

I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a while. I sighed and got outta bed and head to the showers. I got out and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I ran a hand through my hair.

I got dressed and head downstairs then I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and poured it into a glass. I then made my way to the living room.

Mom hadn't woken up yet. She likes to sleep till noon, I chuckled. Must be the old age. I sat down as I sipped the juice. I grabbed my phone to check the time. It was 10a.m. I put it back in my pocket.

I placed the empty glass on the coffee table in front of me. I grinned at the memory of last night, running in the rain. That's a crazy idea and she's a crazy girl. Wearing sweatpants in mid noon, that is weird right?

"I killed my parents..." A memory from my childhood hit me and I sat back. "My parents died from an accident ten years ago." I remembered. This sounds familiar, too familiar.

Maybe I just missed my friends back at the orphanage. But this doesn't quite add up and there are a lot of girls with auburn hair called Avery, right?

I stroked my chin for a while and stared into oblivion. The smile on her face when she saw the rain was strange but familiar. Then I remembered our first and last camping trip with.....I paused. Avery.

"Come on Jay, let's go." She yelled from outside. I rushed out with a binder in my hand. "You drive." She said getting in the passenger's side. I got in the car and started it then we began our journey.

We were heading to the university I was going to. I had to make a few details cleared with the admission office. They'd called me a few days ago and mom decided it was about time we went since opening day was approaching.

"Okay!" I drove the car to a halt and withdrew the keys. "We're here." I grinned and she sighed. I'd startled her out of her little road nap. She slowly made her out of the vehicle.

I followed her closely behind as we made our way to the huge campus. My feet were in desperate need of a stretch. I felt my blood cycle to my lower body stopped because of the long car ride.

It's a seven hour drive to the university, pretty far for me but at least I can go home on weekends. There it was, I thought as we approached the large building. Heaton University, I stared at the large sign on top of the building.

We walked in and head to the admission office where I talked to the assistant we'd run into. She's the one who called me. "This way please." She gestured me to follow her.

It wasn't a long process but I was just tired today and I think I had a cold. I'd brought some of my details to finalize admission. I sat on a bench bored for like two hours. It was getting dark but mom insisted this be done today.

Finally the assistant came back and gave me my binder. "All done." She said with an English accent, I smiled back as I received it. "We look forward to having you at campus in the next two weeks." She grinned. "Thank you." I smiled and she left.

I went back to reception and found my mom talking to someone. It was an older woman. I could hear their conversation as I approached them. "Okay! See you around Donna." The woman said and left before she flashed a smile at me.

"Who's that?" I asked her, "My old classmate. Her name's Margaret and she's the health assistant here." She told me. I nodded. "Are you done?" she asked and I nodded then we made our way out of campus.

I barely kept my eyes open when I was driving us home. I yawned as I held the steering wheel and flinched each time a car drove by flashing bright head lights at the wind shield.

Finally we arrived home and I sighed in relief and quickly got out of the car. Mom behind me, I went upstairs with not another word. I was too tired, "Goodnight love." I heard my mom say. "Night!" I answered and entered my room.

I made muffled noises in my sleep and twisted and turned consecutively. I was having a nightmare. I woke up abruptly screaming and sweating like I just ran a marathon. The door flung open and mom came in.

"Are you alright dear!" She grabbed a towel to dry off my sweat. I was breathing too heavily to answer, "Ooh sweetie, another nightmare?" she asked.

She patted the towel slowly on my forehead as I lay down. "It's okay, I'm here." She told me. I sighed heavily, "Thanks mom." I manage to say. "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you baby." She said.

"It was just flashes this time. I kept seeing my mother. My real mother telling me I'm not good enough and she kicked me out." I struggled and coughed. "I lay at the door crying for her to open the door but she never came."

"It's okay, it was just a dream. I'm sure she loves you so much." She said. "I can't even remember what she looks like. The image was blurry. I don't know anymore." I said. "Just calm down, your burning up dear." She said. "Sleep in tomorrow alright. Don't wake up till I come in." She smiled and tucked me in before she left.

It's 6p.m. and I am lying on the floor of my bedroom staring at the ceiling fan go round and round and round. Slowly gliding in the warm wind blowing in from my open window.

A buzz from my phone shook me from my pose of thought. It was a text from my mom. She was out with Mrs. Baker, Avery's mom. I was home alone and I wasn't really feeling all that well. She texted me to take my medicine and she wanted to know how I was feeling.

I got up and went to the bathroom then I opened my cabinet and grabbed a small bottle containing my medicine. I shut the cabinet door and went back to my room. I sighed heavily as I sat on my bed and opened the medicine bottle.

I quickly swallowed the pill and shoved it down with some water in a glass that was on the drawer beside my bed. I hated taking meds ever since I was little. I remember my late foster mom would bribe me with candy if I agreed to take medicine.

I slid back to the floor and went back to watching the ceiling fan. Then my eyes lit up for a second as I got a light bulb. If my mom was out with Mrs. Baker then Avery must be home alone just like I am.

I wonder if I should go visit her, it's been a while. I miss her and I wanna know if she remembers me. I frowned. If she did remember me she would've said something. Maybe like me she doesn't know what to say.

It's been ten years, that's a really long time. I have so many questions like has she met with any of the others? Or....I chuckled, actually that's the only question. As for how she was doing well I had a closer look at that a few weeks ago. Still traumatized by the death of her parents. I think I should call her first before I go over. I could feel jitters, then I shook my head. What am I ten?

I took my phone and dialled her number. It was ringing. "Hello!" She said, "Um, hi Avery." I said. "What is it?" she asked then I scratched the back of my neck. "Um, Is your mom home?" I asked her as I stood up and made my way to the window.

"Uh, she's out with your mom. I thought you'd be aware." She replied. "Oh, I am. I mean.....look are you home?" I asked nervously. "I'm not." She said.

I frowned and sighed quietly, "I'm escorting Bethel to the airport. She's leaving today." She told me. "Why?" she asked, "Nothing, never mind. Say goodbye to your friend for me." I said. "Um, okay. Bye." She said then I hung up.

I stood by the window a little disappointed. I sighed as I stared at the setting sun then I went back on the floor tossing my phone on the bed. I fell asleep.

"Huh!" I woke up abruptly as my phone rang and looked around. I couldn't see anything, it was dark. Night already. I remembered my phone was ringing, "What?" I asked. "Grumpy much." She said.

"Huh!....Avery?" I said. "Yeah, I'm at your door and it's so dark here so if you're not dead could you come open the door." She told me. I was so startled that I just quickly got up and went downstairs to open the door and turned on some of the lights.

"Hey!" She grinned, "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Gee, can I at least come in first?" she asked. "Oh, right!" I said then I let her in. She was going upstairs, "Hey, where are you going?" I asked as I followed her.

"To your room. Isn't it obvious haha." She laughed and ran upstairs. I sighed. Great. She opened the door and went inside. "It's better if we just hang out here." She said sitting on the gray bean bag by the window.

"Why do you have a bean bag in here?" she asked then I shook my head. "That's why." I said looking at her then she giggled. "Right!" "Sorry!" "Your room looks like pretty good hang." She scanned the room with her gleaming brown eyes.

I blamed the low light intensity in my room. "Do you want any snacks?" I asked her and she nodded, "Sure. Do you have any popcorn?" "Popcorn?" I raised my eyebrow. "Mh-hm." She said. "Let me see what I can find." I said and left.

I stared at the window for what seems like forever. I don't even know what I was doing here. Mom should be back home any minute, she'll be worried. I didn't tell her where I was going.

I really wanted to distract myself from Bethel leaving. I already cried a lot at the airport and I didn't want to do that some more at home, alone. Then I thought of Jam and you know so I stopped by.

I stood up and decided to look around the room. It was surprisingly huge plus well arranged and it smells lovely in here. What is this smell? I smiled as I thought. I stared at the orange led lights around the walls of the room. Cool.

I approached a shelf that was filled with some books and old movies, I guessed. I saw something that looked like an old scrap book. It had stickers on the top. I opened it and my eyes lit up as I saw photos of Jam as a kid.

I chuckled as I covered my mouth then flipped the pages. This page was strange since I couldn't stop staring at it. It was a picture of Jam and some other kids around a fire. It was dark so I couldn't see all their faces very well.

Then for just a moment I paused and squinted. I think I recognized one of the kids in this picture. She was sitting close to the fire so the light hit her perfectly. She had brown hair and she smiled at the fire in front of her. I stared at her, closely....and I remembered. "Pamela." I said and Jam came in and I quickly put back the book and grabbed a movie from the shelf without looking.

I stood awkwardly by the shelf as he entered with a bowl of popcorn. "What are you doing?" he asked me, "Uh, movie night." I smiled nervously as I held up the DVD. He looked shocked and so was I, I panicked.

He placed the popcorn on the floor and grabbed his computer turning it on. "Are you gonna stand there all night." He said not looking back at me. I chuckled nervously and went and sat on the bean bag.

I'd placed the movie on the bed so he just grabbed it and inserted it in the computer. He went and turned off the lights, "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh, I just got this projector application. It can be used on any surface. I've been waiting to try it out." He told me.

After he set everything up he came with the bowl of popcorn and sat next to me. "I'm not sure this bean bag is big enough for the both of us." I said and he grinned. "No worries, I just have to move closer."

Oh, he's definitely Jason. I recognize that playful glance anywhere. He always had it when teasing Monica. Why didn't I see this before, at the driveway the first day we met. That night when he was looking after me, the look of concern in those same ocean blue eyes he had back when I told him about my parents ten years ago.

We were watching "we bought a zoo", it was an old movie but not that old I guess. I tried to distract myself from everything by eating the popcorn. I wasn't even concentrating most of the time.

I could feel my stomach churn as I watched a part in the movie where Matt Damon who was playing Benjamin Mee was looking at his family's old pictures. Mostly his late wife, he'd finally build up the courage to look at them in a while.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "What's wrong? Avery." He asked, "Oh, uh nothing. Sad part alert, so." I sniffled. "Just that, her wife and their mom is....she's gone and I'll never see them again." I sobbed.

Before I knew it he'd pulled me into a hug and I cried all the more. "It's okay." He said, it felt like the old times where he'd flash me a warm smile and tell me it was gonna be okay.

I wonder if he remembers. If he did he would've said something by now. Maybe it was just a long time ago and you know it doesn't really matter anymore. Or he doesn't remember.

I'd gotten over myself later on and we just sat there watching the night sky. He insisted we climb to the roof for a better view. I was against it at first but once I caught a glimpse of the stars, there was no going back.

"I'll help keep you company." He said, "What?" I asked. "I assumed you might be feeling lonely because your best friend went off to college." He told me. "Oh, yeah thanks." I smiled. "I'll try to give you the best remaining time before I leave." He said.

"You said it again." I said inaudible. "Huh!" He turned to look at me. "When are you leaving?" I asked, "Next week. Friday." He replied and my eyes widened. "Really? Me too." I said and he grinned. "Awesome." "I guess I won't have to be worried about leaving you here after all." He said.

I chuckled nervously. Why's he acting like this? Does he remember or not. He's acting like how he did at the orphanage. I smacked my forehead with my palm. Maybe because he's just really nice and thoughtful.

Memories from the orphanage don't have to be the only reason Avery. "Thanks!!" I smiled at him and he held my hand and squeezed it really tight. "What are friends for." He smiled back then I turned my gaze to the night sky.

Finally feeling that warm feeling of home. Even if it's not with all my friends but at least one of them is here. It was gonna be okay, Avery.


I just want to thank each one of you for your time and finishing this road with me.

But the journey isn't over yet...

New friends, love complications, old flames and prodigal daughters in the next sequel of fighting battles: birth pangs.

Join me next on INTO THE FOG! :)

doublyn_carlsoncreators' thoughts