
Fifth King

My name is Shaytan. Just Shaytan. Every morning at five, I start my day like anyone else—cereal, eggs, or toast, followed by a meticulous brushing session where I avoid any contact with the damn bogey lurking in the mirror. I have a roommate, a werewolf. We are best friends and also classmates. After school, I work as a bartender in a nearby pub, where apart from your regular humans, other creatures also get together for a drink. Aside from these quirks, my life was relatively normal — until everything turned upside down. The peacefulness of the night seems to be over, the Fifth King is preparing for war — perhaps for world domination —, and common sense has evaporated somewhere along the way. And somehow, I got right in the middle of this glorious mess.

ErenaWrites · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs


A makeover is like switching from regular coffee to fancy lattes—looks impressive, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still caffeine-addicted.


In the middle of the night, soft rustling filled the small study.

Lil's gaze grew distant, her fingers moving with delicate precision as she sketched the artifact from memory. The soft glow of the lamp cast gentle shadows on her face, making her look both serene and absorbed in her work. I found myself drawn to her focus, unable to look away.

She didn't look up but she was acutely aware of me observing her. Her voice was gentle but inquisitive. "What is it about me that has you so captivated? Can't you look elsewhere?"

I chuckled softly, my eyes still locked on her. "You're focused, creating something important, and there's something calming about watching you work."

She raised an eyebrow, but a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Is that so?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Lil's eyes softened but she still didn't look up from her sketch. "Well, if you find it calming, then I suppose I don't mind."

She continued her drawing, and I watched, silently appreciating the way her concentration made the air feel thicker with purpose.

Lil glanced up from her sketching, her eyes catching the sight of me sprawled in the chair. I had tilted my head to the side, resting my face on my arms propped up on the back of the chair. My posture made me look like a content cat napping, a slight smile lingering on my lips as I watched her work.

"You look like you're about to purr," Lil remarked, her voice carrying a touch of amusement.

I chuckled softly, stretching out a bit more in the chair. "Maybe I am."

She returned to her sketching, but her gaze lingered on me for a moment. There was a softness in her eyes that wasn't there before, as if my contented state had somehow eased a part of her own tension.

"I didn't expect this," she said after a while. "You being so... peaceful."

"Well, I can be," I winked at her.

Lil finished her sketch, her hand pausing as she held it up for me to see. I got up from the chair, walking over to her desk, and stood a little closer than usual, peering at the drawing. She didn't seem to mind my proximity.

The sketch was of a casket, detailed and intricate. It wasn't just any casket; it had symbols and runes etched into its surface, giving it an aura of mystique and significance. The craftsmanship was evident in the delicate lines and shading that brought the artifact to life.

I studied the drawing intently, trying to absorb every detail. "This is impressive, Lil. The design is intricate and beautiful. Is this how the artifact looks?"

She nodded, her eyes meeting mine with a touch of vulnerability. "Yes, this is what I saw. It's an important piece, and Belizár's interest in it only makes it more significant."

I glanced back at her, noticing how her focus was now on the drawing rather than on me. I studied Lil's face, noting the tired lines beneath her eyes despite her focused expression.

"You know, you really should get some rest. "

Lil hesitated, her fingers lingering on the edges of the sketch. "I'm fine. I'm used to pushing through."

I shook my head. "You're human, Lil. Your body needs rest to recover, just like anyone else's. It's important, especially if you want to replenish your magic."

She looked at me, a mix of reluctance and weariness in her eyes. "I suppose I've been pushing it a bit. But I've got so much on my mind, I can't seem to turn it off."

I smiled gently, trying to ease her concerns. Lil's resistance seemed to waver. She gave a small sigh, her shoulders relaxing. "You're probably right. I guess I could use some sleep."

"Good," I said, nodding. "Why don't you head to bed? I can keep an eye on things for you."

She gave me a grateful smile, standing up from her chair. As Lil moved towards her bedroom, I made sure to tidy up the area, making sure everything was in order.

I settled back onto the living room sofa, but sleep eluded me. The quiet of the house seemed almost oppressive in its stillness, and every time I closed my eyes, the images from my earlier dream resurfaced.

I was staring up at the ceiling when Lil's voice drifted from the bedroom. "Shay, you can come in here."

I froze for a moment, my mind racing. Was this an invitation? My heart skipped a beat at the thought, but then Lil's voice cut through the uncertainty. "You clearly can sleep better with someone's heartbeat close by, so…"

A chuckle escaped me, a mix of relief and mild disappointment.

As I made my way to her bedroom, I found myself smiling. It wasn't the most romantic of gestures, but it was genuine, and there was something comforting about the simplicity of it. I nudged the door open and stepped inside, where Lil was already settled under the covers.

She looked up at me with a faint, tired smile. "I hope you don't mind the company."

I shook my head, slipping into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Not at all. Thank you."

Lil patted the space next to her. "Just… don't expect a lot of conversation. I'm really hoping to get some sleep."

I nodded, lying down beside her but keeping a respectful distance. The soft rise and fall of her breathing, combined with the warmth of the room, was a soothing balm for my restless mind. I found myself gradually relaxing, the sound of her heartbeat providing a reassuring rhythm.

"Goodnight, Shay," she murmured, her voice soft with fatigue.

"Goodnight," I replied, settling in.

I settled onto the bed beside Lil, the softness of the mattress contrasting sharply with the firmness of the sofa I had just left. Her scent—a subtle mix of lavender and something faintly citrusy—filled my nostrils, a gentle reminder of her presence. It was soothing and calming, a fragrant cocoon that helped ease the lingering tension in my body.

The warmth radiating from her was palpable, a comforting heat that seeped through the thin barrier of the blankets. I could feel her body heat brushing against mine, a reassuring warmth that felt both intimate and safe. Her heartbeat, a steady and rhythmic drumming, pulsed softly in my ears, a natural lullaby that coaxed my mind towards relaxation.

As I settled into the bed, I could hear her breathing, deep and even, mingling with the soft sounds of the night outside. The combination of her heartbeat and breath created a calming symphony, a steady, reassuring presence that helped to quiet my restless thoughts.

As I settled into the bed, I could hear her breathing, deep and even, mingling with the soft sounds of the night outside. The combination of her heartbeat and breath created a calming symphony, a steady, reassuring presence that helped to quiet my restless thoughts.

I adjusted my position slightly, trying to find the perfect balance between closeness and respect for her space. As I finally began to drift off, the last thoughts that crossed my mind were a mix of contentment and the realization that, in this small, quiet moment, there was something deeply comforting about being so close to another person.


The next morning, I woke to a strange mix of warmth and softness. My first instinct was to stretch, but I quickly realized that something—or rather someone—was tangled up with me. I blinked groggily and looked down to see Lil's head resting on my shoulder, her hair splayed across my chest. Her breath was warm and gentle against my skin, and I had to suppress a chuckle at how awkwardly we had ended up.

"Lil," I murmured, giving her a gentle shake. "Time to wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she looked as confused as I felt. She shifted slightly, her face brushing against my chest. I could feel her warm breath against my skin, and I couldn't help but notice the way her body pressed against mine.

"Mmm," she mumbled, stretching lazily. "What time is it?"

"Early," I replied, trying to ignore the way her proximity was affecting me. "But I guess you were so tired, you decided to claim the best part of the bed."

She blinked up at me, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "I suppose I did."

The air between us crackled with an unexpected tension, a mixture of humor and something a little more charged. I shifted slightly, trying to make space, but it only seemed to bring us closer together. Her hand, which had been resting on my chest, brushed against my side, sending a shiver up my spine.

"So," I said, trying to sound casual despite the growing heat between us, "how was your sleep? Comfortable?"

Lil's cheeks turned a faint pink, and she glanced away, her smile turning a bit sheepish. "Quite... cozy. I didn't realize I had such a talent for stealing pillows."

"Ah, I see," I replied with a teasing grin. "Well, I guess I should be honored to be your personal pillow."

She chuckled, a sound that was both soft and infectious. As we both tried to disentangle ourselves, the awkwardness was punctuated by a series of stifled laughs and slightly embarrassed glances. Lil finally sat up, running a hand through her disheveled hair, while I tried to regain some semblance of dignity, attempting to smooth out the wrinkles in my clothes.

"Alright," I said, standing up and stretching, "how about we make breakfast?"

As we bustled around the kitchen, the aroma of cooking breakfast filled the air. I glanced over at Lil, who was expertly flipping eggs while I worked on frying bacon. The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over everything.

"Hey, Lil," I said, breaking the comfortable silence. "How's your magic holding up?"

She glanced at me, her focus briefly shifting from the eggs to my face. "It's mostly back to normal. The shields around my house are stabilized now, so you can leave me alone without worrying about any breaches."

"Glad to hear it," I replied, sliding a crispy strip of bacon onto a plate. "Before I head out, though, there's actually a favor I'd like to ask."

Her brow furrowed slightly in curiosity. "A favor? What's up?"

I leaned casually against the counter, my fingers tapping lightly on the edge. "I'll tell you after breakfast."

So we sat and ate quickly. As we were heading to Lil's study I finally decided that it's time.

 "Can you change the color of my hair?" I asked, half-expecting her to laugh or dismiss the idea outright. Mazen would have certainly refused on principle.

Lil's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she soon recovered and asked, "What color are you thinking of?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I admitted. "I want something that looks good but is a bit showy."

Lil eyed me thoughtfully for a moment. "Green is definitely not your color. Red is out of the question... how about blue?"

I nodded, feeling pleased with her suggestion. "Darker blue it is."

Without even muttering a spell, I could already feel her magic weaving through my hair. It was a strangely pleasant sensation, like a gentle tickle against my scalp. As she returned to her research, I retreated to the bathroom to check out the results. When I saw my reflection, I couldn't help but smile. My hair was now a deep, vibrant blue that looked both striking and sophisticated.

While I was admiring my new look, I noticed Lil's various nail polishes on a shelf. My smile widened as an idea struck me. I hummed to myself, picked up a couple of bottles of polish, and headed back to the study. I flopped down on the chair and began applying the polish.

Lil glanced up from her papers, her eyes widening as she took in my handiwork. "So? Why the sudden urge for a new hairstyle?"

I continued painting my nails, switching from a bold red to an azure blue. "I've got a hunter on the loose," I declared, applying another coat of polish.

Lil frowned. "And you want to use your new hair colour to...?"

"...teach them a lesson," I finished her sentence.

Lil's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she watched as I painted my nails with a rainbow of colors. I flashed her a flirtatious smile, showing off my multicolored fingertips. "Well? Do you like it?"

She giggled, her laughter light and infectious. "Charming."

"I think so too," I said with a grin. "I'm sure the elders will forget all about the gay hunters' problem the moment they see my glowing persona." I frowned in mock disappointment. "Ah! I've messed up!"

Lil's giggles turned into full-blown laughter. She finally set aside her pen and with the flick of her hand moved her chair next to mine. She sat next to me, taking the nail polish from my hand. With practiced, careful strokes, she began to correct my amateurish application.

"Admit it," she said, her voice playful, "You just love the limelight."

"Guilty as charged," I replied with a smirk. "I'd like to change them all to a different colour," I added, and she just nodded with a smile.

She painted my nails in silence for a while.

"Aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation?" she asked suddenly. "It is an open secret among the chiefs of the hunters that you are the Hueless King."

A mischievous half-smile curved my lips. "That's the best part, Lil! I'm a king, after all. Even if I make a spectacle of myself, what can they do to me?"

Lil grimaced slightly, but her eyes were dancing with amusement.

"I've been called a disgrace to the family up until now," I continued. "This is the perfect chance to give them a real reason to call me that."

Lil's smile broadened as she finished painting my nails. She blew on them to dry them instantly, her breath scorching and warm, making the polish set quickly. Her fingers lingered on mine, and I could feel the gentle warmth of her. As she set the polish aside, I noticed the way she looked at me, her eyes lingering with a hint of something deeper.

Lil's mischievous golden eyes met mine, and for a moment, there was a charged silence between us. Her gaze dropped to my lips, but then she quickly looked away. As her gaze lingered on me with an almost mischievous spark, I couldn't resist pushing the boundaries a bit further.

"You know, Lil," I began, a smirk tugging at my lips, "if I didn't know better, I'd say you're enjoying this more than I am."

Lil's eyes flicked up to meet mine, a hint of surprise in her expression. She was clearly caught off guard by my teasing tone. "I'm just helping you. That's all," she said, trying to sound nonchalant.

I leaned in a little closer, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is that so? Because from where I'm sitting, it looks like you're having a bit of fun. I might even say you're quite the artist."

Lil's eyes widened slightly, and she shifted uncomfortably, though her lips were quirked in a faint smile. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

"Only when I'm in good company," I replied smoothly, my gaze locking with hers then I retreated abruptly.

I looked down at my freshly painted nails, admiring the vibrant hues of blue and the playful pops of color. "Well, Lil," I said with a grin, "I think it's time for me to go."

I flashed her a mischievous smile. "You know, I've got a reputation to uphold. I need to dazzle some hunters and make a bit of a statement. Besides," I added looking deep into her eyes. "I wouldn't want to keep you from your important research."

Lil laughed softly, a genuine smile lighting up her face. "I suppose you have a point. You do look quite… striking."

"I aim to impress," I said, winking at her. "And who knows, maybe the sight of my new look will give those hunters something to talk about for weeks."

As I moved towards the study door, I glanced back at her, letting my gaze linger just a bit longer than necessary. "Thanks for the company and the makeover. It's been more fun than I expected."

As Lil returned to her research, her focus seemed to waver as she stole one last glance at me.

Lil's eyes met mine with a warm, lingering look. "Don't mention it, Shay. And if you need more colors you know where to find me."

I knew she wouldn't admit it, but I could tell she was enjoying this playful side of me. And somehow, I found that thought more comforting than I'd expected.