

Unsurprisingly, when Mars pressed the red button, the hatch immediately reopened as it was obvious that people would be wanting to rank up as quick as possible, so Mars quickly entered the hatch, and like before he was transported to the Arena in which he would be fighting.

The Arena was once again a simple white room, and his opponent was stood on the other side of the room, but this didn't last long, as the man with long black hair began to sprint at him with a knife in his hand.

Mars decided his best option would be to disarm and then attack the man, so he waited for him to reach him. After a few moments, the enemy arrived in close proximity to Mars, and he slashed down with his knife, only to miss by a fraction of a hair, as Mars tried to keep the distance between them as small as possible.

Before the enemy could recover his position and use his knife again, Mars grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to drop the knife to the floor. He tried to scramble towards it, clearly not confident in a fight without it, but Mars didn't let him, as he kicked him in the ribs and heard a crack.

He then let the man start reaching for the knife, before he stomped on his hand as hard as possible, causing it to audibly shatter beneath his feet.

Mars then picked up the knife and cut the tendons at the back of the mans heels to make him permanently disabled, just in case he would become his future opposition.

'Mars is the winner. One win has been added to his record. If the victor wishes to continue battling against another opponent, press the red button which will appear now.'

Mars was happy to see the addition of the new red button, as it would mean he could go directly to another battle, rather than returning to his cell and pressing the red button in his room.

He obviously pressed the button, and with his former opponent's knife in hand proceeded to go through the hatch which had appeared.

Within a few seconds, he found himself in another room with a middle aged man in it, he had quite a lot of muscle on him and was covered in scars which made him look intimidating. However, Mars simply saw this as evidence that he was terrible at dodging attacks which would be a positive for him.

Without hesitation, Mars ran straight for the man and readied the knife in his hand. The man got into a fighting stance, more specifically a defensive stance, and awaited the attack from Mars' knife.

However, before he could even realise, a knife was flying towards his head which he barely managed to block, although this left him vulnerable.

Vulnerable enough, in fact, for Mars to sweep the man's legs out from beneath him and catch the knife which was falling through the air. He then proceeded to deliver a clean slash to the man's wrist before dodging a punch from his other hand.

Mars shot a kick forward at the man's knee and felt it being unnaturally pushed backwards causing a grunt of pain to escape the man's mouth.

As the man was on the floor, Mars looked down at him, knife still in hand, and he proceeded to jam it into the enemies right knee, and then his left, which caused them both to look incredibly mangled and unusable.

'Mars is the winner. One win has been added to his record. If the victor wishes to continue battling against another opponent, press the red button which will appear now.'

Once again, Mars pressed the button that appeared and left the room, his enemy still lying on the floor, with no care for what would happen to him in the future.

After entering the newest room, Mars could tell something was different, as the enemy in front of him had a shield that seemed to have a sword protruding from the top of it, which would allow for both offence and defence in a relatively versatile manner, although the movements might be slightly awkward.

The wielder of this weapon was a woman who looked to be in her twenties, and despite having a scar across her face, she was quite attractive.

She tried to speak to Mars rather than charge at him, "Hi, I'm Emma. I would rather not fight if I'm being honest, and I'll make it worth your while if you surrender, if you know what I mean."

Mars did not reply, instead approaching her slowly with his knife held tightly.

"Not much of a talker huh? I'll take your silence as a yes to my request, I'm a good judge of character, I can tell by your slow walking that you're nervous, you don't have to worry about anything, trust me."

Still no response from Mars, but he was inching closer and closer every second. The closer he got, the closer to victory Emma thought she was.

She had survived her time in The Arena by sleeping with men as a reward if they surrendered to her and gave her a win. She thought she was going to have another easy win, so she started to undress seeing that her soon to be latest free win was getting closer.

What she didn't take into account however, was the knife that was flying towards her now completely exposed chest, and lodged itself inside firmly.

"Wh-why? I thought we had a deal."

Mars got closer and twisted the knife inside of her, before pulling it out and slashing her throat cleanly, "I don't make deals with whores."

He picked up the woman's weapon and turned away from her.

'Mars is the winner. One win has been added to his record. If the victor wishes to continue battling against another opponent, press the red button which will appear now.'

He turned back and pressed the button once more, ready to win one more battle before purchasing a mystery box and calling it a day as he only needed a single more win.

He entered the tube and found himself face to face with something he was incredibly surprised by. It was an elderly man, but Mars knew better than to judge based off of someone's appearance.

The old man was holding a cane, and began to slowly hobble over to Mars. However, Mars did not feel sympathy in this situation, as he equipped his new swordshield and put his knife in his back pocket before he approached at a normal pace just in case the old man had any tricks up his sleeve.

This was the right decision, as when he was moderately close, the old man's cane started to look strange before transforming into a flexible sword that acted like a whip and came flying towards Mars.

He deflected this attack with his new shield, and charged forward confidently before bashing into the old man. This knocked the disguise off of the enemy, as a younger face was revealed of the same man, but around thirty years younger.

He rolled backwards to regain composure, but Mars didn't let the assault stop, as he pushed forward and stabbed straight at the man with the blade of the swordshield.

This, in association with the man's poor attempt at a dodge, caused the blade to pierce the enemies arm before Mars ripped the sword back out and attacked once more.

This time opting for a surprise attack with the knife which the man had not yet seen, as he quickly pulled the knife out and threw it at the man in an efficient and accurate manner.

The knife easily found itself in the man's eye socket, his eyeball bleeding due to having been sliced clean in half.

The man fell backwards, and showed no signs of movement.

"Shouldn't have used a shitty woman's weapon. Better luck in your next life."

'Mars is the winner. One win has been added to his record. If the victor wishes to continue battling against another opponent, press the red button which will appear now.'

Mars walked back to the hatch which had opened up, and instead of pressing the red button he simply entered it and was sucked up and dropped back into his cell.

He decided to see how he was meant to purchase the mystery boxes, and assumed the way it was done was via the machine in the corner of the room.