
Filling the holes in their hearts

I have been betrayed by one who is supposed to love me. I'm ready to revenge. Love is not real and I have had enough of it.

Itsene07 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chief Gani Alabi

"Rachel, how are you?" Anna asks. Anna was Rachel's elder sister. She recently got married and was based in Abuja and she was also a fashion designer.

"I'm fine. How is your husband? Don't you think it's not fair that you left him alone in Abuja?" Rachel asks.

"Charles is fine but you are not and so I'm here for you. How have you been coping?"

"Seriously Anna, I'm fine."

"How can you say that? Tunde betrayed you and you are acting as if you are not hurt. Rachel you love that guy."

"Loved. I used to love him but not anymore," Rachel replied. "Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that Tunde is not who I thought he was. It was really heartbreaking."

"Was?" Anna asks surprised.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm hurt but what can I do? It's all my fault. Maybe I should have waited a little longer before deciding to get married. I was mocking others even you Anna because I was getting married at that time."

"That's all in the past Rachel. How have you been coping?" Anna asks.

"I thank God for mum and dad especially dad. Ivy likes to be with him because he let's her have anything she wants."

"What are you going to do next? I know it's not easy but do you have any plans?"

"I have found a lawyer."

"Is the lawyer good?"

"From what I've heard, yes. She is Andre's sister," Rachel said.

"Andre's sister?"

"Yes. I told him what happened and he gave me her card and I went to see her and we made some arrangements. I will be going to see her again on Monday morning."

"Have you heard from Tunde since?"

"Yes, he has been sending me messages asking me to come back, threatening me with a law suit, threatening to take Ivy away from me and even insulting me."

"Is he mad?" Anna asks.

"I don't care. The idiot doesn't know all the messages will serve as evidence against him in court. The other day, his mum came to the shop and was threatening me saying the shop belongs to her son."

"Those people are terrible. I'm so sorry you are going through all this," Anna said hugging her sister.

"Me too. Me too Anna."

Just then Ivy wakes up crying.

"Thank God my baby is a finally awake," said Anna carrying her. "How are you sweetie?" Ivy starts to babble.

"She is hungry," Rachel replied giving Anna Ivy's bottle so she can feed her.

"Here you go Ivy. You are now a big girl o," Anna said. "What do you think about another cousin?"

"Wait a minute. Are you pregnant?" Rachel asks. Anna nods. "And you travelled all the way here? Are you crazy?"

"I'm fine. The doctor said I can travel and I didn't come by road."

"Still, you should be at home resting."

"I'm here and I will rest. It's nothing to worry about."

Andre was at his father's house waiting to see his dad. His father chief Jonathan Gani Alabi was a man who Andre didn't understand. He had fifteen children and 6 wives and Andre was the tenth child.

"Andre," said his dad joining him.

"Father, good evening," he replied.

"How is work going?"

"Work is fine father."

"I want to talk to you about something very important," said his dad. Andre didn't reply but poured himself a drink. His dad continued, "You know you are not getting any younger, you are thirty six years old."

"I know dad," he replied. "I am thirty six years old. Old."

"Well, a friend of mine has a very pretty daughter and I'm sure you will like her."

"Dad, Dave is thirty nine years old dad and I'm sure thirty nine is older than thirty six."

"Dave is not a serious person and you know it," said chief Alabi. Dave was Andre's step brother.

"Thank you for your concern but I'm not looking for a wife," Andre replied.

"Her dad is chief Akande and he can be very vital to your business Dre."

"Thanks but my business is doing fine and even if I have problems, I know who to go to."

"And who will you go to?"

"Uncle Clem," he replied. Clem was his mum's younger brother and he did not get along with his father.

"Andre, I think you should meet this girl before you conclude. Life is not all about partying and clubbing or even making money, you need your own family. Look at your sister Gladys, she already has too kids but you are still single."

"As if I don't know. Dad is this the reason you want to see me because you are boring me."

Just then Amara, chief Alabi's last wife comes in with her little daughter.

"Daddy, mummy does not want me to watch cartoon," said the little girl.

"Don't mind your mummy Daisy, you will watch cartoons. Won't you say hello to Andre?"

Amara goes in without saying anything to them.

"Hello uncle Andre," Daisy said.

"How are you Daisy?"

"I'm fine," she replied.

"Don't call me uncle next time, okay? Just call me Andre."

"Okay Andre," she replied smiling.

"Dad if that's all, I'll be on my way," Andre said. "And forget about your plans for me to marry your friend's daughter."

On his way out, Amara approached him. "Why did you come here?"

"This is my father's house," Andre replied.

"Look, you know you are not welcome here Dre. Stop coming here. If you want to see your dad, go to his office."

"Amara, you amaze me. Just because you married my dad doesn't mean you are important. Remember where you came from and if you are not careful, you will end up back there."

"You are jealous because your mum doesn't have favor with your dad," Amara said.

"My mum doesn't need favours from my dad unlike you gold digger. Even if she decides to stop working and stay at home doing nothing, my siblings and I can give her anything she wants and you know it. Have a good evening Amara."

Andre had three siblings, Gladys, Tracy and Alan and they were all doing very well in their fields. Despite the fact that Tracy lost her job, she was a very good marketer and Dre was planning on helping her start her own firm.

"So, tell me more about yourself Imade."

Imade was having dinner with Yusuf. Yes, he asked her out and the funny thing was that she was attracted to him.

"Well, I'm thirty two. I'm the last child of my mother and I have a lot of brothers. My dad has nine children and only three are girls."

"Interesting," he said.

"Yeah, I have a daughter and she is almost five."

"Were you ever married?"

"No, I've never been married," she replied.

"Does your daughter stay with you?"

"Yes, she does."

"How do you cope? With your job and everything."

"Well, I have amazing friends and I can easily work at home and so, it's no big deal," she replied. "What of you?"

"I'm from a typical muslim polygamous home. I'm the first child of my mum. I have two siblings though only God knows how many other children my dad has."

"Are you not close to your dad?"

"Not really but I'm very close to my mum. She is a very lively woman."

"I can imagine that," she said just before noticing Arnold sitting with a guy across the room.

"Is anything wrong?" Yusuf asks.

"No, nothing at all. So, how did you get into show biz?"

"I was hungry for success and I knew a lot of people that were ready to invest in the business and so I went into it."

"That's good. Did your parents accept it readily?"

"My mum did my dad didn't accept it at first but he had no choice to accept it."

"I would have felt like your dad because your job is infested with scandals and it's not easy to cope with it."

"Yes, it's not. But if you have a good PR, everything will be fine," he said. "Your partner has been involved in a scandal too."

"Anna is like a very bright light, people who like darkness always look for a way to bring her down but unfortunately, you can't cover the sun with a blanket."

"I guess so."

Throughout dinner, Imade avoided Arnold's gaze and focused on Yusuf.