she felt someone pulling on her nipple with his teeth, his hands massaging her thighs, slowly inching upward to run over her moist folds. Lord, she was already past wet! She moaned as he slipped a finger into her, moving slowly in and out. "What…you…"

      "Shh, cara mia," he whispered against her breast as he pulled the other nipple between his teeth while he stroked her, "just enjoy this." She looked down at his head and then down at his hand and moaned again, causing his fingers to pump faster.

      "You….I…." He gently bit on her nipple, causing her eyes to fly open and squeal. She grinned as he gave her that devilish smirk.

      "This was about you. I wanted only to please you, cara mia." Her heart race increased as she drew him up to kiss him deeply. No man had ever done that. Sure, she had gotten pleasure, but it was always returned. No one wanted to just give. And with that, without him knowing, he had sealed the deal on capturing her heart. She also knew that any further sexual scenes she would be writing about, that this would always come to mind.

      His tongue slide into her mouth in the same rhythm that his fingers worked into her center. She moaned into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He broke the kiss finally and whispered against her forehead, "come for me, cara mia."

      "I….can't….it's too….much," she breathed against his neck. But his thumb pressed against her clit and she exploded, her breathe fanning hot against his neck as he slowed his fingers inside of her.

      "God damn Jeanette. I do not think I can ever get tired of watching you come." He kissed her again and all she could do is nod. "I must go, but I will text you in the morning." She nodded again as she closed her eyes. He slipped out of the bed, his cock screaming in pain, but it was well worth it to see her eyes glaze over and to watch her sleep with that soft smile. He pulled the blanket over her naked, sleeping form and picked up his shirt and left.


Jeanette turned over and reached for her phone as she heard the ding of her text messages. She whimpered softly as she felt the soreness in her legs but that didn't stop her smile. She couldn't recall if anyone had ever made her orgasm like that before. Truth be told, she was kind of hoping for more one day soon.

She opened up the message from Ramon and smiled all the more as he talked about how much he enjoyed last night and to be ready soon because he was taking her to Pisa. She checked the time and quickly made her way to the bathroom to shower. She glanced over herself in the mirror and shook her head at the slight bruising over her chest. She was aware, though, that she left a few marks of her own on him.

45 minutes later, she was smiling at Ramon as he opened the car door for her. She slide in and waited for him to climb in before asking any questions, not that she had minded going to Pisa, for it was on her bucket list and had tried to figure out how to get there. Once he got behind the wheel, he reached for her hand, lacing their fingers together. He glanced at her and smiled before he pulled out of the lot, making quick work of heading towards Pisa.

"Did you sleep well, cara mia?" His eyes held an evil glint and the new smile he sent held every bit of wickedness.

"I'm gathering a lot better than you."

"Do not worry about me, bella. I went home and took care of it and then had a good night sleep."

"Why didn't you…." His look silenced her before she could even finish the question.

"I wanted only to please you. And believe me, cara mia, I enjoyed that a lot! I aim to have more nights, and maybe days, like that." She turned her head to look out the window as she felt the blush creep up her neck and land on her cheeks.

"You know," she started, picking at her shorts as she tried even more not to blush, "no one has ever done that for me, or to me. I don't recall ever having pleasure all on my own."

"And that is a shame, when you look so exquisite when you reach that peak. Believe me, I could sit there and eat you for hours on end and never not enjoy it." She could feel the heat even more and all he could do was laugh; not that she minded because it was a sound she rather liked and felt he needed to do more of it.

"Okay, we can stop with that?"

"Why, I love seeing your face all red."

"That is exactly why. So, what made you decide on Pisa?"

"Pisa is a must see while in Italy, but there is not much there, so we are going to Florence as well. Do you know anything about either location?"

"I must admit that I'm rather short about facts pertaining to Florence, but Pisa was a bucket list location. So, I must thank you, you have saved me time in searching some type of tour to go on."

"My grandfather liked Pisa, just did not care for all the tourists."

"I suppose there must be a lot of those."

"All for a building that leans," Ramon said, shrugging. "You know, there is much more to that, right?"

"I know some facts, yes. I know there is more to Pisa, then just a tower," she smirked. "It's all part of a rather large cathedral complex, right?"

"Yes and the tower is actually a bell tower. And you can even go into the cathedral actually, as long as it's not Sunday. And," he said, glancing over at her legs, "women are not in shorts." She gave him a mock glare before giving him a playful shove.

"Why did you tell me to wear shorts?"

"Purely selfish reasons, bella. One, I like the way you look in them. And two, you spending a good amount of time in my car, so I can check them out when I want." She couldn't help the blush that stained her cheeks from his simple flirting. "I also like that look on you."

"You mean those sports of red?" He nodded as he brought her hand up to his lips, a smirk playing upon her lips that drove her even wilder. He could admit it to himself, he enjoyed those looks. And as he glanced at her again, he almost had to question what was going on with him and in his own mind.