
Fiction Master

When San Yunjin recalled her memories from her past life, she realized that she was in a modern fantasy world, where anime and manhwa logic was applicable. Average people would have panicked, or like most manhwa protagonists, they would have already formed a plan to insure their survival, using some cheat or trick in the system or obtaining some OP ability. But San Yunjin isn't like any protagonist. Unlike others, San Yunjin doesn't need some game system trick or some magical tower's excessive training to obtain an OP ability. Because she already naturally has one! San Yunjin sighed. "I'm way too overpowered, aren't I?"

eliminy · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


I looked up at the floating blue hologram.



Loud cheering echoed all around me, and I realizd that I was in fact... sitting in probably the largest auditorium I've ever seen. 

The hell?

I looked left and right, then I looked down at myself. I was wearing the Lanternn Eoa Academy's white and blue uniform. 

Oh right...

It's the entrance ceremony today...

Dispite my best attempts at calming myself down, I felt a shiver run down my spine after remembering.

Wow... I'm actually here...! At Lanternn...! 

I gulped.

"And now! For the highest three ranking students' rewards!"

The roars all around me only got louder and louder, so when I glanced back down at the stage, I understood why.

Of course...

There, down there, standing on the stage... were three students. And not just any students.

They were the three aforementioned elites of the school!

"With their exceptional talents and hardwork, they became the highest ranking cadets in the Preparatory Military Hero Academy, before gracing us with their presence here in Lanternn Eoa Academy!" 

The anncouncer chimed, and the audience rejoiced and applauded the three special students climbing up to the stage, standing in a straight line in front of the Academy's director, Madame Kang Chaerin, who was smiling broadly while holding three gold metals.

"You have done extravagantly well, my dear cadets. I wish you will continue being great in the future!" 

She grinned. 

One of the three students walked forward, and she gave him his metal. I recognized him immediately due to the sudden loudness of the crowd.

Yes. It was very much Korea's infamous heartthrob cadet, Lee Kyu-hyung, the first ranking student from the Preparatory Military Hero Academy. 

So it is him...

Handsome, intelligent, strong, but most importantly good and just, Lee Kyu-hyung had everything. It was pretty obvious that he'd be ranked first at the Military Academy, and I bet that he'll definitely rank first after four years here in Lanternn. 

Lee Kyu-hyung charmingly smiled at the director and bowed gratefully, like the polite guy he is. 

"Kyaaaah! He's so handsome!"

"Tch! What a show off!"

"Well, he kinda deserves it. I mean, he's the youngest cadet to actually kill a Martaria Tyrant."

"He did!? Oh my God, just what is that guy?"

I snickered.

How expected.

Next was the second ranking student, Kim Jae-hee. As the director gave him his metal, he smiled as well.

"Woah! So that's Kim Jae-hee!?"

"Yeah! He's so amazing!"

"I wish I was as talented as him!"

I snorted.

So they partially favor Kim Jae-hee? That's a new thing.

It's probably because they don't like the fact that a commoner like Lee Kyu-hyung is greater than them. 


Kim Jae-hee stood next to Lee Kyu-hyung, and although not so visible, it was very obvious to me that they were glaring at each other.

Basic rivals, huh? Well, I bet Kim Jae-hee would turn into a villain due to this inferiority complex he harbors for Lee Kyu-hyung.

But only time could tell...

I skeptically stared down at the stage, then glanced up to scrutinize the floating holograms. 

They weren't just floating hologram screens, they were actually the box where various important figures and guildmasters sat, watching the ceremony.

Through the translucent screens I could see them. Their eyes were solely fixed on Lee Kyu-hyung.

Of course they were. He was the strongest, and everybody wanted to scout him into their guild.

I sighed. 

Everyone had thought the same when recruiting hunters or heroes: they must be exceptionally strong and talented. Of course, it was an understandable mindset, considering how strong the monsters around the world have become, and how needed those talented heroes were. But that also kind of marginalized the lost talents. The gems in the rough. 

Like me.

But eh. What can we do? All I had to do was use my secret talents and abilities to actually showcase my brightness among these elite cadets.

But I won't...

At least, not now... and not anytime soon...

It would be quite unadvantageous to reveal my greatness, since it'd only bring troublesome attention.

Especially in this fictional world.

As the third ranking student, the cold Hwan Dokji, took his metal, and the audience applauded and cheered, I drowned in my own thoughts, thinking back to the first time I realized I was in this fantasy world.