
Fight Or Die

THE STORY LINE FIGHT OR DIE Before the actual start of this story, here is a little introduction of the main characters. This story is based on four best friends who are always trying to find extraordinary in ordinary and their moto of life is to live at the fullest having no regrets behind. CHARACTERS NAMES: 1:Amy: The leader of the team, bravest and the most intelligent in times of need. 2:amelia: Not much into traveling or adventure, rather stay home and watch dramas. But when duty calls, its now or never. 3:elish:- responsible one, Savage and sassy. Has the best aim of guns. Good at handling weapons. 4:ashy; The laziest, yet with a bubbly and funny personality. Always has the back of other team mates. Can trust her blindfolded.

Amna_UwU · Thanh xuân
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Fight Or Die

- Our families are gone, everything is destroyed. I dont even know how things turned out this way. I hate it. I really do.

Why are we still alive? I dont know. Maybe we will never know. But whatever it is one thing must be very clear, we must accept our fate.

So its either survival, or its either death. Iam fine with both.-


9:38 pm

"Amy? Can you come here dear?" Someone calls out for her as she roll her eyes in annoyance. She gets up from the chair and walks towards the door of her room.


"Kids these days!! I just wanted some water. Gone through all of that pain to raise you and this is how you treat us?" Amy sighed, she knew she shouldn't have talked to her mother in such tone.

"Fine! I will get you some water. Give me a minute" She poured some water in a glass and walked into the T.V lounge, where her mother was sitting on a sofa, watching the news.

Amy put the glass of water on the table and sat beside her. "Mom?" She called out softly to her. "Mom? Hey, are you listening?" She said again, but her mother seems to be too indulged in the news.

"UGH! IS IT THIS IMPORTANT!?" Amy looked at the T.V screen in frustration.

Breaking news, a deadly virus has began to spread in the outskirts of a nearby town. Its type is not known yet. But the government has adviced every citizen to stay in their houses as much as possible. Lock all doors and windows. The virus doesn't seem to be in the city yet, but chances are.

"Is that true....?" Amy looked at her mother in confusion. "If its on the news it is. We must take care of ourselves from now on dear" her mother who was in a silent mode, now finally spoke. "And it means..." Her mother pointed at her.

"No more hanging out with friends outside" Amy's eyes widened. "You are joking right?" Her mother shook her head. "Does it look like iam?" Amy sighed and laid back on the sofa. "UGHH I HATE EVERYTHING!? ITS JUST STUPID. WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS TRUE OR NOT!" she complained.

"I saw it on the news. It cannot be fake. So do as i say and you wont get the virus." Her mother put the T.v remote aside and drank some water. Amy looked at her in disbelief.

"Since when have you started believing in such childish news. You always tell me to he realistic. But today-" Her mother cut her off midst statement.

"A mother knows more than her children. I dont want to hear another word. Now go back to your room. You have a test tomorrow"


"I trust the school staff, they know how to take care of children. Unlike some teenagers. Now go "

Amy rolled her eyes and stomped back to her room. She walked towards her window, which was open. She had opened it earlier to let some fresh air inside. She looked out and closed her eyes.

"We dont even know if its true. But if it is, what will happen to us?"

She sighed.

Monday Morning

ashy's house

"That movie was actually good. I promised myself i wasn't gonna cry" Amelia sobbed wiping away her tears.

Ash and Amelia are high school best friends. They've spent most of their high school life together. Today, Amelia was having a sleepover at ashy's house.

They both decided to watch a movie the next morning. Before Amelia would head out.

"You are being over dramatic. It wasn't even that emotional." Ashy switched off the T.V. "but the hero died....isnt it heartbreaking ?"

Just as Ashy was about to speak. She was interrupted by someone.



Amelia and ashy both went downstairs. "Good morning aunt" amelia passed Ashy's mother a smile, while Ashy said nothing and took a seat at the table.

"Good morning Amelia, breakfast is ready. Take a seat " Amelia sat down.

"Iam starving!" She said.

Ashy's mother served them breakfast. Amelia began to dig in but Ashy wasnt in a good mood. "What is this mom? CEREAL, AGAIN!??" she complained.

Her mother look at her and sighed. " Sweetie, this was all we had today. I promise i will get you something better to eat tomorrow"

"NO! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS" Ashy shoved the cereal bowl aside.

"ASHY!? NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THIS BREAKFAST! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Amelia glared at her best friend. Who was fuming with anger.

"Yeah, nothing wrong, unless you have to eat it every stupid day for the rest of your life!"

"Ashy..." Her mother called out to her softly. " GOD I HATE BEING THIS POOR!" Ashy complained and stormed off outside.

Amelia rushed behind her. "WAIT!!!!"

both of them reached school by walking. It was near the house so it wasn't that far of a distance.

they reached school and hurried towards their lockers

"HOPE WE ARE NOT LATE" Ashy opened her locker and grabbed her books. "Yeah but if we are, its your fault. Thanks to you for throwing a tantrum in front of your mother." Amelia consulted.

"Whatever, i rather starve than to eat cereal for the 10th time in a row"

Just then, two girls walked past them. "Have you seen that news about the virus?" Ashy stopped and looked at them.

"Yeah! Iam so scared. My mother have restricted my younger brother from going to school these days. What if he gets the virus?" The other girl said.

"I heard that it spreads more rapidly in young teenagers. Ahh iam so scared"

Amelia raised her brow and looked at Ashy. "Ash?" She spoke.

"The virus.... Is this really true?" Ashy asked, still looking down. "Yeah, a 100%" Amelia replied. "And its coming from the little town near our city. Right?"

"Yeah, all of this is true. But why are you asking?" Amelia looked confused.

"No, nothing. I will tell you later. Lets head to the class now."



Elish's mansion

"No....no!!!" Elish woke up in the middle of the night, gasping for air. She looked around.

"Just a dream Elish.... Just a dream...." She sighed and got up from her bed.

She got out her phone from her pocket. "Zombie virus...zombie virus....zombie...." She froze.

her hands stopped working and her fingers stopped moving as she looked at the latest news in her phone

Elish is the daughter of a multi-millionair businessman. She has everything she one can ever think of. Expensive clothes, jewellery designer bags and a mansion

But the problem was, her parents were always out of country for Business. She rarely ever saw them. She was so used to living alone that it perhaps never bugged her to be this lonely

She calmed herself down dialed a number. She put the phone near her ear. "Hello?"

"Who am i speaking to right now?"


"Who? Sorry i dont recognize you"

"Let me talk to Matt"

"Matt? Oh you mean the boss?"

"Whatever he is. Yes!"

"sorry you cant "

"I SAID, LET ME TALK TO MATT. DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?" The lady on the other side of the phone flinched.

"Most certainly mam, just a second"

Elisha bit her fingernail as she waited for the specific person to get on the line with her.